Adelheid von Heinsberg

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Adelheid von Heinsberg (1270 - 1343)

Birthplace: Heinsberg, Cologne, NRW, Germany
Death: May 21, 1343 (72-73)
Place of Burial: Breda Grote Kerk, Breda, Breda Municipality, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Dietrich von Sponheim, Herr von Heinsberg and Johanna van Gaasbeek van Leuven
Wife of Heinrich I von Nassau-Siegen
Mother of Agnes von Nassau-Siegen; Otto II. Graf von Nassau-Dillenburg; Heinrich I, Graf von Nassau-Beilstein and Walram von Nassau
Sister of Godfried I van Heinsberg Blankenburg, Count; Everhart van Heinsberg and Walram von Heinsberg

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Adelheid von Heinsberg

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Lower Rhine (covering her birth family):

DIETRICH (-before 26 Jul 1303).  
  • Heinrich Bishop of Utrecht granted the Vogtei of Bodelenburg to "Henrici Domini de Heinsberg…Agneti uxori sue et Theoderico eorum filio" by charter dated 17 Oct 1254 witnessed by "Conrado Domino de Mulenarke, Godefrido Comite Seinensi"[848]. "Theodericus de Heymesberg et de Blankemberg et uxor nostra Johanna" donated property to the Teutonic Order at Köln, for the souls of "avunculi nostri Henrici quondam comitis Henrici et Henrici patris nostri", by charter dated 29 Sep 1267[849].
  • Herr von Heinsberg und Blankenburg. "Henricus dictus de Lovanio dominus in Harstale et Arnoldus frater noster" confirmed an agreement with "Adolphum comitem de Monte…et Theodericum dominum de Hynsbergh sororium nostrum" by charter dated 5 Jan 1265[850].
  • "…Theodericus de Heymesberg…" was among those who declared war against Sifrid Archbishop of Köln by charter dated 8 Apr 1277[851]. "Th…dominus de Heynsberg et domina Johanna collateralis nostra" renounced rights in favour of the Norbertinerstifte at Heinsberg by charter dated 1282, witnessed by "domnus Henricus filius noster…"[852]. "Theodericus dominus de Heinsberg et…Johannes dominus de Lewenberg fratres" appointed arbiters to settle a dispute between them by charter dated 29 Dec 1285[853]. "Theodericus dominus de Heinsberg et domina Johanna uxor eiusdem" confirmed the privileges of the church at Heinsberg by charter dated 2 Feb 1290[854]. "Theodericus dominus de Heinsberg…cum…Godefridi militis filii nostri et Mechtildis uxoris sue" appointed the deacon of the church at Heinsberg by charter dated 22 Dec 1301[855].

m (after 14 Apr 1253) JEANNE de Louvain, daughter of GODEFROI de Brabant Heer van Gaesbeek en Herstal & his wife Marie van Oudenaarde (-[1 Apr] 1291).

  • "Maria quondam uxor viri nobilis domini G. de Lovanio" granted property "Faisbertain" to "Ioannæ filiæ meæ" for her marriage by charter dated 14 Apr 1253 (which does not name the daughter´s future husband)[856]. "Th…dominus de Heynsberg et domina Johanna collateralis nostra" renounced rights in favour of the Norbertinerstifte at Heinsberg by charter dated 1282[857]. "Theodericus dominus de Heinsberg et domina Johanna uxor eiusdem" confirmed the privileges of the church at Heinsberg by charter dated 2 Feb 1290[858].

Dietrich & his wife had four children:

a) HEINRICH (-1287).

  • "Th…dominus de Heynsberg et domina Johanna collateralis nostra" renounced rights in favour of the Norbertinerstifte at Heinsberg by charter dated 1282, witnessed by "domnus Henricus filius noster…"[859].

b) GOTTFRIED (-1331).

