Not known son of Hildeoc, king of the Lombards
or source & explanation PLZ!
This profile itself is not historically knwon father-in-law of Marcomir I, King of the Franks at Cologne (whose supposed wives are not historically accepted)
or source & explanation TNX!!
Brief Life History of Aldeoch
Roi Aldeoch der Lombarden was born in 0345, in Milano, Milan, Lombardy, Italy as the son of Roi Hildiok de Lombardie. He had at least 2 daughters with Eurica der Westgoten. He died in 0398, in his hometown, at the age of 53.
{dear Mgr. this site of family connections, consulted, copied, pasted (but not linked:) in antiquity gives shivers. But thanks to having indirectly contributed to understanding the origin of the old connection:}
345 |
375 |
Lombardy, Italy
398 |
Age 53