From http://jtbullock.com/Tree/Edwards-Tuttle.html#AM
After her husband died, Anne Munter Edwards married twice widower James Cole on December 6, 1625 in Whitechapel in the parish of St Dunstan and All Saints, in the Borough of Tower Hamlets, Stepney, Middlesex, England. He accepted Anne's sole surviving son as his own. They had at least four children together, all baptized at St. Mary's, Whitechapel, Stepney, London on the dates given
From http://foundersofhartford.org/founders/cole_james.htm
Abigail Cole m. Daniel Sullavane, or Sillivane, of New Haven, before 1652. Sullivane m. Elizabeth, dau. of George Lamberton, of New Haven, 1654.
From https://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=adgedge&...
c.1652: James COLE of Hartford, upon the river of Connecticut, wrote his will. Gives to "my deare and well-beloved sonn and daughter Daniel and Abigail SULLAVANE my new dwelling-house in Hartford, with all other outhousings, orchards, garden, homelott," being about 5 acres, "lying at penny wise within Wethersfield bounds." Also about 4 acres of upland lying "about the Wolfe pound," provided they pay to wife Ann COLE 3 pounds during her natural life. Wife to have an upper room at the south end of my new dwelling house during her widowhood with free liberty of egress and regress without molestation. Also wife Ann to have "the use of their fireing for her owne comfort in any respect; as also any fruit or herbes in the orchard or garden for her owne particular spending; as also the use of the well belonging to the house." If she desires to keep a cow, hog, or some poultry for her use, she providing meat for them, then she to have yard room for them where "my sonn Daniels Cattel are usually yarded." Gives cooper tools to be divided between son William EDWARDS and cousin Henry COLE. Gives wife Ann COLE all my household stuff of every kind undisposed of, with all my cattle and crop of corn now in the ground with all debts owing to me, provided that she pays all debts and defrays all charges thought necessary by overseers of the will for burial. Appoints friends Mr. John WEBSTER and William GIBBONS overseers, and wife Ann COLE executrix. Signed James COLE. Wits. John WHITE, Thomas HOSMER.
(2) 1652, Nov: Inventory of his estate taken at Hartford, CT.
1629 |
April 6, 1629
Stepney, London, Middlesex , England
April 6, 1629
St. Maryâs, Whitechapel, Stepney, London, Middlesex , England
1653 |
Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, United States
1654 |
October 17, 1654
Age 25
Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, United States
October 17, 1654
Age 25
Connecticut, United States
1941 |
January 18, 1941
Age 25
January 31, 1941
Age 25