As a converso in Portugal, Abraham assumed the name "Miguel Pacheco Da Silva." Once in London, Abraham and Abigail were able to marry as Jews in Bevis Marks.
born into a new Christian family in Portugal. Fled to Bordeaux ("La Nacion") at time of of Isaac Mendes Seixas's bar mitzvah. Then migrated to London where Miguel and Abigail changed their last name from Pacheco da Silva to MENDES SEIXAS.and remarried as Jews at Bevis Marks Synagogue.
http://books.google.com/books?pg=PA115&lpg=PA115&dq=%22Miguel%20Pac... Collections, Volume 29 By New-York Historical Society Page 36.—Certificate of Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, that the will of ABRAHAM MENDES SEIXAS, otherwise MIGUEL PACHECO DA SILVA, late of the Parish of Dunstans, Stepney, County of Middlesex, was proved in London on April 7, 1738, and Letters of administration granted to Rodrigo Pacheco and Daniel Mendes Seixas, executors. "In the Name of the Eternal God, Creator of Heaven and Earth." "I, ABRAHAM MENDES SEIXAS, otherwise MIGUEL PACHECO DA SILVA, being in my best understanding, though incapable of making my own will with my own hand for want of sight, have caused these Presents to be made." "I declare that I was lawfully married once and had 3 children, all of whom are now living, to wit, Judith, wife of Rodrigo Pacheco, Isaac, who is now a single man, and Rebecca, wife of Daniel Mendes Seixas," And as I have given to the husbands of my daughters their marriage portions, I give to each of my daughters £20 as a token of love, and to my son Isaac only £50 for reasons known to myself. I leave to Esther da Silva, who is at present in my company, £50. To my son in law, Daniel Mendes Seixas, £80. And I make my two sons in law executors, and they are to allow my son £30 a year. If he marries with their approval and has children, they are to divide the estate between them, otherwise at his death I leave the whole to my two daughters.
born into a new Christian family in Portugal. Fled to Bordeaux ("La Nacion") at time of of Isaac Mendes Seixas's bar mitzvah. Then migrated to London where Miguel and Abigail changed their last name from Pacheco da Silva to MENDES SEIXAS.and remarried as Jews at Bevis Marks Synagogue.
http://books.google.com/books?pg=PA115&lpg=PA115&dq=%22Miguel%20Pac... Collections, Volume 29 By New-York Historical Society Page 36.—Certificate of Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, that the will of ABRAHAM MENDES SEIXAS, otherwise MIGUEL PACHECO DA SILVA, late of the Parish of Dunstans, Stepney, County of Middlesex, was proved in London on April 7, 1738, and Letters of administration granted to Rodrigo Pacheco and Daniel Mendes Seixas, executors.
"In the Name of the Eternal God, Creator of Heaven and Earth." "I, ABRAHAM MENDES SEIXAS, otherwise MIGUEL PACHECO DA SILVA, being in my best understanding, though incapable of making my own will with my own hand for want of sight, have caused these Presents to be made." "I declare that I was lawfully married once and had 3 children, all of whom are now living, to wit, Judith, wife of Rodrigo Pacheco, Isaac, who is now a single man, and Rebecca, wife of Daniel Mendes Seixas," And as I have given to the husbands of my daughters their marriage portions, I give to each of my daughters £20 as a token of love, and to my son Isaac only £50 for reasons known to myself. I leave to Esther da Silva, who is at present in my company, £50. To my son in law, Daniel Mendes Seixas, £80. And I make my two sons in law executors, and they are to allow my son £30 a year. If he marries with their approval and has children, they are to divide the estate between them, otherwise at his death I leave the whole to my two daughters.
1680 |
1709 |
September 5, 1709
Lisbon, Lisbon District, Portugal
1738 |
Age 58
London, England
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