Matching family tree profiles for 1st wife of Abraham Sampson
Immediate Family
About 1st wife of Abraham Sampson
According to the most recent genealogy for Abraham Sampson, he first married an unidentified daughter of Lt. Samuel Nash and after she died, he married second a completely unknown woman. The children of these unions are as follows:
First wife: Unidentified Nash - born c. 1625, married before 1646, died c. 1655.
Note - By his [Lt. Samuel Nash] will dated 2 June 1681 he gave his dwelling house and some lands to Martha Clarke, other lands to his deceased grandson Samuel Sampson's two sons, Samuel and Ichabod Sampson, and the rest of his estate to his daughter Martha, and his granddaughters Elizabeth Delano and Mary Howland (Ply. Colony PR 4:2:112). Clarence Almon Torrey, "A Nash-Sarnpson-Delano-Howland Pro'olem," TAG 15;165, uses this will and other information to show that Samuel Sampson, the deceased grandson of Lt. Samuel Nash was a son of Abraham Sampson of Duxbury, and thus that Abraham Sampson had married a daughter of Samuel Nash. Since Nash did not mention other sons of Abraham Sampson, it appeared that Abraham had two wives, with the other wife unidentified. Nash's daughter Martha Clarke was childless. With no indication that Nash had any other married children, Torrey felt it safe to assume that the granddaughters were daughters of Abraham Sampson by his first wife, and he identified them as Elizabeth Sampson, wife of Philip (2)Delano, and Mary Sampson, wife of Samuel (2) Howland (Henry) (1).[1]
- Samuel SAMPSON was born in 1646 in Duxbury, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts and died in 1675 at age 29.
- Elizabeth SAMPSON was born circa 1648 in Duxbury, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts and died before 11 Dec 1708.
- Mary SAMPSON was born circa 1650 in Prob. Plymouth, MA and died after 18 Apr 1716 in prob. Freetown, Bristol Co., Massachusetts.
Second wife: Name unknown - married c. 1655.
- George SAMPSON was born circa 1655, died on 26 Jul 1739 in Plympton, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts at age 84, and was buried in Burying Ground (Plympton Green), Plympton, Massachusetts.
- Abraham SAMPSON II was born circa 1658 and died between 2 Aug 1725 and 4 Sep 1727 in prob. Duxbury, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts.
- Isaac SAMPSON was born circa 1661, died from 0003 to 26 Sep 1726 in Plympton, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts at age 65, and was buried in Burying Ground (Plympton Green), Plympton, Massachusetts.
- (Possibly) Judith SAMPSON was born in prob Duxbury, Plymouth Colony.
- Mary / Sarah ??
- [1] http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/a/n/d/David-L-Anderson-F...
- Torrey, Clarence Almon. New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Com, 1985. SAMSON, Abraham & 1/wf __ [NASH], dau Samuel; by 1646?; Duxbury. {Plymouth (Davis) 224; Tingley-Meyers 255; Sv. 4:9; Giles 375; Sampson 3; MD 23:162; TAG 15:166, 28:3; Reg. 52:76, 56:205SAMPSON, Abraham & 2/wf _ _; bef 1658; Duxbury {TAG 15:166; Sv. 4:9; Giles 375}
- http://pilgrimhenrysamsonkindred.org/Abraham_Sampson_Descendants_Ch...
- http://bradsport.com/cWalterBLeonard1887/b56156.htm
- http://www.americanancestors.org/pilgrim-families-samuel-nash/
- http://www.plimoth.org/media/pdf/nash_samuel.pdf
- http://pilgrimhenrysamsonkindred.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Abr...
1st wife of Abraham Sampson's Timeline
1626 |
Plymouth, Plymouth Colony
1646 |
Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Colonial America
1648 |
Duxbury, Plymouth Colony
1652 |
Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts
1655 |
Age 29
Duxbury, Plymouth Colony
???? |
Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America (United States)