Adele Leontine Kiisel / Tomson / Ludvig

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Adele Leontine Kiisel / Tomson / Ludvig's Geni Profile

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Adele Leontine Kiisel / Tomson / Ludvig (Hanson)

Birthplace: Rakvere
Death: November 20, 1960 (69)
Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Gustav Eduard Hanson and Leena Maria Hanson
Wife of Johannes Ludvig; Arthur Tomson and Friedrich Wilhelm Kiisel
Mother of Harry Fred Tomson
Sister of Amanda Johanna Bannikova; Hilda Ernestine Kivistik and Enn Hiie

Managed by: Silja Limperk
Last Updated:

About Adele Leontine Kiisel / Tomson / Ludvig


Peale mehe surma elas Tallinnas, 1920 läks Antslasse.

Oli 3 korda abielus.

II abielu: Arthur Tomson: Saaga TLA.1359.2.45:182?90,332,1611,230,0 poeg Harry Fred 05.05.1922 Arthur Tomson

III abielu Friedrich Wilhelm Kiesel: Saaga TLA.1359.2.47:37 Friedrich Wilhelm Kiisel

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Adele Leontine Kiisel / Tomson / Ludvig's Timeline

November 11, 1891
May 5, 1922
November 20, 1960
Age 69
Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia