Immediate Family
About Świętosława «Gunhilda» Piast
Świętosława «Gunhilda» Mieszkówna of Poland (Księżniczka polska)
B.Brox: Don't mix her with Sigrid/Sigríð Storråda/the Haughty as several Wikipedia and other sources does.
Świętosława (967-1014), known in Scandinavian sagas as Gunhild, was Mieszko's I daughter and the sister of the first Polish king Boleslav the Brave. Their mother was probably the Christian wife of Mieszko I, Czech's princess, Dąbrówka.
Świętosława first became a wife of king Erik Segersäll (Eric VI of Sweden) in 980 (or 985), but she became a widow soon.
After 994 she married Svend Tveskæg (Sweyn I of Denmark) under the name Gunhild. From the second marriage she probably had five children, including Canute the Great and Harold II of Denmark. Since her marriage was not happy, she returned to Poland where her brother Boleslaw the Brave was ruling. After Sweyn died her sons, Kanut and Karald took her back from Poland. Kanut, known as Kanut the Great became later king of England, Denmark and Norway and governor of Schleswig and Pomerania. She died somewhere in English castle. In any event, Boleslaus I of Poland, the first king of Poland actually sent his troops to help Canute in his successful conquest of England, another sign of close relationships between Polish rulers and Vikings.
It is said that Świętosława's difficult character was inherited after her aunt Adelaide (Polish Adelajda) who was probably a sister of Mieszko I and also the wife of the Hungarian duke Geza. Adelaide became a mother of St. Stephen the Great (977-1038), who became the first king of Hungary and a saint.
Adelaide was known as a beauty, but she drunk excessively and loved riding horses like a man. Once, she even killed a man in a rage.
--- (soon after 967-). This is one of the possibilities for the origin of the first wife of Svend I King of Denmark, based solely on Thietmar who refers to the mother of "filiis Suenni" as "Miseconis filia ducis, soror Bolizlavi successori eius"[69]. Europäische Stammtafeln names her "Šwiętosława [Gunhild] of Poland", although there is no indication of the basis for this suggested Polish name, and states that she married firstly Erik "Segersäll/the Victorious" King of Sweden, as his second wife[70]. This latter suggestion is implausible as it would mean that both of King Erik's wives were in turn married to Svend King of Denmark, numerous primary sources attesting that the latter's second wife Sigrid "Storråda/the Haughty" was the widow of King Erik[71]. m ([988/90]%29 as his first wife, SVEND I "Tveskæg/Forkbeard" King of Denmark, son of HARALD I "Blåtand/Bluetooth" King of Denmark & his first wife Gunhild ([960]-Gainsborough 3 Feb 1014, bur in England, later removed to Roskilde).]
Gunhilda of Poland
F, #102419, d. after 1014
Last Edited=8 Jul 2005
Gunhilda of Poland is the daughter of Mieszko I, Duke of Poland and Dubrawka of Bohemia. (1) She married Sveyn I 'Forkbeard' Haraldsson, King of Denmark and England, son of Harald I 'Bluetooth' Gormsson, King of Denmark and Gyrid Olafsdottir, circa 990. (1) She and Sveyn I 'Forkbeard' Haraldsson, King of Denmark and England were divorced in 1000.
She died after 1014.
Children of Gunhilda of Poland and Sveyn I 'Forkbeard' Haraldsson, King of Denmark and England
-1. Gytha Sveynsdottir+
-2. Gunhilda Sveynsdottir
-3. daughter Sveynsdottir+ (2)
-4. Santslaue Sveynsdottir (2)
-5. Thyra Sveynsdottir b. c 993
-6. Harald II Sveynsson, King of Denmark b. c 994, d. bt 1018 - 1019
-7. Canute II Sveynsson, King of England and Denmark+ b. c 995, d. 12 Nov 1035
Død efter 2 februar 1014
Gunhild var datter av Kong Burislav Vendeland (Pommen) av Polen.
