Alan de Percy, 2nd baron of Topcliffe

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Alan de Percy, 2nd feudal Baron of Topcliffe

Birthplace: Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, England (United Kingdom)
Death: between 1130 and July 1138 (56-73)
Whitby Abbey, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
Place of Burial: Westerdale, North Yorkshire, UK
Immediate Family:

Son of William, Baron of Topcliffe and Emma de Percy
Husband of Emma de Gant
Father of Walter de Percy Rugemond; Henry de Percy; Geoffrey de Percy; Robert de Percy; Daughter de Percy and 3 others
Brother of Walter de Percy; William de Percy, Whitby and Richard de Percy, of Dunsley

Occupation: Baron, 2nd Degree B. Percy, Baron of Topcliffe, Yorkshire, England
Managed by: Erica Howton
Last Updated:

About Alan de Percy, 2nd baron of Topcliffe NOBILITY MEDIEVAL1.htm

ALAN de Percy, son of WILLIAM de Percy & his wife Emma de Port (-[1130/Jul 1138], bur [Reading/Whitby]). A charter listing the property of Whitby Monastery names ”Alaneo de Perci” as son of “Willielmus de Perci cognomento Algernuus” & his wife[830]. “Willelmus de Perci” donated property to the monks of Whitby “et Serloni priori fratri meo”, for the souls of “…Emma de Port uxore mea et Alano de Perci filio meo”, by charter dated to [1090/96], witnessed by “Emma de Port uxor mea, Alanus, Walterus et Willielmus filii mei, Ernaldus de Perci…”[831]. ”Henricus filius Henrici de Percy” confirmed donations of property to Whitby by charter dated 20 Apr 1308, among which two donations by “Alanus de Percy”, for the souls of “Willielmi de Percy patris mei et Emmæ de Porte matris meæ”, the first witnessed by “Willielmus et Ricardus fratres mei, Pyeot de Percy…” and the second by “Willielmus, Walterus et Ricardus de Percy fratres mei, Robertus de Bruse…Pycot de Percy…”[832]. "…Alano de Perceio…" witnessed the charter dated 1126 under which Henry I King of England confirmed a donation to Worksop priory[833]. “Alanus de Perci et…Willelmus de Perci filius eius” granted property to “Haslat de Lecingfeld” by charter dated to [1130/38][834]. "Walter de Gaunt" founded Bridlington priory, with the assent of Henry I King of England, by undated charter, witnessed by "Alan de Percy…Walter de Percy…"[835]. The History of the foundation of Whitby Monastery names ”Alanum de Percy et Richardum fratrum eius” as the children of “Willielmus de Percy”, adding that Alan died without heirs and was buried at Whitby[836], but the fact that he died childless is contradicted by other charters quoted here. The 1130 Pipe Roll records "Alan de Pci" in Yorkshire, Northumberland[837]. A manuscript genealogy of the Percy family records that “Alanum de Percy”, son of “Willielmus de Percy”, was buried “apud Radinges”[838].

m EMMA de Gant, daughter of [GILBERT van Gent & his wife Alice de Montfort-sur-Risle]. A charter dated to [1190/95] confirmed a donation of property to the canons of Bridlington by “Emma de Gant…et Willelmus de Percy filius eius”[839]. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. However, it is chronologically consistent for her to have been the daughter of Gilbert van Gent. It should be noted that "Alan de Percy…" was the first witness in a charter under which his supposed brother-in-law "Walter de Gaunt" founded Bridlington priory, with the assent of Henry I King of England[840].

Alan & his wife had [four] children:

1. WILLIAM de Percy of Topcliffe, Yorkshire (-[1174/75], bur Whitby). “Alanus de Perci et…Willelmus de Perci filius eius” granted property to “Haslat de Lecingfeld” by charter dated to [1130/38][841]. The Red Book of the Exchequer refers to "Willelmus de Percy xi l vi s viii d" in Yorkshire in [1161/62][842]. The Red Book of the Exchequer refers to "Willelmus de Percy xxx m" in Yorkshire in [1167/68][843]. A charter dated to [1190/95] confirmed a donation of property to the canons of Bridlington by “Emma de Gant…et Willelmus de Percy filius eius”[844]. “Willielmus de Percy” donated property to Sawley abbey, with the consent of “Adelidæ uxoris meæ et Alani hæredis mei”, by undated charter, witnessed by “…Roberto de Percy…”[845]. “Willielmus de Percy” donated property to Sawley abbey by undated charter, witnessed by “Alano de Percy, filio eiusdem Willielmi de Perci…Robertus de Percy”[846]. A manuscript genealogy of the Percy family records that “Willielmus de Percy”, son of “Alanus de Percy”, was buried “apud Whiteby”[847]. m firstly ALICE de Tonbridge, daughter of --- (-before 1166). “Willielmus de Percy” donated property to Sawley abbey, with the consent of “Adelidæ uxoris meæ et Alani hæredis mei”, by undated charter, witnessed by “…Roberto de Percy…”[848]. “Mathildis de Percy comitissa de Warwic, filia Willielmi de Perci” donated property to Sawley abbey, for the souls of “…patris mei Willielmi de Percy et Adalidis de Tunbrige matris meæ…”, by undated charter[849]. The reference to Tonbridge suggests that she may have been Adelisa de Clare, daughter of Richard FitzGilbert de Clare & his wife Agnes [Adelisa] of Chester. [850]m secondly (1166) as her second husband, SIBYLLE de Valognes, widow of ROBERT de Ros, daughter of --- (-after 1212, bur Nun Appleton Priory). “Willielmus de Percy” donated Topcliffe church to York Cathedral, for the souls of “uxoris meæ Sybillæ…filiorum quoque et filiarum mearum”, by undated charter witnessed by “Sybilla de Valloniis…”[851]. It is assumed that the first witness was the donor´s wife but this is not specified in the document. She married thirdly Ralph d´Aubigny. William & his first wife had [four or more] children:

a) ALAN de Percy (-before 1174). “Willielmus de Percy” donated property to Sawley abbey by undated charter, witnessed by “Alano de Percy, filio eiusdem Willielmi de Perci…Robertus de Percy”[852]. “Mathildis de Percy comitissa de Warwic, filia Willielmi de Perci” donated property to Sawley abbey, for the souls of “Willielmi comitis Warwich quondam sponsi mei…patris mei Willielmi de Percy et Adalidis de Tunbrige matris meæ et Alani de Percy fratris mei et Agnetis sororis meæ”, by undated charter[853].

b) son or sons . The fact that William had more than one son is demonstrated by the undated charter under which “Willielmus de Percy” donated Topcliffe church to York Cathedral, for the souls of “uxoris meæ Sybillæ…filiorum quoque et filiarum mearum”[854].

c) MATILDA de Percy (-[Nov 1202/13 Oct 1204], bur Fountaine Abbey). A manuscript genealogy of the Percy family names “Matildem et Agnetem” as the daughters and heiresses of “Willielmus de Percy”, adding that Matilda married “Willielmo comiti Warrewyk” but died childless[855]. “Mathildis de Percy comitissa de Warwic, filia Willielmi de Perci” donated property to Sawley abbey, for the souls of “Willielmi comitis Warwich quondam sponsi mei…patris mei Willielmi de Percy et Adalidis de Tunbrige matris meæ et Alani de Percy fratris mei et Agnetis sororis meæ”, by undated charter[856]. The Red Book of the Exchequer, listing scutage payments in [1194/95], records "comitissa de Warewyke" paying "xv l de parte sua de feodo Willelmi de Percy" in Yorkshire[857]. m (before 28 Dec 1175) as his second wife, WILLIAM Earl of Warwick, son of ROGER Earl of Warwick & his wife Gundred de Warenne (-Palestine 15 Nov 1184).

d) AGNES de Percy (-[end 1202/13 Oct 1204]). A manuscript genealogy of the Percy family names “Matildem et Agnetem” as the daughters and heiresses of “Willielmus de Percy”, adding that Agnes married “Goselino Lovayn fratri Ducis Brabantiæ”[858]. “Mathildis de Percy comitissa de Warwic, filia Willielmi de Perci” donated property to Sawley abbey, for the souls of “…patris mei Willielmi de Percy et Adalidis de Tunbrige matris meæ et Alani de Percy fratris mei et Agnetis sororis meæ”, by undated charter[859]. “Agnes de Percy” confirmed donations of property by “Matildis comitissa de Warwicke soror mea” to Sawley abbey, for the souls of “Jocelini quondam sponsi mei et Willielmi de Percy patris mei et Adelidis de Tunebrigge matris meæ”, by undated charter, witnessed by “…W. de Percy…”[860]. “Agnes de Percy” made a grant to the hospital of St Peter, York, after the death of “sponsi mei Jocelini de Luvain”, by charter dated to [1182/85][861]. m (after 1154) JOSCELIN de Louvain, [illegitimate] son of GODEFROI V "le Barbu" Duke of Lower Lotharingia, Comte de Louvain & [his mistress ---] (-1180).

