Adriaantje Gabrielsz, SM

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Adriaantje Gabrielsz, SM (1667 - d.)

Also Known As: "Arriantje van Cathryn van de Caep", "Adriaentje NN", "Ariaentie Gabriels", "Ariaantie Gabriel", "Ariaantie Gabriels", "Adriana Gabriel"
Birthplace: Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
Death: Paarl, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Cpl Gabriël Gabrielszoon Gabrielsz, SV/Prog and Catharina (Catrijn) van Malabar, SM/PROG
Wife of Pieter Gerrit Boshouwer, SV/PROG and Conrad Helm
Partner of Hendrik Speldenberg, SV/PROG
Mother of Elsje Speldenberg, SM; Gerbrecht Gerrits Boshouwer, SM; Gerrit Boshouwer, b2; Theunis Boshouwer, b3; Johannes Boshouwer, b4 and 5 others
Sister of Louwijs Joosten
Half sister of Claas Claasz Claassen; Cornelia Bastijaans aka Pijl, Pyl, Botha, SM; Aaltje Cornelisz, SM; Maria Willemse, SM; Hendrik Claasen and 3 others

Occupation: Freed slave, Gebore in slawerny
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Adriaantje Gabrielsz, SM

Marriage 24 February 1701 :

Koert Helm - Adriaantjie Gabriels

See Discussion on her parents.


Baptism 13 Nov 1667, Cape Town -

Catharine van Malabar -a slave belonging to Cornelis van Qualbergen - baptises Adriaantje (13 November 1667) een slaevinne kint van den E.H.Comman: Quaelbergen, wiert genaemt Adriaentje de moeder Catharyn tot getuyge stont in persoon van de Juffr Quaelbergen haer slaevinne


1683, eodem dito [den 4. Julij], Pieter Gerrits zoo, Jonghman, vryburgh en Aedriantie stiefdogter van Kees de boer."

See: The First Fifty Years Project

Notes from

[Adriaantje Gabrielsz] was identified as the voordogter of Catharina, the wife
of Cornelis Claasz (Kees de Boer) by Mansell Upham in his excellent article, The Soetkoek Syndrome, based on the evidence of her marriage entry in the Cape Town register. (Mansell Upham, The soetkoek syndrome, in Capensis 2/2001, pages 27-30).

I have assumed that the child with Hendrick Speldenbergh was hers, since Elsie appears later in time in connection with this family (see below). Rather circular reasoning, but there it is!

She also appears as a baptismal witness for her granddaughter Ariaantie, child of her daughter Elsie Speldenbergh, in 1702. The other witness is Robbert Jansen, husband of her half sister Catharina Cornelisse.

In addition, her daughter, Elsie Speldenbergh, appears as a baptismal witness at a number of the baptisms of her cousins, children of Adriaantje Gabriels' half sisters, the children of Kees de Boer and Catharina his wife.

In 1719 an enquiry found her poor and unable to pay her debt of 540 gulden, incurred by her husband Pieter Gerritsz. (source: TANAP: Cape Resolutions, C51, pages 53-56)


Family 1 with Hendrick Speldenbergh

  • Elsie Speldenbergh b. 26 Nov 1679

Family 2 with Pieter Boshouwer b. c 1660, d. b 1701

  • Gerbrecht Boshouwer b. 15 Oct 1684, d. May 1772
  • Gerrit Boshouwer b. 29 Nov 1686
  • Theunis Boshouwer b. 10 Apr 1689
  • Johannes Boshouwer b. 17 Nov 1691
  • Cornelis Boshouwer b. 25 Jan 1694
  • Geertruy Boshouwe b. c 1696
  • Adriana Boshouwer b. c 1698

Family 3 with Coenrad Helm b. c 1666

  • Hendrik Helm b. 24 Sep 1702
  • Gerrit Helm b. 10 Apr 1705

Owned, as a slave, by Commander Cornelis van Quaelbergen


@R1200312375@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.


Ancestry Family Tree

Hilde found: Another huge site to cross reference maybe?

Father-Candidate Corporael Gabriel Joosten b. c 1640; this candidate relationship is offered based on fact that a witness at the baptism of Adriaantje's brother, Louwijs, in 1663 was Gabriel Joosten and that this child came to be known as Adriaantje Gabrielsz - suggesting her father was named Gabriel.4

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Adriaantje Gabrielsz, SM's Timeline

November 13, 1667
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
November 13, 1667
Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope
3, 1676
Age 8
November 26, 1679
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
November 15, 1684
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
November 24, 1686
April 10, 1689