(Aert) Arnoldus Henricus de Roij

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(Aert) Arnoldus Henricus de Roij's Geni Profile

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(Aert) Arnoldus Henricus de Roij

Birthplace: Best, Best, North Brabant, Netherlands
Immediate Family:

Son of Henricus Joannes Daniel de Roij and (Jenneke) Joanna Joannes van de Sande
Brother of Joannes Henricus de Roij; (Daniel) Danielis Henricus de Roij and Gerardus Henricus de Roij

Managed by: John Sanders
Last Updated:
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(Aert) Arnoldus Henricus de Roij's Timeline

March 6, 1677
Best, Best, North Brabant, Netherlands