The wife of William Blevins “the Elder” was likely named "Agathy," possibly a nickname for Agnes or Agatha. The only known reference to her is in a deed reportedly made in Halifax County, Virginia, in 1765, by which William and "Agathy" Blevins granted 125 acres to Thomas Wallen.[1]
Based on the estimated birth of her likely child William in about 1735, she was probably born before 1720. She died after making this deed in 1765. Nothing further is known about her.
William Blevins (abt 1720 - aft 1778) and his wife Agathy had at least two children:
Sorting out 3 men named William Blevins, by Rob Blevins (from the profile for William ‘the Elder’ Blevins)
Most people reference William Blevins and say he was married to Ann Bunch, he was a Longhunter, and that he signed the Watauga Purchase. The problem I have with this blanket statement is that I'm sure we are dealing with at least three different men. I hope to get some help sorting out the men named William Blevins all of whom figure into the Blevins family history.
I'll start with the William everyone seems to agree on. William Jr. was the son of John William (or William John) Blevin. He was apparently born in 1690 or 1691 in Fromby (which is in England just north of the Welch border). He apparently came to Rhode Island as a boy. Most people credit him as being married to Ann Bunch BUT some others identify his wife as being Mary Bean. For sorting purposes, let’s call William Jr. OLD BILL as he is known by some. He apparently died about 1767.
The second William is, I believe OLD BILL'S son. He was born about 1718, although some place his birth as early as 1710. This William III is often referred to as THE ELDER and most say he was married to Agnes Wallen. THE ELDER died sometime around 1777.
NB. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Blevins-255 Identifies the William Blevins who married Agathy as the son of James Blevin and Margery Tosh.
“William Blevins was married to Agnes, Elisha Walden’s sister.”
Many online genealogies and other secondary sources identify her as "Agnes Walling," and claim that she was the daughter of either Elisha Walling Sr. (1708-aft.1783) or his son Elisha Walling Jr (abt.1734-1814).[2] There is no known source for this claim, and one researcher refers to it as "[a]nother pervasive Blevins myth."[3]
Some, without source, have identified an "Agnes" as an additional child of Elisha Walling. There is no known basis for this claim. Please do not reattach "Agnes" as a child without first posting a comment on this profile for discussion and citing a reliable source for the claim.
The only source cited for the children attached to the Wikitree profile other than William and Katharine is Leslie Blevins' self-published book The Longhunters.[34] However, he cites no sources for these claims and absent the discovery of a will, family bible, or similar record documenting the relationships between them, they all appear to be highly speculative due to the large number of Blevins men in the area and the common repetition of the same names in each generation.
Her given name is identified in the 1814 probate files of Elisha Wallen's estate, in which his widow is identified as "Katharine Wallen."[22]
1720 |
Henry, Virginia, United States
1738 |
Goochland County, Virginia, Colonial America
1745 |
Prince George's County, Maryland, or, Pittsylvania County , Virginia, Colonial America
1765 |
Age 45
Sullivan County, Tennessee, United States