ADELISE [Aelis] de Beaumont, daughter of IVO Comte de Beaumont & his first wife Judith --- ([before 1045]-Rouen 11 Jul 1091, bur Saint-Evroul[310]). She is named as wife of Hugues by Orderic Vitalis, who also names her parents and ten children of her marriage[311]. The date of her marriage is estimated based on the estimated birth date of the couple´s oldest known son. She owned Peatling Magna, in the possession of Leofric in 1086 in Domesday Book[312].
m ([before 1060][35]) HUGUES de Grantmesnil, son of ROBERT de Grantmesnil & his wife Hawise --- (-in England 22 Feb 1098, bur Saint-Evroul).
Hugues & his wife had ten children:
1. ROBERT de Grantmesnil ([before 1060]-1 Jun [1136], bur Saint-Evroul[313]). He is named, and his parentage given, by Orderic Vitalis, who also names his three wives and their fathers[314]. Considering that Robert's younger brother Guillaume was considered of marriageable age before [1081] (see below), it is unlikely that Robert was born later than [1060], although this would mean that he was probably in his fifties at the time of his first marriage (considering the estimated birth date range of his first wife) which seems surprising. “…Rotberti de Grentemaisnillo, Ivonis de Grentemaisnillo…” witnessed the charter dated Sep 1093 under which William II King of England donated property to Lincoln cathedral[315]. "…Robert de Grentone-Maisnil…" witnessed the undated charter under which Robert III Duke of Normandy donated property to Saint-Etienne de Caen[316]. "Robert de Grantemsnil et Robert de sancto Serenico" confirmed donations of property to the abbey of Saint-Evroul made by "their progenitors Hugh and Robert de Grentemesnil" by charter dated to [1127/28][317]. m firstly AGNES [Aveline], daughter of RANULF "le Meschin" Vicomte du Bessin [Bayeux] [later Earl of Chester] & his wife Lucy --- ([1098/1105][318]-bur Saint-Evroul[319]). "Agnes" is named as first wife of Robert de Grantmesnil by Orderic Vitalis, who also names her father314. m secondly as her second husband, EMMA de Stuteville, widow of ERRAND Sire d'Harcourt[320], daughter of ROBERT de Stuteville [d'Estouteville] & his wife Beatrix --- (-bur Saint-Evroul[321]). She is named as second wife of Robert de Grantmesnil by Orderic Vitalis, who also names her father[322]. The primary source which confirms her first marriage has not yet been identified. m thirdly LUCY, daughter of SAVARI de Beaumont-au-Maine & his wife Muriel de Méry. She is named as third wife of Robert de Grantmesnil by Orderic Vitalis, who also names her father314. Robert de Grantmesnil & his [first/second/third] wife had [two] children: a) [HUGUES de Grantmesnil . "Hugues de Grantmesnil" is named as father of Pernel in an account of the foundation of Leicester Abbey, but the Complete Peerage casts doubt on the accuracy of this as the same source gives details of Pernel's inheritance from him which are clearly incorrect[323]. No other reference to this person has been found. As noted below, Pernel was most likely descended from the senior branch of the Grantmesnil family as she brought the Norman honour of Grantmesnil to her husband, but she may have been the daughter of Robert de Grantmesnil's daughter Agnes.] m ---. Hugues & his wife had [one] child: i) [PERNEL [Petronille] (-1 Apr 1212). Pernel is named as great granddaughter of Hugues de Grantmesnil in the [1190/1204] charter of her son Robert FitzPernel to the abbey of St Evroul[324]. Her father is named Hugh de Grantmesnil in an account of the foundation of Leicester Abbey, but the Complete Peerage casts doubt on the accuracy of this as mentioned above[325]. Robert de Torigny records that her husband gained the Norman honour of Grantmesnil through his marriage[326], which suggests that Pernel, as heiress, was descended from the oldest son of Hugues de Grantmesnil senior. It is possible that she was the daughter of Agnes, daughter of Robert de Grantmesnil. Considering that Orderic Vitalis does not name Hugues (supposed brother of Agnes) although