  • "Theodericus dominus de Heinsberg…cum…Godefridi militis filii nostri et Mechtildis uxoris sue" appointed the deacon of the church at Heinsberg by charter dated 22 Dec 1301[860].
  • Herr von Heinsberg und Blankenburg. "Dominus Walramus de Heynsberg Dominus de Blankenberg" and "Godefridum Dominum de Heynsberg fratrem suum" divided the inheritance of "Domini Theodorici Domini de Heynsberg bone memorie" by charter dated 26 Jul 1303[861]. "Godefridus dominus de Heynsbergh et de Blankenbergh necnon Mechtildis de Los eius legitima" confirmed the right of "Arnoldus d. de Randenroyde et…Katherina eiusdem legitima" to repurchase "duo molendina sua…in…villa de Linghe" by charter dated 15 Mar 1307[862]. "Joannes de Valkenborg miles, dominus de Herck" named "viris nobilibus domino Godefrido Domino de Heynsbergh, Domino Th. eius filio et Domino Arnoldo Domino de Steyne nostris cognatis" as guarantors under a charter dated 1322[863]. "Goydefridus dominus de Hensberg et de Blankenberg" granted property for the future marriage of "Margarete nostre…filie", with the consent of "filiorum nostrorum…Theoderici nostri primogeniti militis, Johannis et Godefridi", by charter dated 30 Apr 1326[864].
  • m (before 1299) MATHILDE de Looz, daughter of ARNOUL [V] Comte de Looz & his wife Margarete von Vianden (-1313). "Theodericus dominus de Heinsberg…cum…Godefridi militis filii nostri et Mechtildis uxoris sue" appointed the deacon of the church at Heinsberg by charter dated 22 Dec 1301[865]. "Godefridus dominus de Heynsbergh et de Blankenbergh necnon Mechtildis de Los eius legitima" confirmed the right of "Arnoldus d. de Randenroyde et…Katherina eiusdem legitima" to repurchase "duo molendina sua…in…villa de Linghe" by charter dated 15 Mar 1307[866].
  • Gottfried & his wife had five children: Dietrich, Comte de Looz et de Chiny (d. 1361, m. Kunigunde von der Mark); Johann I., Herr von Heinsberg und Dalenbroich (d. 1334, m. Katharina van Voorne); Gottfried, Comte de Chiny (d. after 1354, m. Philippa von Valkenburg); Margareta, Abbess of Thorn (d. after 1371); and Aleidis (m. Willem van Millen).

c) WALRAM (-1307, bur Altenburg).

  • "Dominus Walramus de Heynsberg Dominus de Blankenberg" and "Godefridum Dominum de Heynsberg fratrem suum" divided the inheritance of "Domini Theodorici Domini de Heynsberg bone memorie" by charter dated 26 Jul 1303[884].
  • m ELISABETH von Berg, daughter of HEINRICH von Berg "von Windeck" & his wife Agnes von der Mark.

d) DIETRICH (-after 1302).

  • Canon at Köln and Liêge.


e) ADELHEID von Heinsberg (-after 21 May 1343).

  • "Aleydis uxor…Henrici comitis de Nassouwia" renounced the inheritance from "felicis recordationis…Walrami domini quondam de Blanckenberch fratris nostri" in favour of "nostrum consanguineum…Theodericum dominum de Heymsbergh et de Blamckenberch militem filium quondam domini Godefridi fratris nostri", with the consent of "domini Henrici nostri mariti comitis prelibati nec non Ottonis militis primogeniti ac Henrici prepositi Spirensis nostrorum filiorum", by charter dated 8 Feb 1333[885].

m (before 1302) HEINRICH Graf von Nassau, son of OTTO Graf von Nassau & his wife Agnes von Leiningen (-1343).



  • [848] Kremer (1769), Band I, Urkunden Heinsberg, III, p. 6.
  • [849] Niederrheins Urkundenbuch, Band II, 571, p. 332.
  • [850] Kremer (1781), Band III, Urkunden Jülich, CIII, p. 123.
  • [851] Kremer (1781), Band III, Urkunden Jülich, CXXXIII, p. 150.
  • [852] Niederrheins Urkundenbuch, Band II, 775, p. 456.
  • [853] Niederrheins Urkundenbuch, Band II, 814, p. 482.
  • [854] Kremer (1769), Band I, Urkunden Heinsberg, IX, p. 13.
  • [855] Kremer (1769), Band I, Urkunden Heinsberg, X, p. 15.
  • [856] Butkens (1724), Vol. I, Preuves, p. 220, "Lettre tirée des chartes de Brabant".
  • [857] Niederrheins Urkundenbuch, Band II, 775, p. 456.
  • [858] Kremer (1769), Band I, Urkunden Heinsberg, IX, p. 13.
  • [859] Niederrheins Urkundenbuch, Band II, 775, p. 456.
  • [860] Kremer (1769), Band I, Urkunden Heinsberg, X, p. 15.
  • [861] Kremer (1769), Band I, Urkunden Heinsberg, XI, p. 16.
  • [862] Niederrheins Urkundenbuch, Band III, 59, p. 43.
  • [863] Ernst (1847), Tome VI, LI, p. 51.
  • [864] Niederrheins Urkundenbuch, Band III, 211, p. 179.
  • [865] Kremer (1769), Band I, Urkunden Heinsberg, X, p. 15.
  • [866] Niederrheins Urkundenbuch, Band III, 59, p. 43.
  • [884] Kremer (1769), Band I, Urkunden Heinsberg, XI, p. 16.
  • [885] Kremer (1769), Band I, Urkunden Heinsberg, XIX, p. 27.

