Adele Armilde Tõrs

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Adele Armilde Tõrs (Kreem) (1905 - 1980)

Birthplace: Länga küla. Tolli talu. Saaremaa
Death: November 26, 1980 (75)
Place of Burial: Anseküla kalmistu. Saaremaa
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Frido (Friidu) Kreem and Minna Alvine Kreem
Wife of Aleksander Tõrs
Mother of Private; Private; Private and Luule Tõrs
Sister of Alfred Emanuel (Albert) Kreem; Herta Josefine Kreem; Eduard Peeter Kreem; Ella Rosalie Kreem; Hermann Leonhard Kreem and 2 others

Managed by: Evelin Vaik
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

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Adele Armilde Tõrs's Timeline

August 26, 1905
Länga küla. Tolli talu. Saaremaa
February 18, 1940
November 26, 1980
Age 75
Anseküla kalmistu. Saaremaa