Immediate Family
About Agnes Ogilvy
Apparently there is some contention here with regards to Agnes vs. Anne, and Sir Thomas vs. his son Thomas. Agnes and Anne may not be the same person, and/or there may be an extra generation of Thomas (the younger) in the tree. More research needed here!
(Note that Agnes is currently connected to the tree as dau of James Ogilvy, 4th Lord of Airlie, as 3 sources below show.)
The contentious bits: from http://www.stirnet.com/genie/data/british/ee/erskine06.php :
Sir Thomas Erskine of Brechin (a 1542, Lord of Session)
m1. Agnes Ogilvy
m2. Elizabeth Scrymgeour (dau of Sir James Scrymgeour of Dudhope, Constable of Dundee)
-- Thomas Erskine (dsp)
-- m. Ann Ogilvy (dau of James Ogilvy, 4th Lord of Airlie)
(Airlie) names the 4th Lord's daughter (who married Sir Thomas of Brechin) as Agnes. As BLG1886 mentions only Elizabeth Scrymgeour as wife of Thomas's father Thomas, there is a suspicion that there has been some confusion as to which Thomas married a daughter of Lord Airlie
More here: ( http://books.google.com/books?id=ZFcuAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA182&lpg=PA182&dq... )
The agreeable bits:
Scots Peerage, Vol. I, p. 118 https://archive.org/stream/scotspeeragefoun01pauluoft#page/128/mode...
Lundy's http://www.thepeerage.com/p46357.htm#i463566
As "Anne" : from: The peerage of Scotland: containing an historical and genealogical account of the nobility of that Kingdom. ... By George Crawfurd, Esq;. ( http://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/ecco/004896980.0001.000/1:10?rgn=div1;v... )
Agnes Ogilvy's Timeline
1510 |
???? |