he is so thorough in naming other members of this family, this is the most likely possibility. "Robertus filius comitis Legrece" donated property to Notre-Dame de la Trappe for the soul of "uxoris mee Petronille" by charter dated [1153/67][327]. "Petronilla comitissa Leircestrie" confirmed the exchange of land with Nuneaton priory made by "Robertus comes Leircestrie filius meus", who gave land in Belgrave in return for land in Dadlington which had been donated by "sponsus meus Robertus comes…cum filia mea pie memorie Hawis", by charter dated to after 1189[328]. The Testa de Nevill lists knights who held land from the king in Hertfordshire, dated to [1204/12]: "comitissa de Leicestria" held "Wares"[329]. The necrology of Lyre monastery records the death "1 Apr" of "Petronilla comitissa Leicestriæ"[330]. The necrology of the monastery of Ouche records the death "1 Apr" of "Petronilla comitissa Leycestriæ"[331]. m (before [1155/59]%29 ROBERT de Beaumont "ès Blanchemains", son of ROBERT de Beaumont Earl of Leicester & his wife Amicie de Gaël (-Durazzo 1190). He succeeded his father in 1168 as Earl of Leicester. b) AGNES de Grantmesnil (after [1115]-). Daughter of Robert de Grantmesnil according to Orderic Vitalis, who also names her husband and his parents[332]. It is not known from which of Robert's marriages she was born but her first name suggests that her mother was his first wife. The age of Robert when he married also suggests that the likelihood of his fathering children would have decreased with his later marriages. Her birth date is unknown, but it could not have been before [1115] at the earliest considering the likely birth date range of Robert's first wife. m ROBERT de Moulins-la-Marche, son of GUILLAUME de Moulins-la-Marche & his wife Aubrée ---. He was banished from Normandy by Henry I King of England after he attacked Enguerrand l'Oison, and went to Apulia with his wife "whom he had lately married" and died there "after several years as a wanderer among the dwellings of strangers"[333].
2. GUILLAUME [I] de Grantmesnil (-[before 1114]). He is named, and his parentage given, by Orderic Vitalis, who also names his wife and her father[334]. William I King of England offered him his niece, daughter of Robert Comte de Mortain, but Guillaume left for Apulia[335]. Europäische Stammtafeln states that he was in Apulia from 1081[336], although the basis for this is not known. Orderic Vitalis states that he was "avunculus" of Arnoul de Montpinçon, whose "acquisitions" inspired the latter to set out for Apulia[337]. Orderic Vitalis also records that he took part in Robert Guiscard's campaign against Durazzo in 1081 and that he was summoned by Duke Robert to his deathbed[338]. He was granted land in the valleys of the Crati, the Coscile and at Cotrone[339], although it is not known whether this refers to part of the "fifteen castles" of his wife's dowry (see below) or whether they were grants made to Guillaume in his own right before his marriage. Either way, it is clear that Guillaume's career in Apulia must have been particularly successful for him to have risen from a relatively obscure background and to have made such a prominent marriage. Orderic Vitalis reports that in [Jul] 1097 Guillaume and his brother Aubrey were among those who, fearing that Antioch would be recaptured by the Turks, let "themselves down the wall with ropes" in order to escape and "were called clandestine rope-dancers to their lasting disgrace"[340]. Albert of Aix records "Guillaume", married to the sister of Bohémond, and formerly domestikos of the Emperor at Constantinople, who escaped "out of fear" from Antioch to Alexandretta, believing that the crusading army was doomed after it was besieged by Kerbogha atabeg of Mosul[341]. He died in Apulia after returning from Antioch according to Orderic Vitalis[342], the text suggesting that this was before 1114. Europäische Stammtafeln[343] refers to "1130" but the source to which this relates has not so far been found. m (Apulia [1088/1096][344]%29 MABEL of Apulia, daughter of ROBERT "Guiscard/Weasel" de Hauteville Duke of Apulia & his second wife Sichelgaita of Salerno. She is named as sister of Roger Duke of Apulia by Orderic Vitalis, who also names her husband and says that the marriage was arranged by her brother after he reached a settlement with his half-brother Marco Bohemond[345]. In a later passage, Orderic names her "Mabel dite Courte Leuve", also names her father and specifies that her dowry consisted of fifteen castles[346]. Malaterra records that the wife of "Guillelmus de Grantemenil" was "sororem ducis, filiam…Guiscardi, Mabiliam"[347]. "La contessa Mabilia, vedova del protosebasta Guglielmo di Grantmesnil ed il figlio Guglielmo" donated the church of San Pietro di Bragalla to Cava by charter dated Sep 1117[348]. Guillaume & his wife had two children: a) GUILLAUME [II] de Grantmesnil (-[3 Oct] 1117 or after). Son of Guillaume, according to Orderic Vitalis[349]. He succeeded his father but did not long survive him[350]. "La contessa Mabilia, vedova del protosebasta Guglielmo di Grantmesnil ed il figlio Guglielmo" donated the church of San Pietro di Bragalla to Cava by charter dated Sep 1117[351]. [m AGATHA, daughter of --- (-3 Oct ----). According to Europäische Stammtafeln[352], Agatha was the first wife of Guillaume [I] de Grantmesnil. However, the necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "V Non Oct" of "Willelmus de Grandmesnil et uxor eius Agatha"[353]. This recording of dual names in necrologies normally reflects the death of the husband, and a subsequent donation by the widow in his memory. This is inconsistent with Agatha being the wife of Guillaume [I]. It is therefore suggested that Agatha may have been the wife of Guillaume [II], although it is possible that the entry refers to an altogether different Guillaume and his wife.] b) ROBERT de Grantmesnil (-after 1129). Son of Guillaume, according to Orderic Vitalis[354]. He abandoned his fiefs after a dispute about military service and returned to his kinsfolk north of the Alps in 1129[355].
3. HUGUES de Grantmesnil (-bur Saint-Evroul[356]). He is named, and his parentage given, by Orderic Vitalis, who says that he "died in his youth"[357].
4. IVO de Grantmesnil (-after 1102). He is named, and his parentage given, by Orderic Vitalis, who also names his father-in-law but not his wife[358]. “…Rotberti de Grentemaisnillo, Ivonis de Grentemaisnillo…” witnessed the charter dated Sep 1093 under which William II King of England donated property to Lincoln cathedral[359]. He held his father's honour in England "for a little while" but later pledged it to Robert Comte de Meulan. Orderic Vitalis records that he went on the First Crusade, was present at the siege of Antioch, and died on a second journey to Jerusalem[360]. m --- de Gand, daughter of GILBERT van Gent & his wife Alice de Montfort-sur-Risle. Orderic Vitalis says that Ivo's wife was the daughter of Gilbert de Gand but does not name her[361]. Ivo & his wife had two children: a) IVO de Grantmesnil (-drowned off Barfleur, Normandy 25 Nov 1120). Orderic Vitalis names "duo elegantes filii Yvonis de Grentemaisnil" among those who drowned in the White Ship in 1120[362]. b) --- de Grantmesnil (-drowned off Barfleur, Normandy 25 Nov 1120). Orderic Vitalis names "duo elegantes filii Yvonis de Grentemaisnil" among those who drowned in the White Ship in 1120[363].
5. AUBREY de Grantmesnil (-after [Jul] 1097). He is named, and his parentage given, by Orderic Vitalis, who specifies that he abandoned a clerical life for the life of a knight, accompanying his brother Guillaume on the First Crusade and at one time wounding Tancred (later Prince of Antioch)[364]. Orderic Vitalis reports that in [Jul] 1097 Aubrey and his brother Guillaume were among those who, fearing that Antioch would be recaptured by the Turks, let "themselves down the wall with ropes" in order to escape and "were called clandestine rope-dancers to their lasting disgrace"[365].
