ALBERT [IV] von Everstein, son of ALBERT [III] Graf von Everstein & his [first] wife Ryksa of Silesia (-19 Sep before 1217). Graf von Everstein. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Albertum et fraters eius" as children of "comiti Alberto de Everstein ultra Coliniam" and his wife "Rikissam"[106].
m firstly ---.
m secondly ([1198/1202]%29 as her second husband, AGNES von Wittelsbach, widow of GERHARD I Wildgraf in Kyrburg, daughter of OTTO IV Pfalzgraf of Bavaria & his wife Benedikta von Wörth (-5 Mar ----). 1172/1219. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to the wife of "Albertum [filius comiti Alberto de Everstein ultra Coliniam]" as "neptem archiepiscopi Moguntini que fuerat comitissa Silvestris sororem scilicet illius comitis Ottonis de Withhelebac qui interfecit Philippum de Suavia"[107].
Graf Albert [IV] & his first wife had five children:
1. OTTO von Everstein (-27 Oct 1270). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to "Albertum [filius comiti Alberto de Everstein ultra Coliniam]" & his wife having seven sons, the eldest being "Otto…prepositus Aquensis"[108]. 1200. Provost of St Servatius at Maastricht 1218/22. Provost of St Maria, Aachen 1218/38 and 1243/70. Provost at Emmerich 1231/38. Elected Bishop of Liège 1238/41. Provost of St Andreas, Köln 1240 and [1249/50]/1270. Canon at St Lambert, Liège 1249/51. Archdeacon at Xanten 1266, provost 1266/70.
2. KONRAD [IV] von Everstein (-Brunswick 7 Aug 1256, bur Brunswick St Blasii). Graf von Everstein. The Annales Sancti Blasii Brunsvicenses record that "suspensus est comes Conradus de Everstein" by "duce Alberto" in 1256[109].
3. FRIEDRICH (-after 12 May 1261). Provost at Nörten 1222. Provost at Hameln 1234.
4. LUDWIG [I] (-15 Sep 1284). Graf von Everstein. m ADELA von Gleichen, daughter of LAMBERT Graf von Gleichen (-before 1266).
5. HERMANN [I] (-before 1272). m HEDWIG, daughter of JOHANN Jakobsson & his wife Adelheid von Dassel (-6 Jun 1262).
Graf Albert [IV] & his second wife had seven children:
6. OTTO [I] (-1282 or after). Graf von Everstein. m ERMGARD von Arnstein, daughter of WALTER [III] von Arnstein (-24 Dec 1243).
7. HEINRICH . 1219/1245.
8. ALBERT (-1260 or after). Provost at Hildesheim 1250.
9. ADELA (-after 1233). m BURCHARD [III] Graf von Scharzfeld (-before 28 May 1233).
10. CLEMENTIA . 1231/1257. m (before 15 May 1231) LUDOLF [IV] Graf von Dassel (-before 1238).
11. BENEDIKTA . 1235/1283. m GOTTSCHALK von Plesse . 1200/1253.
12. SOPHIE . 1250/1272. m (1227) HERMANN [I] Graf von Woldenberg (-[14 Mar 1243/Jul 1244]).
Greve Albert IV fra Everstein
Albert IV var gift første gang med ukjent kone fordi sønnen Konrad var voksen i 1217 og kan sannsynligvis ikke være sønn av Agnes von Wittelsbach
Albert giftet seg andre gang med Agnes fra Wittelsbach, enke etter Gerhard Wildgrave, greve av Kyrburg, datter av Otto IV Pfalzgreve av Bayern & kona Benedikta fra Wörth De hadde 10 barn
ALBERT [IV] von Everstein, son of ALBERT [III] Graf von Everstein & his [first] wife Ryksa of Silesia (-19 Sep before 1217). Graf von Everstein. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Albertum et fraters eius" as children of "comiti Alberto de Everstein ultra Coliniam" and his wife "Rikissam"[106].
m firstly ---.
m secondly ([1198/1202]%29 as her second husband, AGNES von Wittelsbach, widow of GERHARD I Wildgraf in Kyrburg, daughter of OTTO IV Pfalzgraf of Bavaria & his wife Benedikta von Wörth (-5 Mar ----). 1172/1219. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to the wife of "Albertum [filius comiti Alberto de Everstein ultra Coliniam]" as "neptem archiepiscopi Moguntini que fuerat comitissa Silvestris sororem scilicet illius comitis Ottonis de Withhelebac qui interfecit Philippum de Suavia"[107].
Graf Albert [IV] & his first wife had five children:
1. OTTO von Everstein (-27 Oct 1270). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to "Albertum [filius comiti Alberto de Everstein ultra Coliniam]" & his wife having seven sons, the eldest being "Otto…prepositus Aquensis"[108]. 1200. Provost of St Servatius at Maastricht 1218/22. Provost of St Maria, Aachen 1218/38 and 1243/70. Provost at Emmerich 1231/38. Elected Bishop of Liège 1238/41. Provost of St Andreas, Köln 1240 and [1249/50]/1270. Canon at St Lambert, Liège 1249/51. Archdeacon at Xanten 1266, provost 1266/70.
2. KONRAD [IV] von Everstein (-Brunswick 7 Aug 1256, bur Brunswick St Blasii). Graf von Everstein. The Annales Sancti Blasii Brunsvicenses record that "suspensus est comes Conradus de Everstein" by "duce Alberto" in 1256[109].
3. FRIEDRICH (-after 12 May 1261). Provost at Nörten 1222. Provost at Hameln 1234.
4. LUDWIG [I] (-15 Sep 1284). Graf von Everstein. m ADELA von Gleichen, daughter of LAMBERT Graf von Gleichen (-before 1266).
5. HERMANN [I] (-before 1272). m HEDWIG, daughter of JOHANN Jakobsson & his wife Adelheid von Dassel (-6 Jun 1262).
Graf Albert [IV] & his second wife had seven children:
6. OTTO [I] (-1282 or after). Graf von Everstein. m ERMGARD von Arnstein, daughter of WALTER [III] von Arnstein (-24 Dec 1243).
7. HEINRICH . 1219/1245.
8. ALBERT (-1260 or after). Provost at Hildesheim 1250.
9. ADELA (-after 1233). m BURCHARD [III] Graf von Scharzfeld (-before 28 May 1233).
10. CLEMENTIA . 1231/1257. m (before 15 May 1231) LUDOLF [IV] Graf von Dassel (-before 1238).
11. BENEDIKTA . 1235/1283. m GOTTSCHALK von Plesse . 1200/1253.
12. SOPHIE . 1250/1272. m (1227) HERMANN [I] Graf von Woldenberg (-[14 Mar 1243/Jul 1244]).
1178 |
1180 |
Eberstein, Braunsweig, Niedersachsen, TY
1205 |
1206 |
Everstein, Volkmarsen, Waldeck-Frankenberg, Hessen, Germany
1217 |
September 19, 1217
1224 |
1226 |