Historical records matching Agnès, vicomtesse de Beaumont-au Maine
Immediate Family
About Agnès, vicomtesse de Beaumont-au Maine
- http://thepeerage.com/p359.htm#i3585
- http://larryvoyer.com/genealogy/getperson.php?personID=I108619&tree...
- http://www.ourfamilyhistories.org/getperson.php?personID=I5420&tree=00
- http://www.dennismaness.net/roots/rjduncan/8524.htm
- http://www.stepneyrobarts.co.uk/13071.htm
- http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~edburton/fam53049.htm
- http://www.celtic-casimir.com/webtree/7/23452.htm
The following person is shown separately because of doubts about her precise parentage:
1. AGNES de Beaumont ([1236/38] or before-[9 May 1301 or 28 Nov after 1304], bur Etival). There is doubt about Agnes’s parentage[417]. Her name, family origin, and marriage are confirmed by the marriage contract dated 22 Jun 1305 between [her son] "monsour Johan de Beaumont" and “noble dame Mahoust de Malines dame de Chantocé” which names “madame Agnès de Beaumont mère doudit monsour Jouhan...”[418]. It is clear that Agnes was heiress of Beaumont which she brought to her husband on their marriage, but the primary source which confirms her precise parentage has not been identified. There appear to be three possibilities: (1) she was Raoul [VII]’s daughter by an otherwise unrecorded late marriage; (2) she was the daughter of Raoul’s son Guillaume de Beaumont; (3) she was the daughter of Raoul’s son Raoul. Looking first at (1), the date of Agnes’s marriage suggests her birth around the end of Raoul [VII]’s life, considering the numerous cases of noble ladies marrying around 14 years old at that time. If that is correct, Agnes was unlikely to have shared the same mother as Richard [II] Vicomte de Beaumont (whose marriage is dated to Apr 1221 as shown above) or to have been the daughter of Raoul’s known wife Agnes (who was named in 1212). Concerning case (2), no information is known except that it would be chronologically possible for Agnes to have been Guillaume’s daughter, and that Guillaume was married and could reasonably be expected to have had children before he died. In addition, assuming that Guillaume was the son of Raoul [VII]’s wife Agnes, the younger Agnes would have been named after her paternal grandmother. As far as (3) is concerned, information about Raoul [VII]’s son Raoul is shadowy. He was old enough to make donations in his own name in 1218 (so maybe was a full brother of Richard [II]%29 and appears to have been alive in 1237 (see above). On that basis, it is reasonable to assume in his case too that he was married, despite secondary sources asserting that he died young, and therefore that he could have had children. Incidentally, it appears impossible for Agnes to have been the daughter of Vicomte Richard [II] and his wife as there is no evidence that Agnes’s descendants claimed succession to Amboise (to which Richard’s wife was heiress). It is also unlikely that Agnes was descended from the Beaumont family in the female line as she was named “Agnès de Beaumont” in the 22 Jun 1305 document quoted above. Two other factors may be significant, although neither swings the balance in favour of any of the three possible parentages discussed above. Firstly, after the death of Vicomte Richard [II] no reference has been found to any person holding the title vicomte before Louis de Brienne, which is consistent with the absence of any surviving male heir with a claim superior to Agnes’s. Secondly, no reference has been found to any of Agnes’s maternal relatives playing any part in her guardianship or in the administration of Beaumont before her marriage, which is unexpected if any were alive at the time. [The following document adds no further information and is somewhat dubious: Pope Nicholas IV granted dispensation for the continued marriage of “John [error for Louis?] de Beaumund layman and Agnes his wife, who intermarried in ignorance that they were related in the fourth degree of kindred and have sons” and declared “their past and future [error] offspring legitimate”, dated 26 Apr 1287 [error for 1288][419], the original reading “Johanne de Beaumundo et Agnete dictæ diœcesis” granting retrospective dispensation for their marriage “in quo filios procrearunt...ignorarent se quarto gradu consanguinitatis” dated 26 Apr 1288[420]. Which diocesis is indicated by “dictæ diœcesis” is unclear. The previous entry in the compilation relates to a dispensation in York diocesis, although this post-dates the 26 Apr 1288 dispensation being dated 1 May 1288. The different husband’s name and the unusual Latin “Beaumundo” for Beaumont (usually “Bellomonte” or variants) suggests some doubt whether the document relates to the marriage of Louis de Brienne Vicomte de Beaumont. If the dispensation does relate to Agnes de Beaumont and Louis de Brienne, the number of unknowns in Agnes’s ancestry renders speculation on the couple’s precise relationship to each other futile.] “Louis fils de Jean roi de Jérusalem et Agnès sa femme” granted privileges to the monks of Vivoin by charter dated 1253[421]. “Louis vicomte de Beaumont fils du roi de Jérusalem et Agnès vicomtesse héréditaire de Beaumont sa femme” settled various disputed matters with the monks of Vivoin by charter dated Feb 1254 (N.S.)[422]. Europäische Stammtafeln records Agnes’s married “12 Feb 1253”[423]. Angot’s cartulaire of the Beaumont family includes no document with that date. One possibility is that the reference represents an extrapolation from the charter dated Feb 1254 (N.S.). “Louis vicomte de Beaumont, et Agnès sa femme” donated revenue from Lude to Etival by charter dated 1285[424]. One table in Europäische Stammtafeln records Agnes’s death “9 May 1301”, another “28 Nov after 1304, bur Etival”[425]. The primary sources on which these dates are based have not been identified.
