Albert Ier de Chiny, mort un 22 septembre avant 1162, fut comte de Chiny. Il était fils d'Otton II, comte de Chiny, et d'Adélaïs de Namur. Il succéda à son père avant 1131 et passa la plus grande partie de son temps à Chiny, ne prenant pas part aux différents conflits qui agitaient la région.
ALBERT de Chiny, son of OTTO [II] Comte de Chiny & his wife Alix de Namur (-29 Sep 1162, bur Orval). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Hugo et comes Albertus et Fredericus Remensis ecclesie prepositus" as sons of "Ottonem comitem [de Cinni]"[622]. The estimated date of Albert’s marriage ([1140]%29 suggests that he was considerably younger than his sister Ida (whose marriage is dated to [1105]). Is it possible that they were born from different mothers? The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comes Albertus" as son of "comes Otto de Cisneio" and his wife Alix[623]. "Arnulfus…comes" founded the priory of Sainte-Valpurge at Chiny, confirmed by "filiorum meorum Ottonis et Ludovici, nurus…meæ Adeleid", by charter dated 1097, later confirmed by "Ottonis comitis et Frederici præpositi Remensis et Alberti comitis filiorum eius et Adadis comitissæ et Guillelmi avocati"[624]. A charter dated 30 Sep 1124 notifies the consecration of the church of Orval, in the presence of “Otto comes de Cisney cum sua uxore Adelada et filiis suis...Frederico Remensis ecclesiæ præposito et Alberto post patrem comite”[625]. Comte de Chiny. “Albertus Chisneiacensis comes cum uxore mea Agnete et filio Lodoyco” confirmed donations made to Sainte-Walburge by charter dated to after 18 Jun 1158[626]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that "avus eius [Ludovici%E2%80%A6comes de Cisneio] Albertus comes" was buried "in Aureavalle"[627]. The necrology of Orval records the death “III Kal Oct” of “Albertus comes de Chiney qui adduxit in conventum Cisterciensem” and his donation of property “in Sabulo”[628].
m ( [1140] ) AGNES de Bar, daughter of RENAUD I Comte de Bar & his second wife Gisèle de Vaudémont (-after 1185). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Agenete sorore eiusdem comitis [=comes Barri iunior Raymaldus" specifying that she was mother of "episcopus Vidunensis Arnulfus de Cisneio"[629]. “Albertus Chisneiacensis comes cum uxore mea Agnete et filio Lodoyco” confirmed donations made to Sainte-Walburge by charter dated to after 18 Jun 1158[630]. “Agnes...comitissa de Chisnei...coram filiis meis Lodovico et Theodorico” attested that “dominus Cono senior de Hons” had donated “usuaria nemoris Bellonis Campaniæ“ to Orval, recalling that the donation had originally been made “per manum meam et mariti mei piæ memoriæ comitis Alberti” with the consent of “piæ memoriæ Symonis ducis Lotaringiæ” from whom Cono held half of the property, by charter dated 1172[631]. "Anetis comitissa de Chinei" donated part of the forest of Blanchampagne to the church of Moulins, for the soul of "domini Alberti comitis", by charter dated to [1185] which names "filios meos heredes, maxime Ludovicum et Teodericum"[632].
Albert & his wife had eight children:
1098 |
1141 |
1142 |
1162 |
September 29, 1162
Age 64
???? | |||
???? |