There is currently NO EVIDENCE that Gerrit Jerephaesz van Wijk was the son of Margriet van Hattem or the father of Adriaen Gerritsz van Wijk. MyHeritage user family trees do NOT count as sources unless they cite actual sources, as the current info in the MyHeritage user trees are more than likely all copied from a single ficticious source. If anyone has some actual documentation, please share it. ___________________________________________
Roelof Adriaense's father was previously noted as Roelof Roelofse but from the DTB (Doop en Trouw Boek) from the wedding of Roelof Ariaense and Trinitjie Jans it is clear that Roelof Adrianz van Wijk (Adrians zoon) was the son of Adrian and their son Adrian(Arie) was named after his grandfather.
Source: Van Wyk study by GGSA Northern Transvaal branch.
Unless anyone has any other information to suggest otherwise I recommend I suggest we refer to him simply as Adrian.
Source: GGSA Van Wyk CD
Firstnames Arien, Adriaen and Aerdt.
Sy voorname word ook aangegee as Arien, Adriaen en Aerdt.
1) 26.02.1648 (Rechterlijk archief Nederbetuwe, no. 234, fol. 19 vso. en no. 203, fol. 14²): Arien van Wijck Gerritsz en Jantgen Aerts, getroude paar, skuld 100 gulde aan die armesorg van Ingen, uit hul huis op die Hof van Ingen, waar hulle woon.
2) 07.05.1648 (Rechterlijk archief Nederbetuwe, no. 234, fol. 120 vso. en no. 203, fol. 144):
Adriaen van Wijck Gerritsz en Jantgen Arndts, getroude paar, skuld die kerk van Ingen 64 gulde.
1595 |
Ingen, Buren, Gelderland, The Netherlands
1669 |
Ingen, Buren, Gelderland, Netherlands
1676 |
February 15, 1676
Age 81
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