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Nassau:

1. HEINRICH von Nassau (-1343).

  • "Ottho comes de Nassawen…cum uxore nostra Agnete nec non Henrico nostro primogenito" confirmed the donation of "bonorum in Hasilbach et Aldindorph" to the church in Aldenburg made by "matrem nostram Methildim comitissam bone mem…cum sorore nostra Katherina ibidem locata" by charter dated 3 May 1289[99].
  • Graf von Nassau in Siegen Ginsberg Haiger und dem Westerwald 1303 in Dillenburg Herborn und Beilstein 1328.
  • "Agnes relicta quondam…dni Ottonis…comitis de Nassawe" donated property "in Herberin" to Aldenburg "et…sororie nostre Dne Katerine et filie nostre Gertrudis", with the consent of "nostrorum filiorum…Henrici, Emiconis militum, Ottonis et Iohannis clericorum", by charter dated Dec 1299[100].

m (before 1302) ADELHEID von Heinsberg, daughter of DIETRICH [I] Herr von Heinsberg und Blankenburg & his wife Jeanne de Louvain (-after 21 May 1343).

  • "Aleydis uxor…Henrici comitis de Nassouwia" renounced the inheritance from "felicis recordationis…Walrami domini quondam de Blanckenberch fratris nostri" in favour of "nostrum consanguineum…Theodericum dominum de Heymsbergh et de Blamckenberch militem filium quondam domini Godefridi fratris nostri", with the consent of "domini Henrici nostri mariti comitis prelibati nec non Ottonis militis primogeniti ac Henrici prepositi Spirensis nostrorum filiorum", by charter dated 8 Feb 1333[101].

Heinrich & his wife had five children:

a) AGNES (-[29 Oct 1316/1318], bur Limburg Stadtkirche).

  • m ([1314]%29 GERLACH [II] Herr von Isenburg-Limburg (-2 Apr 1355).

b) KATHARINA (-29 Apr 1334).

  • Abbess of Altenberg.


  • Abbess of Altenberg. 1329/53.

d) OTTO [II] von Nassau ([1305]-killed in battle [Dec 1350/Jan 1351]).

  • "Aleydis uxor…Henrici comitis de Nassouwia" renounced the inheritance from "felicis recordationis…Walrami domini quondam de Blanckenberch fratris nostri" in favour of "nostrum consanguineum…Theodericum dominum de Heymsbergh et de Blamckenberch militem filium quondam domini Godefridi fratris nostri", with the consent of "domini Henrici nostri mariti comitis prelibati nec non Ottonis militis primogeniti ac Henrici prepositi Spirensis nostrorum filiorum", by charter dated 8 Feb 1333[102].
  • Graf von Nassau in Siegen und Dillenburg. "Otto greue van Nassowe ind Aleyd van Vianden syn…husfrowe" sold half of the town of Gensberg to Walram Archbishop of Köln by charter dated 13 Feb 1345[103].
  • m (contract 23 Dec 1331) ADELHEID von Vianden, daughter of PHILIPP [II] Graf von Vianden & his wife Adelheid von Arnsberg (-30 Sep 1376). "Otto greue van Nassowe ind Aleyd van Vianden syn…husfrowe" sold half of the town of Gensberg to Walram Archbishop of Köln by charter dated 13 Feb 1345[104]. "Wilhelm…marcgreue zu Guilge" reached agreement with "unser niechten vrauwe Aleyde greuinnen van Nassauwe, yren kynden ind yren eruen, heren Frederiche heirren zu Cronenberch ind heren Goedarde heirren zu Wyltz [%E2%80%A6unserm niechten]" to divide the half share of "Wilhelme greuen zu Namen" in the inheritance of the late "unsme neiuen greue Lodewiche van Vyanden" by charter dated 23 May 1356[105]. This document was incorrectly interpreted by Walther Möller, who assumed that Friedrich Herr zu Kronenberg was one of the "kynden ind…eruen" of countess Adelheid, and therefore that she had married firstly his father Johann von Dollendorf Herr zu Kronenberg[106]. The document should more correctly be read as referring to countess Adelheid and her unnamed children. Adelheid is called "niechte" of Wilhelm Markgraf von Jülich in the document, which indicates her maternal ancestry, Petronella von Jülich being her maternal grandmother[107].
  • Otto [II] & his wife had four children: Adelheid, Abbess at Keppel; Johann I von Nassau, Graf von Nassau-Dillenburg in Siegen und Dillenburg (d. 4 Sept. 1416, m. Margareta von der Mark); Heinrich "der Haudegen", Canon at Koln (d. in Kassel 5 Sept. 1402); and Otto, Canon at Mainz and Koln, Provost at Mainz (d. 1384)

