Immediate Family
About Åsa (Aasa) Eysteinsdotter
Åsa Eysteinsdotter var datter av Eystein Hardråde. Hun var gift med Halvdan Kvitbein og de to hadde sønnene Gudrød Halvdansson og Eystein Halvdansson.
Åsas sønn Eystein ble gift med Hild Eiriksdotter og de to fikk sønnen Halvdan Eysteinsson den gavmilde/Milde.
En del oppgir (708-739) som år for fødsel og død.
English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A1lfdanar_saga_Eysteinssonar
From "The Ynglinga Saga":
Halfdan Hvitbein became a great king. He was married to Aasa, a daughter of Eystein the Severe, who was king of the Upland people, and ruled over Hedemark. Halfdan and Aasa had two sons, Eystein and Gudrod. ..."
Noted events in her life were:
• She was a Drottning in Norway.
Åsa married Halvdan "Hvitbeinn" Olofsson, son of Olav "Tretelgja" Ingjaldsson and Solveig Halvdansdatter av Solør, circa 700 in Norway. (Halvdan "Hvitbeinn" Olofsson was born about 680 in Norway and died about 715 in Toten, Oppland, Norway.)
Father: Øystein HARDRÅDE
Family 1 : Halvdan Olavsson KVITBEIN
Kilde: nermo.org
Åsa married Halvdan "Kvitbein" Olofsson, son of Olav "Tretelgja" Ingjaldsson and Solveig Halvdansdatter Av Solør. (Halvdan "Kvitbein" Olofsson was born about 660 in Norway and died about 745 in Toten, Oppland, Norway.)
Född: 680 , Norge
Äktenskap: Halvdan " Hvitbeinn "Olofsson ca 700 i Norge
Död: 718 , Norge åldern 38
Ett annat namn för Åsa var Åsa Øysteinsdatter AV Oplandene .
Allmänna hänvisningar:
Från "The Ynglinga Saga " :
" 49 . AV Halfdan HVITBEIN .
Halfdan Hvitbein blev en stor konung . Han var gift med Aasa , en dotter till Eystein den svåra , som var kung i Uppland folket, och härskade över Hedemarken . Halfdan och Aasa fick två söner, Eystein och Gudröd . ... "
Noterade händelser i hennes liv var:
• Hon var en Drottning i Norge.
Åsa gift Halvdan " Hvitbeinn "Olofsson, son till Olav " Tretelgja " Ingjaldsson och Solveig Halvdansdatter AV Solør , ca 700 i Norge. ( Halvdan " Hvitbeinn Olofsson föddes omkring 680 i Norge och dog omkring 715 i Toten , Oppland , Norge. )
1 Wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/ ).
2 Snorre Sturlasson (ca 1179 till 1241 ), http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/ ( Om 1225 ) , "Den YNGLINGA Saga " .
Åsa var datter av kong Øystein Hardråde som styrte i Oppland og Hedemark
Han var gift med Åsa, dotter av opplendingskongen Øystein. Dei fekk to søner, Øystein og Gudrød.
Halfdan was to become a great king, who married Åsa, the daughter of king Eystein, the ruler of Oppland and Hedmark. They had two sons, Öystein Halfdansson and Gudröd.
More than twenty years ago, a teaching colleague announced over lunch: "Osberg, I see your name in print." He held a sugar packet depicting a Viking Ship with the caption: The Oseberg Ship - A fine example of a Viking Longship. This launched me on a journey to discover not only the origins of my name but its intimate link to Viking history. Despite being proud of my Swedish ancestry (my great grandfather was a Swedish sea captain), my name derives from a small town in Norway (somewhere along the way my ancestors dropped an 'e'). The town of Oseberg was the site of the excavation of the Oseberg Ship, one of the few Viking Ships whose remains were reconstructed. The other is the Gokstad Ship. Buried along with the Oseberg Ship were numerous artifacts reflecting Viking art and culture. Of course, you know it was Leif Erickson, and not Columbus, who discovered America! See the Viking ship photos and links below to learn more about Viking Ships and the Vikings.
The Oseberg Ship - A Fine Example
of a Viking Longship
(Click on the image above to
access a larger image.)
Oseberg Ship Facts:
Excavated in 1904 in Oseberg, Vestfold County, Norway after being discovered by a farmer.
One of the two most complete Viking ships unearthed in Norway (the other being the Gokstad), it is 21.5 meters long (nearly 70 feet).
The Oseberg Ship burial, including bodies of two women, is considered the most richly furnished Scandinavian grave ever found. One of the women may have been the famous Queen Asa from which the name Oseberg derives: Asa's mound.
