Matching family tree profiles for Abigail Silliman
Immediate Family
About Abigail Silliman
Ancestor #: A103642
Daughter of (5) Jonathan Selleck and Sister of (7) Nathan Selleck
Born Feb. 15, 1707, died March 16, 1772. Married Ebenezer Silliman, Oct. 8, 1728.
The children were: Gold Selleck, born May 7, 1732. Eben- ezer, Jr., born June 21, 1734. Amelia Gold, born Oct. 30, 1736. Hezekiah, born March ri, 1738. Jonathan, born Aug. 31, 1742. Abigail, born Oct. 28, 1745. Drodate, born Dec. 13, 1749.
From this union came some world-renowned descendants. The historical items given hereafter in regard to the Sillimans are only brief extracts from the articles published. A complete copy of the whole matter would be too laborious for the writer, but the references will enable any interested to make a thorough examination.
In addition to references given Articles will be found in Encyclopaedia Britan- nica, Vol. vii, p. 601.
Nelson's EncyclopaKiia, Vol. ri, p. 219.
American Cyclopaedia, Vol. zv, p. 45.
People's Cycloptedia of Universal Knowledge, p. 1610.
Annual Cyclopedia, Vol. i, 1876, p. 52J.
She was buried in the "Old Burying Ground" of Fairfield, Conn., and on the head-stone to her grave is inscribed:
In memory of Mrs. Abigail Silliman. Late amiable consort of the Honorable Ebenezer Silliman Esq. She died March 16. a.d. 1772 aged 65 years and a month wanting one day.
How lov'd, how vallu'd once, avails thee not. To whom related, or by whom begot. A heap of dust alone remains of thee 'Tis all thou art, and all the proud shall be.
In Fisher's Life of Benjamin Silliman, page 7, is mentioned the Capture of General Gold Selleck Silliman, May 1, 1779, and interesting history connected with her son.
Page 438, Selleck's History of Norwalk.
Birth: 1707 Death: Mar. 16, 1772
The daughter of Jonathan Selleck. "Ye OLD BURYING GROUND IN FAIRFIELD, CONN." by Mrs. Kate Perry, p. 100.
Family links:
Ebenezer Silliman (1707 - 1775)
Gold Seleck Silliman (1732 - 1790)*
Amelia Silliman Gold (1736 - 1794)*
*Calculated relationship
Inscription: In Memory of Mrs. ABIGAIL SILLIMAN Late Amiable consort of the Honorable EBENEZER SILLIMAN Esq'r. She died March 16 A. D. 1772 Aged 65 Years one a Month wanting one day. How lov'd, how vallu'd once avils the 'not To Whome related or by whom begot, A heap of dust alone remains of thee; 'Tis all thou art and all the proud shall be. "Ye OLD BURYING GROUND IN FAIRFIELD, CONN." by Mrs. Kate Perry
Burial: Old Burying Ground Fairfield Fairfield County Connecticut, USA
Created by: Nareen, et al Record added: Jul 09, 2004 Find A Grave Memorial# 9072705
Abigail Selleck Silliman BIRTH 1707 DEATH 16 Mar 1772 (aged 64–65) BURIAL Old Burying Ground Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA MEMORIAL ID 9072705
In Memory of Mrs. ABIGAIL SILLIMAN Late Amiable consort of the Honorable EBENEZER SILLIMAN Esq'r. She died March 16 A. D. 1772 Aged 65 Years one a Month wanting one day. How lov'd, how vallu'd once avils the 'not To Whome related or by whom begot, A heap of dust alone remains of thee; 'Tis all thou art and all the proud shall be. "Ye OLD BURYING GROUND IN FAIRFIELD, CONN." by Mrs. Kate Perry
Ben this needs a fix. I put correct info on this profile, I use the Z just to differentiate.
Abigail Silliman's Timeline
1707 |
Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut
1732 |
May 7, 1732
Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut Colony
1734 |
June 21, 1734
1736 |
October 30, 1736
Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut, United States
1738 |
March 11, 1738
Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut, Colonial America
1742 |
August 31, 1742
Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut, Colonial America
1745 |
October 28, 1745
United States
1749 |
December 13, 1749
United States
1772 |
March 16, 1772
Age 65
Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut