Historical records matching Élisabeth de Mareuil, dame de Neufchâtel-sur-Aisne
Immediate Family
About Élisabeth de Mareuil, dame de Neufchâtel-sur-Aisne
ELISABETH de Mareuil Dame de Neufchâtel-sur-Aisne, daughter of JEAN Vicomte de Mareuil Seigneur de Neufchâtel-sur-Aisne & his wife --- (-1207 or after).
m as her first husband ROBERT de Pierrepont (-after 23 Dec 1136). Moret de la Fayole records that “Rogerus de Monte-acuto” donated property “in territorio Salmonei” to Laon Saint-Martin by charter dated 2 Nov 1117, subscribed by “Ermengarde uxoris eius cum filiis suis Widone clerico, Willelmo et Roberto laicis”[596]. A charter dated 2 Mar 1133 confirms the donation of property “in...villa Petreponti contigua, Saviaco” donated to Laon Saint-Vincent by “Robertus de Petreponte”, with the consent of “uxore fratrum suorum Widonis et Walteri”[597]. Seigneur de Montaigu: he is named “Roberto de Monteacuto” by the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois Fontaines when recording the marriages of his wife (see below). Moret de la Fayole records that “Robert de Montaigu son frère” donated property to Laon Saint-Vincent for “Gautier dit Sans-terre” by charter dated 23 Dec 1136[598]. The necrology of Brogne records the death "III Kal Sep" of "Robertus vir nobilis Petrepontis dominus"[599]. It is not known to which Robert de Pierrepont this entry refers.
She married secondly Guiscard Comte de Roucy. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to the wife of "Wichardum novissimum" as "relicta Roberti de Monteacuto…filia Iohannis vicecomitis de Marvellis" but does not name her[600]. "Hugo comes Roceiensis" donated property to "ecclesiam…in Eberneicurte", for the soul of "uxoris Richildis pie memorie", with the consent of "filiorum meorum Roberti Wiscardi et uxoris eius Elisabeth, Ebali et Hugonis et filiarum mearum Clementie, Sibille et Sare que cognominatur Agnes", by charter dated 1154[601]. "Wischardus comes Roceiensis" transferred his hospice of Evergnicourt to Laon, with the consent of "uxore mea [%E2%80%A6Elisabeth]…et Radulfo filio meo et uxore sua et ceteris liberis meis", by charter dated 1178, signed by "…Ebali filii comitis canonicorum…"[602]. "Guillelmus…abbas…Sancti Petri et Sancti Huberti in Ardennia" sold the abbey’s rights in a mill near Evergnicourt on the river Aisne to "Elizabeth dominæ de Novo Castro" by charter dated 1201[603].
She married thirdly (1202) Renaud de Montdiviel. "Renaud de Montdiviel et sa femme Elisabeth, veuve du comte de Roucy" donated property at Evergnicourt, acquired by Elisabeth "pendant son veuvage", to the abbey of Valroy by charter dated 1202[604].
adapted from https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/nfralaoncou.htm#EustachieRoucydied...
Élisabeth de Mareuil, dame de Neufchâtel-sur-Aisne's Timeline
1125 |
1164 |
Roucy (Aisne) France
1175 |
1207 |
Age 82
???? |