Aharon HaLevi Heller

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About Aharon HaLevi Heller


.According to WACHSTEIN, the husband of Rachel HELLER WALLERSTEIN was David Jacob Mirls FRAENKEL Newmark (d. 1657) He took the name FRAENKEL from his father in-law (Jacob KOPPEL HELLER WALLERSTEIN Fraenkl- d. 1612) and the name Mirls from his mother in-law (Mirl Sara THEOMIM) (???).

According to the family book of EGER. David Jacob Mirls FRAENKEL Newmark (d. 1657) was the son of Rabbi Naphtali HIRSCH Neumark (d. 1659 a Av beit Din of Fulda). he was the son of Mirel (1591-1673?) the grand daughter of the MAHARAL [ the daughter of Rachel (d. 1633 Prague) Maharal's daughter and Rachel's husband was Abraham (d. 1591) Prague, the son of Moshe Halevi HELLER- WALLERSTEIN d. 1591] Rabbi Naphtali HIRSCH Neumark father's was Aharon Mireles , the son of Miriam ( a grand daughter of Saul Wahl- KATZENELLENBOGEN) and of Yaacob KOPPEL Halevi- WALLERSTEIN, who was the son of Aharon Halevi HELLER- WALLERSTEIN (d. 1591) which does not fit to the Aron mentioned above who died in 1649.

"Die Grabschriften des alten Judenfriedhof in Wien" - Dr. Bernhard Wachstein, Band I no. 370 - died between 7 Sep and 4 Oct.

See Kaufmann, Die Letzte Vertreibung, p. 19, note 3