Matching family tree profiles for Abigail Hill
Immediate Family
About Abigail Hill
Abigail Hill formerly Libby
Born 1706 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Daughter of Daniel Libby and Elizabeth (Kirke) Meder
Sister of Daniel Libby II, William Libby and Samuel Libby
Wife of Joseph Hill — married 2 May 1728 (to 1 Feb 1737) in Durham, Strafford, New Hampshire
Mother of Abigail (Hill) Foss, Lydia (Hill) Marr, Daniel Hill and Susanna Hill
Died 1 Feb 1740 in Biddeford, York, Maine
Profile last modified 30 Mar 2019 | Created 1 Mar 2013
This profile is part of the Libby Name Study. Note: Because of a great deal of similar names, as well as multiple intermarriages in the Libby family tree, Charles Libby, author of The Libby Family in America devised a numbering system from the Immigrant. The immigrant on WikiTree is John Libby. Each child is numbered in order, so John Libby is Child 1 (or Libby 1). Each of his children is numbered in order (1-1, 1-2, 1-3) etc. and each of their children takes the digits of the parent and adds their birth order number.
Abigail is Libby 1-5-3
"Daniel Libby, born in Scarborough, probably bour 1678; married Elizabeth Kirke, a sister of his brother John's wide. He was a carpenter in Portsmouth, an died a young man, shortly before June 1712. His widow married 10 November 1724, Daniel Meder, "a friend" and died before Oct. 1735. Children:
1. Daniel, m. Eleanor _____. He was a miller. He died in Biddeford, where he had lived many years, in about the year 1740. His inventory mentioned five yokes of oxen and 46,442 feet of pine boards. His widow married Daniel Brooks. In the settlement of the estate, mention is made of children, but nothing further of them appears." 2. William, m. Elizabeth Goodwin 3. Abigail, m. 2 May 1728 in Durham, Joseph Hill 1. Abigail Hill, m. 7 Nov 1751, James Foss 2. Lydia Hill, m. 1 Jan 1752 James Marr Children: 1. John Marr, bap. 1752, m. Sarah Jordan 2. James Marr, bap. 1754; m. Lydia Libby, 11-7-2-5 3. Mercy Marr, m. Reuben Libby, 10-5-2-3 4. William Mar, probably died young 5. Lydia Marr, m. George Fogg, 9-5-4-9 6. Catherine Marr, unmarried in 1804 7. Abigail Marr, m 29 Dec 1797, Joseph Calef 8. Daniel Marr, m. Elizabeth Sawyer 9. Rufus Marr, m. Lucy March 11-6-1-14 3. Susannah Hill, m. 15 July 1755 Nathania Jordan 4. Elizabeth Hill m. Thomas Millett or Falmouth 5. Daniel Hill of Scarborough in 176 6. Mary Hill of Scarborough, unmarried in 1762 4. Samuel, b. about 1707; died 1734; unmarried. He lived in Scarborough and Falmouth, and acquired considerable real estate in each town." Pg. 38-39 Libby Family in America.
”The Libby family in America,1602-1881”, by Libby, Charles Thornton, 1861-1948 Published 1882 Publisher Portland, Me. : B. Thurston & Co. Libby Family in America
Abigail Hill's Timeline
1707 |
September 29, 1707
Aroostook County, Maine
1729 |
Kittery, York, ME, United States
1731 |
1733 |
1735 |
1738 |
Kittery, York County, Massachusetts
1739 |
1740 |
February 1, 1740
Age 32
Biddeford, ME, United States