Hun var gift med Svein Tjugeskjegg
Barn: Harald Sveinsson og Gyda Sveinsdatter
Død efter 2 februar 1014
General Notes:
De sikre informasjoner vi har om Gunhild er ytterst få, hennes slaviske navn er ikke kjent. Adam av Bremen setter hennes ekteskap med Erik Segersäll i forbindelse med et forenet svensk-slavisk angrep på Danmark, men den historiske bakgrunn for dette kan ikke kontrolleres. Ifølge Adam fødte hun Erik sønnen Olof Skötkonung. Etter Eriks død giftet hun seg med Svend Tjugeskjegg, muligens da denne ca. år 1000 inngikk forbund med kong Olav. Hun ble senere bortvist av Svend, og levde i mange år i Vendland, inntil hennes sønner etter Svends død hentet henne hjem til Danmark. De islandske sagaforfatterne har knyttet forskjellige ikke historiskt korrekte trekk til hennes navn, og dette har senere i tradisjonen blitt fortrengt av den svenske dronning Sigrid Storråde.
Gunhild was the sister of Boleslav I of Poland (992 - 1025) and not his daughter as Snorre Sturlasson related.
From Snorre Sturlasson: King Olaf Trygvason's Saga:
While Olaf lay at Borgundarholm there came on bad weather, storm, and a heavy sea, so that his ships could not lie there; and he sailed southwards under Vindland, where they found a good harbour. They conducted themselves very peacefully, and remained some time. In Vindland there was then a king called Burizleif, who had three daughters, -- Geira, Gunhild, and Astrid. ..."
Noted events in her life were:
• She was a Queen.
Gunhild married Eric VI the Victorious Bjornsson, son of Bjorn the Old of Sweden Ericsson and Unknown, circa 980-985. (Eric VI the Victorious Bjornsson died in 995.)
Gunhild next married Svend I Haraldsson Tjugeskjegg of Denmark, son of Harald I Gormsson Blåtann of Denmark and Gyrid, circa 995. The marriage ended in divorce in 1000. (Svend I Haraldsson Tjugeskjegg of Denmark was born circa 960, died on 3 Feb 1014 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England and was buried in Roskilde Cathedral, Denmark 4.)
Død efter 2 februar 1014
Queen Swietoslava of Sweden Norway & Denmark - also known as: Sygryda - was born about 0970, lived in Poznan, Poznan, Poland and died after 2 Feb 1014 . She was the daughter of Prince Mieszko I of Poland and Princess Dubravka of Bohemia.
Queen Swietoslava married King Erik VIII Bjornsson "Victorious" of Sweden about 0985. King Erik was born about 0930, lived in Sweden. He was the son of King Bjorn Eriksson "the Old" of Sweden. He died in 0994/0995 in Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden .
Then Queen Swietoslava married King Svend I "Forked Beard" of Denmark, Norway & England in 0998. King Svend was born about 0960, lived in Denmark. He died on 2 Feb 1014 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England
Flyttad till Roskilde domkyrka i Danmark
Polsk prinsessa, drottning av Danmark, Norge och England
Att Sven Tveskägg var gift med en polsk prinsessa är bevisat (Gunhild, dotter av Mieszko I) Enligt källor jag har stött på var Sven gift både med Gunhild av Polen och Sigrid Storråda. Många hävdar dock att de är en och samma person, så jag redovisar tills vidare Gunhild som moder till Estrid. Frågan är då om denna Gunhild även är mor till Olof Skötkonung.
Marriage (1): Eric VI the Victorious Bjornsson circa 980-985
Marriage (2): Svend I Haraldsson Tjugeskjegg of Denmark circa 995
General Notes:
De sikre informasjoner vi har om Gunhild er ytterst få, hennes slaviske navn er ikke kjent. Adam av Bremen setter hennes ekteskap med Erik Segersäll i forbindelse med et forenet svensk-slavisk angrep på Danmark, men den historiske bakgrunn for dette kan ikke kontrolleres. Ifølge Adam fødte hun Erik sønnen Olof Skötkonung. Etter Eriks død giftet hun seg med Svend Tjugeskjegg, muligens da denne ca. år 1000 inngikk forbund med kong Olav. Hun ble senere bortvist av Svend, og levde i mange år i Vendland, inntil hennes sønner etter Svends død hentet henne hjem til Danmark. De islandske sagaforfatterne har knyttet forskjellige ikke historiskt korrekte trekk til hennes navn, og dette har senere i tradisjonen blitt fortrengt av den svenske dronning Sigrid Storråde.
Gunhild was the sister of Boleslav I of Poland (992 - 1025) and not his daughter as Snorre Sturlasson related.
From Snorre Sturlasson: King Olaf Trygvason's Saga:
While Olaf lay at Borgundarholm there came on bad weather, storm, and a heavy sea, so that his ships could not lie there; and he sailed southwards under Vindland, where they found a good harbour. They conducted themselves very peacefully, and remained some time. In Vindland there was then a king called Burizleif, who had three daughters, -- Geira, Gunhild, and Astrid. ..."
