Abram Levi Shmidt

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Abram Levi Shmidt

Birthplace: Balninkai, Lithuania
Death: April 25, 1935 (58-59)
Ukmerge, Lithuania
Immediate Family:

Son of Bentsion Leyzer Leyzer Shmidt and Ester Leah Shmidt
Brother of Benjamin Smidt; Shabsi Velva Smidt; Rasha Rasal Shmidt; Noyma Shmidt; Dr. Yaakov Efraim Yankel Shmidt and 4 others
Half brother of Chaim Noson Shmidt

Occupation: Shopkeeper, merchant
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Abram Levi Shmidt

(divon lan:) from jewishgen.org

Ukmerge District Family List 1892-1894 from Balninkai:

SHMIDT Leyzer Bentsel son of Osher, Head of Household, age 44, "from Kurkliai community, Ukmerge uyezd; since 1888; has house and plot of land"

SHMIDT Ester Leah, wife, age 40

SHMIDT Benjamin Mordkhel son of Leyzer Bentsel age 22

SHMIDT Abram Levi son of Leyzer Bentsel age 18

SHMIDT Shebsel Wulf son of Leyzer Bentsel age 15

SHMIDT Efraim Yankel son of Leyzer Bentsel age 9

SHMIDT Rasha daughter of Leyzer Bentsel age 13

SHMIDT Noyma daughter of Leyzer Bentsel age 11

SHMIDT Tsipa Shora daughter of Leyzer Bentsel age 7

SHMIDT Sheyna Dveyra daughter of Leyzer Bentsel age 5

Death record:

Died in Ukmerge, 25/4/1935, age 64

SHMIDTAS / [SHMIDT], Leiba Abramas son of Bencelis and Ester Leya YOFAITE / [YOFA]

Born in Balninkai a shopkeeper

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Abram Levi Shmidt's Timeline

Balninkai, Lithuania
April 25, 1935
Age 59
Ukmerge, Lithuania