IMPORTANT NOTE: This Adelais, who married Herbert de Vermandois should NOT be confused with her sister Adela (Alix) de Valois & du Vexin who married Thibaut III Comte de Blois, Chartres & Champagne.
daughters of RAOUL [III] “le Grand” Comte de Valois d'Amiens et du Vexin and his wife Adele de Bar-sur-Aube included:
SUBJECT OF THIS PROFILE: ADELAIS de Valois (-after 1077). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Symonem et filiam…Adala" as children of "comitis Veromandie [error for Valois] Rodolfi" and his wife Adela[36]. Her marriage is confirmed by an undated charter, quoted by Acta Sanctorum, under which "Rodulfus comes" donated property to Saint-Rémy, confirmed by "Symonem filium meum, duos quoque generos meos, quos de filiabus meis habeo, id est Heribertum comitem et juvenem…Bartholomeum"[37]. Ctss de Valois. "Herbertus Vermandensium et Vadascorum comes" donated property to the church of Saint-Quentin and others, with the consent of "Alide coniugis meæ", by charter dated 1059 (date unlikely to be correct, considering that Héribert did not succeed as Comte de Valois until 1077)[38]. m ([1059 or before]) HERIBERT [VI] Comte de Vermandois, son of EUDES Comte de Vermandois & his wife Pavia --- ([1032]-[1080])
Do NOT confuse her with her sister who married Thibaut Count of Blois: ADELA [Alix] de Valois (-12 May [1093/1100], bur Saint-Faron). It is unclear whether the [second/third] wife of Thibaut III Comte de Blois could have been the daughter of Comte Raoul [III]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Alaydis soror sancti Symonis" as wife of "comiti Campanie Theobaldo", although he confuses her with her supposed niece Adelais, daughter of Héribert [IV] Comte de Vermandois, saying that she married "Hugoni fratri regis Philippi" after the death of her husband[39]. The difficulty with Alberic’s statement is an undated charter, quoted by Acta Sanctorum, under which "Rodulfus comes" donated property to Saint-Rémy, confirmed by "Symonem filium meum, duos quoque generos meos, quos de filiabus meis habeo, id est Heribertum comitem et juvenem…Bartholomeum"[40]. If the wife of Comte Thibaut III had been another daughter of Raoul [III], it is unclear why he would have been omitted from this document which appears to indicate clearly that Raoul had only two sons-in-law. Nevertheless, a close relationship with the family of the comtes de Valois is indicated by a charter dated to [1077/81] under which "Teobaudus comes palatinus…cum mulierum Adelaide" donated property to Montiérender, naming "bone memorie predecessorum…patris sui Odonis comitis et Heriberto cognomento senioris…comes Rodulfus predecessor suus et propinquus"[41], the latter presumably referring to Comte Raoul [III]. In addition, Comte Thibaut acquired the county of Bar-sur-Aube. If he had not been Raoul’s son-in-law, the basis for this acquisition is unclear. "Adeladis comitisse" subscribed the donation to Cluny by "Rotrocus castri Mauritanie comes atque Dunensis castri vicecomes" dated 11 Jan 1078, immediately after "Tetbaldi comitis, Stephani comitis"[42], it being assumed that she was the wife of the former not the latter. The necrology of Saint-Loup, Troyes records the death "XII Mai" of "Aalais uxor Theobaudi comitis Campaniæ" and her burial "in monasterio Sancti Faronis"[43]. m (before 1061) as his [second/third] wife, THIBAUT III Comte de Blois, Chartres et Champagne, son of EUDES II Comte de Blois, Chartres, Troyes et Champagne & his second wife Ermengarde d'Auvergne ([1010]-29/30 Sep 1089).]
HERIBERT [VI] ([1032]-[1080]). He succeeded his father in 1045 as Comte de Vermandois. He succeeded as Comte de Valois in 1077, by right of his wife. "Herbertus Vermandensium et Vadascorum comes" donated property to the church of Saint-Quentin and others, with the consent of "Alide coniugis meæ", by charter dated 1059 (date unlikely to be correct, considering that Héribert did not succeed as Comte de Valois until 1077)[1358]. m ([1059 or before]) ADELAIS de Valois, daughter of RAOUL [III] Comte de Valois, de Crépy et de Vitry & his first wife Aelis de Bar-sur-Aube (-after 1077). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Symonem et filiam…Adala" children of "comitis Veromandie [error for Valois] Rodolfi" and his wife Adela[1359]. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. Ctss de Valois. "Herbertus Vermandensium et Vadascorum comes" donated property to the church of Saint-Quentin and others, with the consent of "Alide coniugis meæ", by charter dated 1059 (date unlikely to be correct, considering that Héribert did not succeed as Comte de Valois until 1077)[1360]. Comte Héribert [VI] & his wife had two children:
a) EUDES “l’Insensé” (-after 1085). The De Genere Comitum Flandrensium, Notæ Parisienses names "Odonem et Adelam sororem" as the two children of "comes Herbertus", specifying that Eudes was "fatuus et indiscretus" but that his brother-in-law gave him "filiam cuiusdam militis Viromandensis" as a wife[1361]. He was disinherited by his father. m HADWIG, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified.
