Aitard de Vaux, of Norfolk

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Aitard de Vaux (1040 - d.)

Birthplace: Vallibus Castle, Normandy, France
Immediate Family:

Son of Harold de Vaux and N.N.
Brother of Robert de Vaux, of Treyermayne; Ranulf de Vaux and Hubert de Vaux

Managed by: Douglas John Nimmo
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Immediate Family

About Aitard de Vaux, of Norfolk

The Norman Castle of Vaux or De Vallibus is mentioned by Orderic Vitalis: and then Terra di Vallibus continued in the possession of the family to which it gave their name until the time of King John. Two brothers, Robert and Aitard de Vaux, appears in Domesday as mesne-lords in Norfolk. The former was probably the same Robert de Vals or de Vaux who, six years before, gave his Tithes to St. Evrault [orderic Vit. 576]. Both of them held of Roger Bigod. "Robert de Vallibus, who held Pentney of Bigod, founded a Priory there for the souls of Agnes his wife and their children."


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Aitard de Vaux, of Norfolk's Timeline

Vallibus Castle, Normandy, France