William had one illegitimate child by an unknown mistress:

e) ADELISA de Percy . Her origin is indicated by the undated charter under which her son “Henricus de Putheaco” donated property to Sawley abbey, for the soul of “Adelidis de Perci matris meæ et Dionisiæ sponsæ meæ…Willielmi de Perci”[862]. m RICHARD de Moreville, son of ---. Mistress of HUGUES du Puiset Bishop of Durham, son of HUGUES [III] Seigneur du Puiset, Vicomte de Chartres, Comte de Corbeil & his wife Agnes de Blois (-3 Mar 1195).

2. WALTER de Percy (-after 1153). “Walterus de Perci” granted property to “Hernisio filio Besing” by charter dated to [1142/54] which names “Willelmi de Perci fratris mei”[863]. His grant to Whitby Abbey of land in Wold Newton, part of his wife's marriage portion, was witnessed by his brother William[864]. “Willelmus de Perci” granted property to Whitby Abbey, for the soul of “Walteri fratris mei”, by charter dated to [1142/54][865]. m (before 1153) as her third husband, AVICE de Rumilly, widow firstly of WILLIAM de Courcy and secondly of WILLIAM Paynel, daughter of WILLIAM FitzRanulf du Bessin, of Skipton-in-Craven & his wife Cecily de Rumilly (-after 1153). “Amicia filia Cecilie de Rumilli” confirmed donations to the canons of St Mary, for the soul of “Willelmi de Curci filii mei”, by charter dated to [1138/50], witnessed by “Willelmo de Curci filio meo…”[866]. An undated manuscript relating to Croxton Abbey, Leicestershire records that “Avicia de Romely domina de Bescaudeby” married ”Willielmum Paynel”, and had “filium Willielmum de Curci et filiam Aliciam”[867]. “Avicia de Romelli” notified her donation to the canons of Drax, for the soul of “Willelmi Paganelli mariti mei”, with the consent of “domini Roberti de Gant et Adelicie filie mee uxoris eiusdem Roberti”, by charter dated to [1147/52], witnessed by “Robertus de Gant et Adelicia Paganella uxor eius et Adelicia soror Roberti de Gant…”[868]. The primary source which confirms her third marriage has not yet been identified. Military fee certifications in the Red Book of the Exchequer, in 1166, record that "Avicia mater Willelmi de Curcy" held two knights´ fees from "Roberti de Gant" in Yorkshire[869].

3. HENRY de Percy . William and Henry Percy his brothers witnessed a donation by Alan de Percy of land in Oxnam and Heton, co. Roxburgh to Whitby, which names his father Alan de Percy[870].

4. [GEOFFREY de Percy . Geoffrey de Percy confirmed the donation by his brother Alan de Percy of land in Oxnam and Heton, co. Roxburgh to Whitby[871]. It is not known whether Geoffrey was his father´s legitimate or illegitimate son.]

Alan de Percy had one illegitimate son by an unknown mistress:

5. ALAN de Percy . Ailred of Rievaulx names “Alani de Perci magni Alani filius nothus” among those serving under David King of Scotland at the battle of the Standard in 1138[872]. “…Alanus filius Alani de Perci…” witnessed a charter dated to [1133/44] under which “Roberto filius Fulconis” donated property to the monks of Whitby[873].

Lord Alan "2nd Baron Percy" de Percy formerly Percy Born 1069 in Alnick, Northumberland, Englandmap Son of William (Percy) de Percy and Emma (Port) de Percy Brother of Arnold (Percy) de Percy, William (de Percy) Percy and Richard (de Percy) Percy Husband of Emma (Gant) de Percy — married [date unknown] [location unknown] Father of Alan (Percy) de Percy, Alan (Percy) de Percy, Gosfrid (Percy) de Percy, Robert (Percy) de Percy, Walter (Percy) of Rugemond, Geoffrey (Percy) de Percy, Gamel (Pennington) de Pennington, Henry (Percy) de Percy and William (Percy) de Percy Died before 1135 in Whitby, Yorkshire, Englandmap

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Alan de Percy, 2nd baron of Topcliffe's Timeline

Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, England (United Kingdom)
Whitby, Yorkshire, England
Whitby, Yorkshire, England
Whitby, Yorkshire, England
Whitby, North Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
Whitby, Yorkshire, England
Alnwick, Northumberland, England
Age 47
2nd Baron Percy