[- SEIGNEURS de SAINT-SIMON. The descent of the family of Saint-Simon from Eudes "l'Insensé" de Vermandois was fabricated in the 17th century to flatter Claude Rouvroy de Saint-Simon, favourite of Louis XIII King of France[1362]. On the basis of this genealogy, the senior branch of the family of Rouvroy adopted the name "Saint-Simon de Vermandois".]
b) ADELAIS de Vermandois ([1065]-28 Sep [1120/24]). The De Genere Comitum Flandrensium, Notæ Parisienses names "Odonem et Adelam sororem" as the two children of "comes Herbertus", specifying that the husband of Adela was "Hugoni le Magne" and referring to her second husband "comes de Claromonte" and specifying that her daughter by the latter married Charles Count of Flanders[1363]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Adelidem comitissam Viromandensium, defuncto priore viro, scilicet Hugone Magno" as wife of "comes Rainaldus [de Claromonte]"[1364]. She succeeded her father in [1080] as Ctss de Vermandois, de Valois et de Crépy. m firstly ([1080]%29 HUGUES de France, son of HENRI King of France & his second wife Anna Iaroslavna of Kiev (1057-Tarsus in Cilicia 18 Oct 1102, bur Tarsus church of St Paul). Comte de Vermandois et de Valois by right of his wife. Leader of the French contingent in the First Crusade Aug 1096 returning to France after the victory of Antioch 1098 to raise another army. He set out again Mar 1101 but died from wounds received fighting the Greeks at Tarsus in Cilicia. m secondly (1103) as his first wife, RENAUD de Clermont, son of HUGUES de Clermont [en-Beauvaisis] dit de Mouchy & his wife Marguerite de Roucy [Montdidier] (-before 1162). He took the title Comte after his marriage[1365].
Adele, comtesse de Valois1 b. before 1043, d. 1118
Father comte de Valois Raoul III de Valois b. circa 1000?, d. 8 September 1074 Mother comtesse de Bar-sur-Aube Aelis de Bar-sur-Aube b. circa 1015, d. 1053
Also called comtesse de Crépy-en-Valois Adèle de Valois. Also called Gräfin von Vermandois-Valois Adele von Valois.2 Adele, comtesse de Valois was daughter and heiress of Count Raoul III of Valois.2 Also called Adèle de Vexin.3 Also called de Crespy.4 She was born before 1043.3 She was the daughter of comte de Valois Raoul III de Valois and comtesse de Bar-sur-Aube Aelis de Bar-sur-Aube. Adele, comtesse de Valois married Herbert V, comte de Vermandois, son of Othon, comte de Vermandois et de Valois and Pavie (?).5,6 Adele, comtesse de Valois died in 1118.7 Family Herbert V, comte de Vermandois b. circa 1032, d. 1080 Children Adelle, comtesse de Vermandois, de Crespy, et de Valois+ b. c 1062, d. 28 Sep 11211,4 Eudes "l' Insense", comte de Vermandois b. c 1066, d. a 10857 Citations [S1146] Pas on Raoul III de Valois, online http://worldroots.clicktron.com/brigitte/famous/r/…+1074.htm. [S1156] GdF, online mitglied.lycos.de, Familie der Heribertiner. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 268-32. [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., VI:45. [S1146] Pas on Raoul III de Valois, online http://worldroots.clicktron.com/brigitte/famous/r/…+1074.htm, before 1068. [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., I:51. [S467] GdRdF, online http://jeanjacques.villemag.free.fr/
Adele, comtesse de Valois1 b. before 1043, d. 1118
Father comte de Valois Raoul III de Valois b. circa 1000?, d. 8 September 1074 Mother comtesse de Bar-sur-Aube Aelis de Bar-sur-Aube b. circa 1015, d. 1053
Also called comtesse de Crépy-en-Valois Adèle de Valois. Also called Gräfin von Vermandois-Valois Adele von Valois.2 Adele, comtesse de Valois was daughter and heiress of Count Raoul III of Valois.2 Also called Adèle de Vexin.3 Also called de Crespy.4 She was born before 1043.3 She was the daughter of comte de Valois Raoul III de Valois and comtesse de Bar-sur-Aube Aelis de Bar-sur-Aube. Adele, comtesse de Valois married Herbert V, comte de Vermandois, son of Othon, comte de Vermandois et de Valois and Pavie (?).5,6 Adele, comtesse de Valois died in 1118.7 Family Herbert V, comte de Vermandois b. circa 1032, d. 1080 Children Adelle, comtesse de Vermandois, de Crespy, et de Valois+ b. c 1062, d. 28 Sep 11211,4 Eudes "l' Insense", comte de Vermandois b. c 1066, d. a 10857 Citations [S1146] Pas on Raoul III de Valois, online http://worldroots.clicktron.com/brigitte/famous/r/…+1074.htm. [S1156] GdF, online mitglied.lycos.de, Familie der Heribertiner. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 268-32. [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., VI:45. [S1146] Pas on Raoul III de Valois, online http://worldroots.clicktron.com/brigitte/famous/r/…+1074.htm, before 1068. [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., I:51. [S467] GdRdF, online http://jeanjacques.villemag.free.fr/ -------------------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adele_of_Valois
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1034 |
of Valois, Bretagne, France
1052 |
Valois, Bretagne, France
1057 |
Tréjouls, Tarn-et-Garonne, Midi-Pyrénées, France
1060 |
Valois, Bretagne, France
1080 |
Age 46
Vermandois, Normandy, France
Age 46
Saint-Faron Monastery, Meaux, Seine-et-Marne, France
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