6. ADELINA de Grantmesnil (-[1110/11]). She is named, and her parentage given, by Orderic Vitalis, who also names her husband[366]. She died soon after making grants to Abingdon Abbey in [1110/11][367]. m ROGER Seigneur d'Ivry, son of --- (-after 24 Apr 1089). Pincerna of William I King of England. He founded the abbey of Ivry-la-Balluis[368]. He held Cottisford from his father-in-law in 1086 in Domesday Book[369].
7. HAWISE de Grantmesnil . She is named, and her parentage given, by Orderic Vitalis, who says that she died "when she had reached marriageable age but was still unmarried"[370].
8. ROHESE de Grantmesnil . She is named, and her parentage given, by Orderic Vitalis, who also names her husband and his father[371]. m ROBERT de Courcy, son of RICHARD de Courcy & his wife --- (-after 1102).
9. MATHILDE de Grantmesnil (-Jaffa). Daughter of Hugues de Grantmesnil, according to Orderic Vitalis, who also names her sister and her two husbands, recounting that she "took the road for Jerusalem" with her second husband but died at Jaffa on her way home[372]. m firstly HUGUES de Montpinçon, son of --- (-Rouen 7 Mar ----, bur St Evroul). He died aged 60[373]. m secondly MATHIEU, son of ---. Orderic Vitalis records that he "took the road for Jerusalem" with his wife but died in Apulia on the outward journey[374].
10. AGNES de Grantmesnil (-14 Sep ----). She is named, and her parentage given, by Orderic Vitalis, who also names her husband[375]. The necrology of the monastery of Ouche records the death "14 Sep" of "Agnes filia Hugonis de Grentesmesnil"[376]. m GUILLAUME de Say, son of ---.
From FMG Medieval Lands database
Adeliza or Alice de Beaumont
born about 1035 Beaumont-Sur-Risle, France
died 11 July 1091 At Rouen, Seine-Inferieure, France
born about 1005 Beaumont-Sur-Oise, Normandy, France
born about 1008 Beaumont-Sur-Oise, Normandy, France
married about 1048 Beaumont-Sur-Oise, Normandy, France
(end of information)
born about 1030 Grentemesnil, Calvados, Normandy, France
died 22 February 1094 Leicestershire, England
married about 1050 Grentemesnil, Calvados, France
Robert de Grentemesnil born about 1052 Grentemesnil, Calvados, France died 1122
William de Grentemesnil born about 1054 Grentemesnil, Calvados, France
Adeline de Grentemesnil born about 1056 Grentemesnil, Calvados, France died 1111
Halewise de Grentemesnil born about 1058 Grentemesnil, Calvados, France
Hugh de Grentemesnil born about 1060 Grentemesnil, Calvados, France died 1087
buried St. Evroult, Normandy, France
Rohese de Grentemesnil born about 1062 Grentemesnil, Calvados, France
Alberic de Grentemesnil born about 1066 Grentemesnil, Calvados, France died 1119
Matilda (Maud) de Grentemesnil born about 1068 Grentemesnil, Calvados, France
Hawise de Grentemesnil born about 1072 Grentemesnil, Calvados, France
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p352.htm#i24824 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
1032 |
Beaumont-sur-Oise, Normandy, France
1052 |
Grentemesnil, Basse-Normandie, France
1055 |
L'Oudon, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France
1056 |
Grentemesnil, Calvados, France, or Hinckley, Leicestershire, England
1060 |
L'Oudon, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France
1064 |
Grandmesnil, L'Oudon, Calvados, Normandie, France
1065 |
Grandmesnil, Duchy of Normandy, France
1066 |
L'Oudon, Duché de Normandie, France
1068 |
L'Oudon, Duché de Normandie, France
1072 |
Of, Grentemesnil, Calvados, France, or of, Hinckley, Leicester, , England