public profile
[ELISABETH] de Valois (-[12 May 1093/1101]). The Acta Sanctorum commentary on the life of St Simon de Valois records that "Aaliz" daughter of Raoul Comte de Valois and his first wife married "Bartolomeus, juvenis de Breias" by whom she was mother of "Hugonem Bardoul"[44]. It is unclear from the text whether this statement is based on primary source data. It is assumed that the name "Aaliz" is an error as the couple is already recorded elsewhere with daughters named Adelais, Adela/Alix. Her marriage is confirmed by an undated charter, quoted by Acta Sanctorum, under which "Rodulfus comes" donated property to Saint-Rémy, confirmed by "Symonem filium meum, duos quoque generos meos, quos de filiabus meis habeo, id est Heribertum comitem et juvenem…Bartholomeum"[45]. Dame de Châteauvillain et d'Arc-en-Barrois. m BARTHELEMY Seigneur de Broyes et de Beaufort, son of HUGUES [I] "Bardoul" Seigneur de Broyes, de Beaufort et de Pithiviers & his wife --- (-after 1072).
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May 12, 1093
Age 51
Broyes, Marne, Grand Est, France
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