Items buried included an ornate cart, beds, sledges, wooden chests, riding equipment, and twelve horses.
Built in oak and contains 12 board planks and 15 oar ports on each side, indicating a crew of 35-40.
The stem and stern were decorated with ornate wood carvings, with the ship likely used for voyages in the fjords along the coasts of Norway by people of high rank.
The Oseberg/Gokstad finds were joined by the discovery of five Viking Ships buried in the Roskilde fjord near Skuldelev, Denmark in 1962.
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
- Note: Page: 243a-15
- Note: Text: Asa, wife of "White Legs" - no last name
Åsa Eysteinsdotter var datter av Eystein Hardråde. Hun var gift med Halvdan Kvitbein og de to hadde sønnene Gudrød Halvdansson og Eystein Halvdansson.
Åsas sønn Eystein ble gift med Hild Eiriksdotter og de to fikk sønnen Halvdan Eysteinsson den gavmilde/Milde.
En del oppgir (708-739) som år for fødsel og død.
English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A1lfdanar_saga_Eysteinssonar
From "The Ynglinga Saga":
Halfdan Hvitbein became a great king. He was married to Aasa, a daughter of Eystein the Severe, who was king of the Upland people, and ruled over Hedemark. Halfdan and Aasa had two sons, Eystein and Gudrod. ..."
Noted events in her life were:
• She was a Drottning in Norway.
Åsa married Halvdan "Hvitbeinn" Olofsson, son of Olav "Tretelgja" Ingjaldsson and Solveig Halvdansdatter av Solør, circa 700 in Norway. (Halvdan "Hvitbeinn" Olofsson was born about 680 in Norway and died about 715 in Toten, Oppland, Norway.)
Father: Øystein HARDRÅDE
Family 1 : Halvdan Olavsson KVITBEIN
Kilde: nermo.org
Åsa married Halvdan "Kvitbein" Olofsson, son of Olav "Tretelgja" Ingjaldsson and Solveig Halvdansdatter Av Solør. (Halvdan "Kvitbein" Olofsson was born about 660 in Norway and died about 745 in Toten, Oppland, Norway.)
Född: 680 , Norge
Äktenskap: Halvdan " Hvitbeinn "Olofsson ca 700 i Norge
Död: 718 , Norge åldern 38
Ett annat namn för Åsa var Åsa Øysteinsdatter AV Oplandene .
Allmänna hänvisningar:
Från "The Ynglinga Saga " :
" 49 . AV Halfdan HVITBEIN .
Halfdan Hvitbein blev en stor konung . Han var gift med Aasa , en dotter till Eystein den svåra , som var kung i Uppland folket, och härskade över Hedemarken . Halfdan och Aasa fick två söner, Eystein och Gudröd . ... "
Noterade händelser i hennes liv var:
• Hon var en Drottning i Norge.
Åsa gift Halvdan " Hvitbeinn "Olofsson, son till Olav " Tretelgja " Ingjaldsson och Solveig Halvdansdatter AV Solør , ca 700 i Norge. ( Halvdan " Hvitbeinn Olofsson föddes omkring 680 i Norge och dog omkring 715 i Toten , Oppland , Norge. )
1 Wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/ ).
2 Snorre Sturlasson (ca 1179 till 1241 ), http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/ ( Om 1225 ) , "Den YNGLINGA Saga " .
Åsa var datter av kong Øystein Hardråde som styrte i Oppland og Hedemark
Han var gift med Åsa, dotter av opplendingskongen Øystein. Dei fekk to søner, Øystein og Gudrød.
Halfdan was to become a great king, who married Åsa, the daughter of king Eystein, the ruler of Oppland and Hedmark. They had two sons, Öystein Halfdansson and Gudröd.
More than twenty years ago, a teaching colleague announced over lunch: "Osberg, I see your name in print." He held a sugar packet depicting a Viking Ship with the caption: The Oseberg Ship - A fine example of a Viking Longship. This launched me on a journey to discover not only the origins of my name but its intimate link to Viking history. Despite being proud of my Swedish ancestry (my great grandfather was a Swedish sea captain), my name derives from a small town in Norway (somewhere along the way my ancestors dropped an 'e'). The town of Oseberg was the site of the excavation of the Oseberg Ship, one of the few Viking Ships whose remains were reconstructed. The other is the Gokstad Ship. Buried along with the Oseberg Ship were numerous artifacts reflecting Viking art and culture. Of course, you know it was Leif Erickson, and not Columbus, who discovered America! See the Viking ship photos and links below to learn more about Viking Ships and the Vikings.
