Abraham (Arthur, 3 Abraham, 2 John Stephenson 1 ), son of Arthur and Elizabeth (mnu) Stephenson, was born in the Northampton County area North Carolina about 1750, (62) He married Mary Jenkins, daughter of Winborne and Emma Futrell Jenkins in Northampton County, about 1776. (63) During the early 1770's, when the "New World" was struggling for its independence for England during the Revolutionary War, Abraham served as a Continental solder from the Northampton County area, Halifax District. (64) After the war, in 1778, Abraham's father Arthur deeded him all of his land, including his plantation and his copper still cap and worm used to make Apple Cider and Brandy. In his same deed, Arthur also gave his son Abraham a Negro slave girl named Lucy. (65) Abraham's father-in-law, Winborne Jenkins, a neighbor Jacob Boon, and Daniel Johnson, whose relationship is unknown to the Stephenson family, witnessed this transaction. on the Northampton County 1790 Census, Abraham was listed as haveing two males 16 and upward, two males under 16, three females, and four slaves living in his household. The 1800 Northampton County census recorded Abraham as having in his household two males under 10, one male between 16 and 26, one male between 26 and 45 (Abraham). One female between 26 and 45 (Mary), one female 45 and up, and 15 slaves. On 27 Aug 1810, Abraham deeded to his son Jenkins Stevenson 125 acres of land as a "deed of gift." (66) Abraham gave to his son Benjamin Stephenson 170 acres as a "deed of gift" on 10 Nov 1810. (67) On the same day that Abraham gave his son Benjamin land, he also gave his son Arthur 170 acres. (68) His sons were witnesses to each of these deeds. Between 1813 and 1823 Abraham was found mentioned only a few times in the Northampton County deed or will books. He was not found listed on the 1810 or 1820 Northampton County census records, but he was living in Northampton County as verified by the Northampton County deed books. He was mentioned in an 1810 deed as giving his sons Benjamin and Arthur land, (69) and he witnessed his sister Milly's 1813 Northampton County will. (70) This author next found Abraham mentioned in the deed books in 1823, when he gave his sons John and Benjamin land. (71) On 17 March 1823, " for natural love and affection that I have for my son John Stephenson," Abraham gave him all of his land and his Negroes. John Suter and James Daughtrey witnessed this deed. (72) On 30 May 1823, Abraham gave to his son Benjamin 170 acres of land for the same reasons he gave land to his son John, "love and affection." (73) Abraham had given Benjamin 170 acres once before in and affection." (73) Abraham had given Benjamin 170 acres once before in 1810. (74) After 1823, Abraham was not found again in Northampton County's will, estates, deeds or census records. Gilbert T. Stephenson's Undated family history revealed that Abraham once lived "at the W.P. Syke's place where Mr. Wheeler now lives." (75) This same family history mentioned that Abraham was buried about 200 yards north of his home in land that was being cultivated when Mr. Stephenson or his ancestors recorded the family's history. Abraham's date of death is unknown, and no will or estate papers have been found for him. He left records of his sons in the Northampton County deeds. he left only circumstantial evidence for his daughter, Amy Stephenson. Gilbert T. Stephenson's notes mentioned that a Charles who died in Hertford Co., NC was also one of Arthur's sons. He also mentioned that Amy was Abraham's daughter. mr. Stephenson cited old handwritten notes found among the family's old papers as his source for the information about Charles and Amy. None of these notes were dated, nor did they give a source. It apparently was information handed down in the family over years and finally recorded by Mr. Gilbert T. Stephenson or one of his ancestors. There are a few discrepancies concerning the given names of spouses, but the information has proven mosly accurate. Gilbert T. Stephenson had the following written about Abraham Stephenson in his historical papers.
"Abraham Stephenson-my Great, great grandfather lived at W.P. Syke's place where Mr. Wheeler lives. Owned about 1,000 acres and 20 slaves. Farmer. Was 7 years in the Revolutionary War. Buried at home near the house, 200 yards north of he house. Now under cultivation" Abraham and Mary Jenkin's proven children were Jenkins, Arthur, Benjamin (Ben), and John Stephenson. Traditionally Amy and Charles were also children of Abraham, but they are not proven children and are not listed with the children of Abraham and Mary Jenkins Stephenson. Their sketches are at the end of the Stephenson sketch with the sketches of other unproven individuals.
62. National Society of the Daughter of the Am. Rev., DAR Patriot index, Centennial Edition, Part III, p. 2802, stated that Abraham was born in 1750, NC. 63. Hofmann, Margaret M., Northampton Co., NC 1759-1808, Gen. Abstracts of Wills, pp.83, 99; DAR Patriot Index, Centennial Edition, Part III, p. 2802 64. Haun, Weynete Parks, NC Rev. Army Accounts Secretary of State Treasurer's & Comptroller's Papers, Vol. 1, Vol. II; National Society of the Daughter of the American Rev, DAR Patriot Index, Centennial Edition, Part III, p. 2802; The Army Accounts of the North Carolina. 65. Bradley, Stephen, The Deeds of Northampton Co., NC 1774-1787, p.29, DB 6, p.299 66. Northampton Co., NC, DB 15, p.49 67. Ibid., p.86 68. Ibid., p.88 69. Ibid., p.86 70. NC Archives, 071.801: "Milly Smith, 1813; "Original Copy of Milly's will. 71. Northampton Co., NC, DB 21, p.326. 72. Ibid. 73. Northampton Co., NC, DB 22, p.8. 74. Northampton Co., NC, DB 15, p.86. 75. Gilbert T. Stephenson was born in 1884 in Pendleton, Northampton Co., NC. During his lifetime he collected information concerning his ancestor's genealogy. When he died in 1972 he left behind notes recording who these ancestors were. Some notes seem to be due to his own research, and some notes were by an unknown researcher. The land of the Abraham Stephenson who died after or around 1823 was where W.P. Sykes later settled and in the early 1900's was where Mr. Wheeler lived when Gilbert Stephenson's family history was being recorded. W.P. Sykes married this Abraham Stephenson great granddaughter Adelia Stephenson on 7 Aug 1867. Adelia was a daughter of this Abraham's grandson Abraham Stephenson (1812-abt 1858) and his wife Eliza Powell.
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Northampton County, North Carolina
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Northampton, NC, United States