e) HEINRICH [I] von Nassau (-before 1380).

  • "Aleydis uxor…Henrici comitis de Nassouwia" renounced the inheritance from "felicis recordationis…Walrami domini quondam de Blanckenberch fratris nostri" in favour of "nostrum consanguineum…Theodericum dominum de Heymsbergh et de Blamckenberch militem filium quondam domini Godefridi fratris nostri", with the consent of "domini Henrici nostri mariti comitis prelibati nec non Ottonis militis primogeniti ac Henrici prepositi Spirensis nostrorum filiorum", by charter dated 8 Feb 1333[110].
  • Graf von Nassau-Beilstein.
  • Canon at Köln Cathedral and at St Florin, Koblenz 1326.
  • Provost at Speyer Cathedral 1329/1334.
  • 1343 at Beilstein, Mengerskirchen, Eigenberg und dem Westerwald.


  • [99] Gudenus, Tome II, CCX, p. 261.
  • [100] Gudenus, Tome II, CCXXXIX, p. 291.
  • [101] Kremer, C. J. (1769) Academische Beiträge zur Jülch- und Bergischen Geschichte, Band I Urkunden zur Geschichte der Herren von Heinsberg (Mannheim) ("Kremer (1769) Band I, Urkunden Heinsberg"), XIX, p. 27.
  • [102] Kremer (1769), Band I, Urkunden Heinsberg, XIX, p. 27.
  • [103] Lacomblet, T. J. (ed.) (1853) Urkundenbuch für die Geschichte des Niederrheins, Band III (Düsseldorf) ("Niederrheins Urkundenbuch"), 419, p. 330.
  • [104] Niederrheins Urkundenbuch, Band III, 419, p. 330.
  • [105] Niederrheins Urkundenbuch, Band III, 554, p. 465.
  • [106] Möller, W. ´Ein Beitrag zur Genealogie der Grafen von Vianden und zur Vererbung con der Neuerburg´, Annuaire de la Société héraldique luxembourgeoise (1950). (information provided by Bert M. Kamp in a private email to the author dated 16 May 2010).
  • [107] Berg, A. ´Wer war der Gemahl der Erbtochter Lucie von der Neuerburg´, Genealogie (1980), pp. 180-81, and Kamp, B. M. ´De moeder van Adelheid van Vianden´, De Nederlandsche Leeuw (1998), cols. 266-77 (information supplied by Bert M. Kamp, in a private email to the author dated 16 May 2010).
  • [108] Niederrheins Urkundenbuch, Band III, 396, p. 314.
  • [109] Niederrheins Urkundenbuch, Band III, 707, p. 605.
  • [110] Kremer (1769), Band I, Urkunden Heinsberg, XIX, p. 27.

von Heinsberg und Blankenberg

Parents: Dirk of Heinsberg and Blankenberg Johanna of Leuven

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Adelheid von Heinsberg's Timeline

Heinsberg, Cologne, NRW, Germany
Siegen, Grafschaft Nassau-Siegen, Siegen, Arnsberg, NRW, Germany
Siegen, Grafschaft Nassau-Dillenburg, Heiliges Römisches Reich
Siegen, Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
May 21, 1343
Age 73
Breda Grote Kerk, Breda, Breda Municipality, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands