Matching family tree profiles for Agnes Hubbard
Immediate Family
About Agnes Hubbard
'Agnes Chiles, daughter of Manoah Chiles and his first wife, Elizabeth, was born in Virginia and died in 1773 in the Cheraw District, South Carolina.
She married Peter Hubbard on 11/12/1744 in Cedar Creek Monthly Meeting House (Quaker), Caroline County, Virginia. He was born Abt. 1720 in Caroline County, Virginia and died 1775 in Cheraw District, South Carolina. He was the son of John Hubbard ll and Mary Harrison.
Peter Hubbard I and Agnes (Chiles) Hubbard had five children of whom we have documented record, born in Caroline County:
- Elizabeth Hubbard, Born 22 Dec 1748. Married William Stubbs
- Peter Hubbard II, born 31 Jul 1756. Married Mary Odom
- William, born about 1762, has recently been established,. (See preface). Married Jane Reeder.
- John Hubbard, Born 1763. Married Sarah Bridges.
- Manoah Hubbard, born abt. 1766. Family?
Peter Hubbard died while his children were still minors. Upon the death of Agnes Chiles Hubbard, the remaining minor children were ordered by the court to be placed under the care of John Chiles, probably Agnes’ brother. This is documented in the court records of Anson County, NC from 16 January, 1773 as follows: "Ord. Peter Hubbard, John Hubbard, and Manoah, orphans of Peter Hubbard, dcd. be bound to John Chiles till of lawful age to learn the trade of car-penter, joiner, or blacksmith. Peter now 17; John 10, Manoah now 7 years old."
At a monthly meeting held at a meethouse in Caroline County ye 12th of ye 11th mo. 1744 the friends appointed to attend the marriage of Peter Hubbard and Agness Chiles give in a Reasonable acct. thereof. There was also documentation on pg. 49--Disorders Peter Hubbard, Deneighing and Disowning the sd. Peter Hubbard whilst he Remaines in that unChristian Spirit from being a member of our Society. [11 June 1750, Testemony against Hubbard}. Maybe this is why Agnes and Peter moved to South Carolina around 1750.
Excerpts from the Minutes of Cedar Creek Monthly Meetings film #0288184:
Peter and Agness published their intentions to marry for the 2nd time on 8/9 Oct. 1744 (Cedar Creek Minutes, pg. 23).
"Thereas Peter Hubbard of the County of Caroline some of John Hubbard of the County of Amelia and Agness Chiles Daughter of Menoah Childes of the County of Caroline Having published their intention of taking each other in marriage before two monthly meetings of the people called Quakers in Virginia according to the good order used amongst them whose proceedings therein after deliberate consideration with Regard to the Righteous law of God and Examples of his people Recorded in the Scriptures of truth and in that case now approved of by the meet they appearing cleare of all others and having consent of Parence and friends concerned--Now these are to certify all whome it may concern that for the full accomplishing their sd. Intension this ninth day of the T3nth month 1744. They the sd. Peter Hubbard and Agness Chiles appearing in Publick assembly of the aforesd people and others mett together at their publick meeting place in Caroline County and in sollom manner her the sd. Peter Hubbard taking the sd. Agness Chiles by the hand did openly declear as follweth. You are my witnesses that I do this day take this my friends Agness Chiles to be my wife promising witht he Lords assistance to be to her a faithful and loving husband tell death. and then the sd. Agness Chiles in like manner Declared as followth. You are my witnessess that I do this day take this my friend Peter Hubbard to be my Husband promising with the Lord’s assistance to be to him a faithful wife tell death, and the sd. Peter Hubbard and Agness his wife as further confirmation thereof did then and there to the presents sett their hands and we whose names are hereunto subs being present amongst others at the solloming of their marriage and subscription in the manner aforesd as witnesses hereunto have sett our names the day and year above written--"
The 1 known child of Agnes and Peter are as follows:
VI. Elizabeth Hubbard
Manoah married 1) Elizabeth (widow Garland) (1708-1742); about 1725. (Elizabeth had previously married “Unknown” Garland) (??)
Manoah and Elizabeth’s children included:
- Elizabeth –married Carr McGehee
- Agnes – married Peter Hubbard
- Sarah – married a 1) Mr Gordon 2) Joel (Capt) Lewis
- Susanna– married Micajah Moorman
- Mary – married Joseph McGehee
- Joseph – married Agnes Stone
- Manoah (II) – married Mary unknown
Elizabeth (unknown) Chiles died Oct 1742 at the age of 34 in Hanover County, Virginia.
Manaoh, was left a widower with very young children. He married 2) Ann Elizabeth Cheadle; daughter of Lettice (Southern) & John (II) Cheadle; on 11 Dec 1742 in Caroline County, Virginia.
- Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy: Jan 24 2018, 1:55:01 UTC
- Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy: Jan 24 2018, 1:55:01 UTC
- Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy: Jun 6 2023, 16:36:36 UTC
- cites
- Chapter 9: The Chiles Family (also Peatross Ancestors) page 249. < AncestrySharing >
- "Historical Southern Families. Volume XIII," database with images, Ancestry Sharing Link - (Ancestry Image : accessed 10 October 2022); citing Hubbard of Virginia, Kentucky, and other Southern States > image 21 of 254. < link >
Agnes Hubbard's Timeline
1728 |
Caroline County, Virginia, British Colonial America
1750 |
Province of Virginia
1751 |
New Kent Co., Holy See (Vatican City State)
1755 |
1756 |
July 31, 1756
South Carolina, United States
1762 |
Halifax, Virgina
1763 |
Caroline County, Virginia, United States
1767 |
Marlboro, South Carolina
1773 |
Age 45
Cheraw District, Marlboro County, South Carolina, British Colonial America