Noted events in her life were:
• She was a Queen.
Gunhild married Eric VI the Victorious Bjornsson, son of Bjorn the Old of Sweden Ericsson and Unknown, circa 980-985. (Eric VI the Victorious Bjornsson died in 995.)
Gunhild next married Svend I Haraldsson Tjugeskjegg of Denmark, son of Harald I Gormsson Blåtann of Denmark and Gyrid, circa 995. The marriage ended in divorce in 1000. (Svend I Haraldsson Tjugeskjegg of Denmark was born circa 960, died on 3 Feb 1014 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England and was buried in Roskilde Cathedral, Denmark
While Olaf lay at Borgundarholm there came on bad weather, storm, and a heavy sea, so that his ships could not lie there; and he sailed southwards under Vindland, where they found a good harbour. They conducted themselves very peacefully, and remained some time. In Vindland there was then a king called Burizleif, who had three daughters, -- Geira, Gunhild, and Astrid. ..."
She was a Queen.
Gunhild married Eric VI the Victorious Bjornsson, son of Bjorn the Old of Sweden Ericsson and Unknown, circa 980-985. (Eric VI the Victorious Bjornsson died in 995.)
Gunhild next married Svend I Haraldsson Tjugeskjegg of Denmark, son of Harald I Gormsson Blåtann of Denmark and Gyrid, circa 995. The marriage ended in divorce in 1000. (Svend I Haraldsson Tjugeskjegg of Denmark was born circa 960, died on 3 Feb 1014 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England and was buried in Roskilde Cathedral, Denmark)
Gunhilda married Eric VI 'the Victorious' Björnsson, son of Björn 'the Old' Ericsson, about 980-985.1 (Eric VI 'the Victorious' Björnsson died in 995 1.)
Gunhilda next married Sveyn I 'Forkbeard' Haraldsson King of Denmark about 995.1 2 (Sveyn I 'Forkbeard' Haraldsson King of Denmark was born about 960,2 died on 3 Feb 1014 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England 2 and was buried in Roskilde Cathedral, Copenhagen, Denmark 2.)
1 Lundy, Darryl, "The Peerage.com - A Genealogical Survey of the Peerage of England as well as the Royal Families of Europe" (http://www.thepeerage.com rev. 12 Mar 2006), Citing: Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 24-26.
2 I Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 25.
Have FOund the wife listed at one time as
PRINCE OBOTRITES MIECESLAS was born 919. He married SOPHIA [-?-] . She was born Abt. 921.
Child is:
ASTRID OR INEGRID, PSS. OF OBOTRITES, b. Abt. 979, Sweden;married III OLAF, KING OF SWEDEN son of VIII ERIK and QUEEN SKOGLAR-TESTEDOTTER. He was born Abt. 950 in Sweden, and died 1022."
It is said that she was the mother of Knud den Store, who was born ab. 995. At that point her brother Boleslaw is 29 and Swietoslawa is 28 years. After Sven Tveskæg's death in 1014, Knud and Harald fetched their mother in Slavia, which might mean that she had gone home to her brother Boleslaw. The brothers buried their father's body - which had been brought to Denmark "by a certain English lady" - in the church he had let build in Roskilde. According to a note Boleslaw helped ab. 1015 Knud den Store (his nephew) with a detachment of Polish horsemen, when he went to England with his army to claim the throne.
This is one of the possibilities for the origin of the first wife of Svend I King of Denmark, based solely on Thietmar who refers to the mother of "filiis Suenni" as "Miseconis filia ducis, soror Bolizlavi successori eius” [Thietmar VII.39, p. 334.]. Europäische Stammtafeln names her "Šwiętosława [Gunhild] of Poland", although there is no indication of the basis for this suggested Polish name, and states that she married firstly Erik "Segersäll/the Victorious" King of Sweden, as his second wife [ES II 114 and 120.]. This latter suggestion is implausible as it would mean that both of King Erik's wives were in turn married to Svend King of Denmark, numerous primary sources attesting that the latter's second wife Sigrid "Storråda/the Haughty" was the widow of King Erik [For example, Laing, S. (trans.) (1907) Snorri Sturluson, Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings Snorre (Norroena Society, London), King Olav Trygvason's Saga Part III, 98, available at Online Medieval and Classical Library Release 15b, http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/Heimskringla/ (24 Jan 2003).].