The Oseberg Ship - A Fine Example
of a Viking Longship
(Click on the image above to
access a larger image.)
Oseberg Ship Facts:
Excavated in 1904 in Oseberg, Vestfold County, Norway after being discovered by a farmer.
One of the two most complete Viking ships unearthed in Norway (the other being the Gokstad), it is 21.5 meters long (nearly 70 feet).
The Oseberg Ship burial, including bodies of two women, is considered the most richly furnished Scandinavian grave ever found. One of the women may have been the famous Queen Asa from which the name Oseberg derives: Asa's mound.
Items buried included an ornate cart, beds, sledges, wooden chests, riding equipment, and twelve horses.
Built in oak and contains 12 board planks and 15 oar ports on each side, indicating a crew of 35-40.
The stem and stern were decorated with ornate wood carvings, with the ship likely used for voyages in the fjords along the coasts of Norway by people of high rank.
The Oseberg/Gokstad finds were joined by the discovery of five Viking Ships buried in the Roskilde fjord near Skuldelev, Denmark in 1962.
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Note: Page: 243a-15
Note: Text: Asa, wife of "White Legs" - no last name
- Asa Eysteinsdatter born about 0708 Uppland, Norway
- Eystein "Haardaade" Throndsson King of Hedmark born about 0668 Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norway died 0710 Norway
mother: unknown
siblings: Hodne? Eysteinsson born about 0704 Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway
- Hogne Eysteinsson born about 0700 Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norway Frode Eysteinsson born about 0702 Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norway
- Halfdan "Hvitbein" Olafsson King in Uppsala born about 0704 Romerike, Buskerud, Norway married about 0735 Vestfold, Norway
- Eystein "Fret" Halfdansson born about 0736 Vestfold, Norway
biographical and/or anecdotal:
notes or source: LDS
1.[S1402] Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson (Reliability: 2).
2.[S1410] Ancestral File™, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, ((http://www.familysearch.org)), ). (Reliability: 1).
Åsa Eysteinsdotter var datter av Eystein Hardråde. Hun var gift med Halvdan Kvitbein og de to hadde sønnene Gudrød Halvdansson og Eystein Halvdansson.
Åsas sønn Eystein ble gift med Hild Eiriksdotter og de to fikk sønnen Halvdan Eysteinsson den gavmilde/Milde.
En del oppgir (708-739) som år for fødsel og død.
English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A1lfdanar_saga_Eysteinssonar
From "The Ynglinga Saga":
Halfdan Hvitbein became a great king. He was married to Aasa, a daughter of Eystein the Severe, who was king of the Upland people, and ruled over Hedemark. Halfdan and Aasa had two sons, Eystein and Gudrod. ..."
Noted events in her life were: • She was a Drottning in Norway.
Åsa married Halvdan "Hvitbeinn" Olofsson, son of Olav "Tretelgja" Ingjaldsson and Solveig Halvdansdatter av Solør, circa 700 in Norway. (Halvdan "Hvitbeinn" Olofsson was born about 680 in Norway and died about 715 in Toten, Oppland, Norway.)
Father: Øystein HARDRÅDE
Family 1 : Halvdan Olavsson KVITBEIN
Kilde: nermo.org
Åsa married Halvdan "Kvitbein" Olofsson, son of Olav "Tretelgja" Ingjaldsson and Solveig Halvdansdatter Av Solør. (Halvdan "Kvitbein" Olofsson was born about 660 in Norway and died about 745 in Toten, Oppland, Norway.)
Född: 680 , Norge
Äktenskap: Halvdan " Hvitbeinn "Olofsson ca 700 i Norge
Död: 718 , Norge åldern 38
Ett annat namn för Åsa var Åsa Øysteinsdatter AV Oplandene .
Allmänna hänvisningar: Från "The Ynglinga Saga " :
" 49 . AV Halfdan HVITBEIN .
Halfdan Hvitbein blev en stor konung . Han var gift med Aasa , en dotter till Eystein den svåra , som var kung i Uppland folket, och härskade över Hedemarken . Halfdan och Aasa fick två söner, Eystein och Gudröd . ... "
Noterade händelser i hennes liv var: • Hon var en Drottning i Norge.
Åsa gift Halvdan " Hvitbeinn "Olofsson, son till Olav " Tretelgja " Ingjaldsson och Solveig Halvdansdatter AV Solør , ca 700 i Norge. ( Halvdan " Hvitbeinn Olofsson föddes omkring 680 i Norge och dog omkring 715 i Toten , Oppland , Norge. )
1 Wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/ ).
2 Snorre Sturlasson (ca 1179 till 1241 ), http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/ ( Om 1225 ) , "Den YNGLINGA Saga " .