m (1253 or before) LOUIS de Brienne dit d'Acre, son of JEAN de Brienne King of Jerusalem & his third wife Infanta doña Berenguela de Castilla y León (-14 Sep after 1285 [after 1 Sep 1297]). He succeeded as Vicomte de Beaumont, de iure uxoris.
Agnes de Beaumont
BIRTH 1230
Dissay-sous-Courcillon, Departement de la Sarthe, Pays de la Loire, France
DEATH 9 May 1301 (aged 70–71)
Dissay-sous-Courcillon, Departement de la Sarthe, Pays de la Loire, France
Abbaye d'Étival-en-Charnie
Chemire-en-Charnie, Departement de la Sarthe, Pays de la Loire, France
MEMORIAL ID 95126459
Agnes was the daughter of Raoul VI de Beaumont.
After the death of her brothers she inherited from her paternal grandfather Richard I of Beaumont, and was viscountess of Beaumont. She married, prior to the death of Richard, Louis of Acre, third son of John of Brienne, King of Jerusalem, and Berenguela of Leon.
Agnes and Louis helped the monks of the Priory of Vivoin to expand their enclosure, 1254, confirmed them, in 1258, the pension of 100 soil bequeathed by her father Raoul de Beaumont, and the religious of Perseigne everything they had in their stronghold, 1259. They assigned on the provostship of the Lude annuities that received the Abbey of Étival-en-Charnie on the Provost of leased, 1280.
They had five children
Jeanne married Guy VIII de Laval
Marie married Henri III D'Avaugour, baron de Mayenne. The first family of the Viscounts of Maine is now extinct.
Isabelle married John de Vesci, of Alnwick
Henry de Beaumont 4th Earl of Buchan and suo jure 1st Baron Beaumont, he married Alice Comyn, daughter of Alexander Comyn and Joan le Latimer
Marguerite de Brienne
Family Members
Raoul VII de Beaumont
Louis of Acre
Raoul de Beaumont
Jean de Brienne
Louis de Brienne
Henri "Henry" De Beaumont
Agnès, vicomtesse de Beaumont-au Maine's Timeline
1230 |
Beaumont-sur-Sarthe, aka Beaumont-le-Vicomte, Sarthe, Pays-de-la-Loire, France
1253 |
Beaumont-sur-Sarthe, aka Beaumont-le-Vicomte, Sarthe, Pays-de-la-Loire, France
1260 |
Beaumont-sur-Sarthe, aka Beaumont-le-Vicomte, Sarthe, Pays-de-la-Loire, France
Beaumont-sur-Sarthe, aka Beaumont-le-Vicomte, Sarthe, Pays-de-la-Loire, France
Beaumont-sur-Sarthe, aka Beaumont-le-Vicomte, Sarthe, Pays-de-la-Loire, France
1261 |
Beaumont-sur-Sarthe, aka Beaumont-le-Vicomte, Sarthe, Pays-de-la-Loire, France
1270 |
Beaumont-sur-Sarthe, aka Beaumont-le-Vicomte, Sarthe, Pays-de-la-Loire, France
1285 |
Beaumont-sur-Sarthe, aka Beaumont-le-Vicomte, Sarthe, Pays-de-la-Loire, France
1301 |
August 9, 1301
Age 71
Beaumont-sur-Sarthe, aka Beaumont-le-Vicomte, Sarthe, Pays-de-la-Loire, France