WEBER.-On the 25th of Feb., near Hagerstown, Maryland, of blood poisoning, Abraham Weber (father of the above), aged 65 years, 5 months and 19 days. He was sick about 2 weeks of blood poisoning in both hands and arms. He leaves a daughter Susan, a son Samuel, two sisters, one brother and many friends to mourn his death. He was laid to rest on the 28th in the graveyard at Reiff's Mennonite meeting house where he had been a member of the congregation for thirty years. Funeral services were held by Geo. Keener, Christian Strite and Henry Bare. His wife died 22 years ago. Seven children also preceded hi to the spirit world. He was a kind and good father.
Now I miss him, oh, I miss him! When I see the vacant chair, When I see the room without him, For there is no father there.
Sleep, father dear, and take your rest, God called you home He thought it best; 'Twas hard indeed to part with thee, But Christ's strong arm supported me.
Daughter and son, weep not for me, My troubles and sorrows are o'er, My sufferings all have an end, I am at rest forever more. SUSAN S. WEBER
And his son Abraham...
WEBER.-On the 17th of Feb. 1898. at his fathers' residence, near Hagerstown, Maryland, of hemorrhage of the lungs, Abraham S. Weber, aged 24 years, 2 months and 24 days. He did not feel well for two days, but continued to do his work until at noon on the day he died. He was at the barn yet at four o'clock in the afternoon and before seven he was a corpse. He was ready and willing to go. He leaves a sick father, one sister and a brother. He was born on the place where he died. He was buried at the Reiff Mennonite burying ground. He was a member of the church since he was 16 years of age. Funeral services by Geo. Keener, Christian Strite and Bish. M. Horst.
Now I miss him, O, I miss him,, When I see his vacant chair, And when I see the room without him, For Abraham is not there.
Sleep, brother dear, and take your rest, God called you home-He thought it best; 'Twas hard indeed to part with thee, But Christ's strong arm supported me SUSAN S. WEBER
1832 |
September 6, 1832
Pennsylvania, United States
1898 |
February 25, 1898
Age 65
Maryland, United States