Åsa var datter av kong Øystein Hardråde som styrte i Oppland og Hedemark
Han var gift med Åsa, dotter av opplendingskongen Øystein. Dei fekk to søner, Øystein og Gudrød.
Halfdan was to become a great king, who married Åsa, the daughter of king Eystein, the ruler of Oppland and Hedmark. They had two sons, Öystein Halfdansson and Gudröd.
More than twenty years ago, a teaching colleague announced over lunch: "Osberg, I see your name in print." He held a sugar packet depicting a Viking Ship with the caption: The Oseberg Ship - A fine example of a Viking Longship. This launched me on a journey to discover not only the origins of my name but its intimate link to Viking history. Despite being proud of my Swedish ancestry (my great grandfather was a Swedish sea captain), my name derives from a small town in Norway (somewhere along the way my ancestors dropped an 'e'). The town of Oseberg was the site of the excavation of the Oseberg Ship, one of the few Viking Ships whose remains were reconstructed. The other is the Gokstad Ship. Buried along with the Oseberg Ship were numerous artifacts reflecting Viking art and culture. Of course, you know it was Leif Erickson, and not Columbus, who discovered America! See the Viking ship photos and links below to learn more about Viking Ships and the Vikings.
The Oseberg Ship - A Fine Example
of a Viking Longship
(Click on the image above to
access a larger image.)
Oseberg Ship Facts:
Excavated in 1904 in Oseberg, Vestfold County, Norway after being discovered by a farmer.
One of the two most complete Viking ships unearthed in Norway (the other being the Gokstad), it is 21.5 meters long (nearly 70 feet).
The Oseberg Ship burial, including bodies of two women, is considered the most richly furnished Scandinavian grave ever found. One of the women may have been the famous Queen Asa from which the name Oseberg derives: Asa's mound.
Items buried included an ornate cart, beds, sledges, wooden chests, riding equipment, and twelve horses.
Built in oak and contains 12 board planks and 15 oar ports on each side, indicating a crew of 35-40.
The stem and stern were decorated with ornate wood carvings, with the ship likely used for voyages in the fjords along the coasts of Norway by people of high rank.
The Oseberg/Gokstad finds were joined by the discovery of five Viking Ships buried in the Roskilde fjord near Skuldelev, Denmark in 1962.
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Note: Page: 243a-15 Note: Text: Asa, wife of "White Legs" - no last name
Åsa Eysteinsdotter var datter av Eystein Hardråde. Hun var gift med Halvdan Kvitbein og de to hadde sønnene Gudrød Halvdansson og Eystein Halvdansson.
Åsas sønn Eystein ble gift med Hild Eiriksdotter og de to fikk sønnen Halvdan Eysteinsson den gavmilde/Milde.
En del oppgir (708-739) som år for fødsel og død.
English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A1lfdanar_saga_Eysteinssonar
From "The Ynglinga Saga":
Halfdan Hvitbein became a great king. He was married to Aasa, a daughter of Eystein the Severe, who was king of the Upland people, and ruled over Hedemark. Halfdan and Aasa had two sons, Eystein and Gudrod. ..."
Noted events in her life were: • She was a Drottning in Norway.
Åsa married Halvdan "Hvitbeinn" Olofsson, son of Olav "Tretelgja" Ingjaldsson and Solveig Halvdansdatter av Solør, circa 700 in Norway. (Halvdan "Hvitbeinn" Olofsson was born about 680 in Norway and died about 715 in Toten, Oppland, Norway.)
Father: Øystein HARDRÅDE
Family 1 : Halvdan Olavsson KVITBEIN
Kilde: nermo.org
Åsa married Halvdan "Kvitbein" Olofsson, son of Olav "Tretelgja" Ingjaldsson and Solveig Halvdansdatter Av Solør. (Halvdan "Kvitbein" Olofsson was born about 660 in Norway and died about 745 in Toten, Oppland, Norway.)
Född: 680 , Norge
Äktenskap: Halvdan " Hvitbeinn "Olofsson ca 700 i Norge
Död: 718 , Norge åldern 38
Ett annat namn för Åsa var Åsa Øysteinsdatter AV Oplandene .
Allmänna hänvisningar: Från "The Ynglinga Saga " :
" 49 . AV Halfdan HVITBEIN .