Queen of Denmark
Hon var en slavisk prinsessa. När hon blev änka så gifte hon om sig med Sven Tveskägg.
Świętosława «Gunhilda» Piast's Timeline
955 |
Götaland, Sweden
Sigrid Storråda
Far: Skoglar Toste Död: 1000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Holmfrid (Helmfrid) Eriksdotter
Knut II den store av Danmark (999 - 1035)
Enligt Saxo och vissa isländska källor skall Sigrid först ha varit gift med sveakungen Erik Segersäll, med vilken hon fick sonen Olof Skötkonung. Efter Eriks död (eller möjligtvis några år tidigare) drog hon sig tillbaka till sina gods i Västergötland. Efter frierier av småkungar, som Sigrid gjorde sig kvitt genom att bränna dem inne, kom hon och Norges kung Olav Tryggvason överens om giftermål. Det kom dock till en dramatisk brytning och Sigrid gifte sig i stället med Danmarks kung Sven Tveskägg Slaget vid Svolder i Öresund (utanför Ven?) skall ha varit en följd av hennes uppvigling av maken, Danmarks kung, och sonen, Sveriges kung, mot Olav Tryggvason av Norge. _____________________________________________________________________ Efter att ha studerat olika källor, kan vår uppfattning om Sigrid Storråda sammanfattas på följande sätt: Sigrid Storråda var förmodligen dotter till den västergötske vikingen och hövdingen Skoglar- Toste. Hon gifte sig med Erik Segersäll och födde sonen Olof Skötkonung c:a år 975. Men Erik försköt (skilde sig från) sin gemål Sigrid och gifte om sig med en polsk prinsessa, som i Norden tog namnet Gunhild. Giftemålet var ett led i Eriks Östersjöpolitik. Gunhild blev sedan änka, när Erik dog år 995. Sigrid kan ha varit 20-25 år när hon skildes från Erik. Efter att ha skilt sig från Erik, flyttade Sigrid förmodligen en tid till sina gods i Västergötland, men därefter till Danmark. Sonen Olof följde med i en form av landsflykt till Danmark, där Sigrid gifte om sig med Danmarks kung Sven Tveskägg. Hon bör då ha varit c:a 25 år gammal. Enligt dansk historia hade Sven Tveskägg fyra barn - 2 söner, Harald och Knut (den store) och 2 döttrar. Sigrid var med säkerhet mor till två söner och en dotter. Äldst var sonen Harald, som bör ha fötts c:a år 994 medan Knut föddes c:a 997. Erik Segersäll höll Danmark som erövrat land fram till sin död 995, därefter fick Sven Tveskägg i Danmark sitt rike och sin krona tillbaka. Den första statsmannagärning, som Olof Skötkonung utförde, var att insätta Sven Tveskägg och sin mor Sigrid Storråda på Danmarks tron. År 1013-1015 sände Olof trupper från Sverige för att hjälpa sin halvbror Knut den store i hans fälttåg att erövra England. Sigrid bör ha dött c:a år 1000; dödsåret varierar i olika källor från 995 (vilket förefaller omöjligt) till 1013. Efter Sigrids död gifte Sven Tveskägg om sig med Eriks änka, den polska prinsessan Gunhild. Men Sven var tydligen inte nöjd med sin nya maka, eftersom han senare även försköt henne. Gunhild flyttade då till Vendland (Pommern), där brodern Boleslav I av Polen (992 - 1025) var kung, men efter Svens död år 1014 hämtade Harald och Knut den store hem henne igen till Danmark. Sigrid Storråda liv kan sammanfattas på följande sätt: Hon var gift med två kungar, Erik Segersäll i Sverige och Sven Tveskägg i Danmark.
(Uppgifterna om Sigrid Storråda är mycket osäkra och skall därför läsas mycket kritiskt.) << Startsida
Skapad av MinSläkt 3.1a, Programmet tillhör: Christer Engstrand |
970 |
Poznań, Greater Poland, Poland
Gunhild (Sigrid Storråda) MIEZKOSDOTTER
Far: Furste Miezko AV POLEN (- 992)
Född: 950
Årtal Ålder Händelse
Skapad av MinSläkt 3,6, Programmet Tillhör: Roland Knutsson |
980 |
Danmark (Denmark)
985 |
- 990
Age 15
993 |
994 |
- 1013
Age 24