Lately, when I've tried to load relationships in the relationships panel from the tree view, it timesout and loads a blank white page. Is this happing to anyone else? Mike Stangel?
Lately, when I've tried to load relationships in the relationships panel from the tree view, it timesout and loads a blank white page. Is this happing to anyone else? Mike Stangel?
It seems to be happening especially in relation to complicated messes.
Load this profile, go to his tree and try and load his relationships.
Loup III de Gascogne, duc de Gascogne
I got another one:
I think what's happing is a load error but instead of loading in that div, it opens this white page.
Okay it *is* timing out but for some reason you're not seeing the correct timeout message. Here's what it does for me:
What browser are you using?
Yeah, weird. I rebooted to double check. That profile loads now (maybe because i fixed some realtionships in the area) so I found another one.
Loup II, duc de Gascogne