Halfdan Hvitbein blev en stor konung . Han var gift med Aasa , en dotter till Eystein den svåra , som var kung i Uppland folket, och härskade över Hedemarken . Halfdan och Aasa fick två söner, Eystein och Gudröd . ... "
Noterade händelser i hennes liv var: • Hon var en Drottning i Norge.
Åsa gift Halvdan " Hvitbeinn "Olofsson, son till Olav " Tretelgja " Ingjaldsson och Solveig Halvdansdatter AV Solør , ca 700 i Norge. ( Halvdan " Hvitbeinn Olofsson föddes omkring 680 i Norge och dog omkring 715 i Toten , Oppland , Norge. )
1 Wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/ ).
2 Snorre Sturlasson (ca 1179 till 1241 ), http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/ ( Om 1225 ) , "Den YNGLINGA Saga " .
Åsa var datter av kong Øystein Hardråde som styrte i Oppland og Hedemark
Han var gift med Åsa, dotter av opplendingskongen Øystein. Dei fekk to søner, Øystein og Gudrød.
Halfdan was to become a great king, who married Åsa, the daughter of king Eystein, the ruler of Oppland and Hedmark. They had two sons, Öystein Halfdansson and Gudröd.
More than twenty years ago, a teaching colleague announced over lunch: "Osberg, I see your name in print." He held a sugar packet depicting a Viking Ship with the caption: The Oseberg Ship - A fine example of a Viking Longship. This launched me on a journey to discover not only the origins of my name but its intimate link to Viking history. Despite being proud of my Swedish ancestry (my great grandfather was a Swedish sea captain), my name derives from a small town in Norway (somewhere along the way my ancestors dropped an 'e'). The town of Oseberg was the site of the excavation of the Oseberg Ship, one of the few Viking Ships whose remains were reconstructed. The other is the Gokstad Ship. Buried along with the Oseberg Ship were numerous artifacts reflecting Viking art and culture. Of course, you know it was Leif Erickson, and not Columbus, who discovered America! See the Viking ship photos and links below to learn more about Viking Ships and the Vikings.
The Oseberg Ship - A Fine Example
of a Viking Longship
(Click on the image above to
access a larger image.)
Oseberg Ship Facts:
Excavated in 1904 in Oseberg, Vestfold County, Norway after being discovered by a farmer.
One of the two most complete Viking ships unearthed in Norway (the other being the Gokstad), it is 21.5 meters long (nearly 70 feet).
The Oseberg Ship burial, including bodies of two women, is considered the most richly furnished Scandinavian grave ever found. One of the women may have been the famous Queen Asa from which the name Oseberg derives: Asa's mound.
Items buried included an ornate cart, beds, sledges, wooden chests, riding equipment, and twelve horses.
Built in oak and contains 12 board planks and 15 oar ports on each side, indicating a crew of 35-40.
The stem and stern were decorated with ornate wood carvings, with the ship likely used for voyages in the fjords along the coasts of Norway by people of high rank.
The Oseberg/Gokstad finds were joined by the discovery of five Viking Ships buried in the Roskilde fjord near Skuldelev, Denmark in 1962.
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Note: Page: 243a-15 Note: Text: Asa, wife of "White Legs" - no last name
Asa Eysteinsdatter born about 0708 Uppland, Norway
Eystein "Haardaade" Throndsson King of Hedmark born about 0668 Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norway died 0710 Norway
mother: unknown
siblings: Hodne? Eysteinsson born about 0704 Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway
Hogne Eysteinsson born about 0700 Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norway Frode Eysteinsson born about 0702 Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norway
Halfdan "Hvitbein" Olafsson King in Uppsala born about 0704 Romerike, Buskerud, Norway married about 0735 Vestfold, Norway
Eystein "Fret" Halfdansson born about 0736 Vestfold, Norway
biographical and/or anecdotal:
notes or source: LDS
read more
Om Åsa (Aasa) Eysteinsdotter (Norsk)
Asa var dronning i Solør
Åsa var datter av Øystein Hardråde. Hun var gift med Halvdan Kvitbein og de hadde sønnene Øystein og Gudrød .
Kilde Om Opplandskongene Oversatt fra norrønt av Kjell Tore Nilssen og Arni Olafsson
Halfdan Hvitbein og var konge over Solør etter kong Sølvi. Han fikk Åsa, datter til kong Eystein Illråde av Heid. Denne Eystein la under seg Eynafylket i
Åsa (Aasa) Eysteinsdotter's Timeline
706 |
Vestfold (now Vestfold og Telemark fylke), Norway
708 |
Opplandene, Oppland, Norway
738 |
Vestfold, Norway
739 |
Age 31
Hyle, Voss, Hordaland, Norway
???? | |||
???? |