Adelina Ferreira Dias

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Adelina Ferreira Dias

Birthplace: Boquim, Buquim, Sergipe, Brasil
Immediate Family:

Daughter of José Ferreira Dias and Tercília Nascimento Dias
Wife of Raymundo Costa Carvalho
Mother of Ruth Ferreira Costa Carvalho; Alvina Ferreira Carvalho; Francisco Hilário Ferreira de Carvalho and Sofia Ferreira Costa Carvalho
Sister of José Odlon Do Nascimento

Managed by: Luciana Costa de Oliveira
Last Updated:
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Adelina Ferreira Dias's Timeline

Boquim, Buquim, Sergipe, Brasil
Estancia, Sergipe, Brasil
Santa Luzia do Itanhy, Sergipe, Brasil
Santa Luzia do Itanhy, Sergipe, Brasil
Santa Luzia do Itanhy, Sergipe, Brasil