Ales married Sir William de Tunstall Knight, son of William de Tunstall and Unknown. (Sir William de Tunstall Knight was born about 1334 in Cantsfield, Thurland, Lancashire, England and died in 1387 in Cantsfield, Thurland, Lancashire, England)
From https://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=jhmjr&id=I37601
Alice Lindsey (Philip Lindsey1) was born ABT 1338 in Thurland Manor, Lancashire, England. She married William Tunstall of Thurland, son of Henry Tunstall. He was born ABT 1334 in Burrow with Burrow, Lunesdale, Lancashire, England, and died in Thurland Manor, Tunstall, Lancashire, England.
Children of Alice Lindsey and William Tunstall of Thurland are:
From https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Lindsey-44
Flower (1881), calls the wife of SIr William Tunstall (b. c. 1320), "Ales,” with no parents noted. But some other pedigrees name her Alice, daughter of Sir Philip Lindsey," (Lewis, 2010).
1338 |
Probably Thurland, Lancashire, England
1358 |
Thurland, Lancashire, England (United Kingdom)
1360 |
Of, Thurland, Lancashire, England
Thurland, Lancashire, England (United Kingdom)
1362 |
Of, Thurland, Lancashire, England
1380 |
Age 42
Thurland Manor, Lancashire, England
???? |
Thurland Castle, Lancashire, England