Born 29 Jun 1723 in Pisiquid, Acadie, Colony of Nova Scotia
Husband of Madeleine Josèphe Bourg — married 20 Jul 1753 in Point Prime, Isle St-Jean, Acadie, Nouvelle-France
Alexis Doiron was born on 29 June 1723 in Pisiquid, Acadie (Windsor NS) according to his own deposition at Belle-Île-en-Mer. [1][2] He was the son of Louis Pierre Doiron (abt.1689-abt.1727) and Marguerite Barrieau (1689-aft.1752).
He married his first wife Marguerite Thibodeau, daughter of Alexandre Thibodeau and Françoise Benoit, on 12 September 1743 at L'Assomption de Pisiguit.[1][2]
Alexis-Grégoire Doiron
Josaphat Doiron
Théodore Doiron
The 1740s were a period of instability in the British colony of Nova Scotia. Many Acadians sought refuge in the French colony of Isle Saint-Jean.
"Alexis Doiron, his wife Marguerite, their children, and other members of their extended family were part of this group. In 1750, they settled in Grande Anse (now Orwell Bay) on the south shore of modern day Prince Edward Island. It was the first of many displacements that the Doiron family would experience over the next 30 years." [4]
Marguerite passed away not long after settling on Isle Saint-Jean since in the census of 1752 at Grande-Anse, Alexis was listed as a widower, 29 years of age. Besides himself and his three sons age 3 to 8 years, the house included his mother Marguerite Barrieau.[5]
Alexis married his second wife Madeleine Josephe Bourg, daughter of François Bourg and Marie Marguerite Hébert, on 20 July 1753 in Pointe Prime, Isle Saint-Jean.[1][2]
Marie-Blanche Doiron
Joseph-Marie Doiron
François Xavier Doiron
Jean Doiron
Marie-Madeleine Doiron
Marie-Rose Doiron
Marie-Ange Doiron
Joseph Doiron
Sebastienne Doiron
Henriette-Catherine Doiron
Marie-Ange Doiron
Marie-Ange Doiron
Pierre Doiron
François Xavier dit Mico Doiron
Élie Doiron
At the end of November 1758, Alexis and his family were deported to France along with thousands of Acadians who lived in Isle Saint-Jean. Their two young children Marie Blanche age 5 and Joseph Marie age 3 died during the crossing. A few months later Théodore and 4-month-old François-Xavier, probably born during the crossing, died at the hospital in France.[6]
They lived for a while at Saint-Servan near Saint-Malo, then moved to Saint-Énogat and later on lived at Belle-Ile-en-Mer.[4] After having lived 13 years in France, the family decided to return to Isle Saint-Jean and in 1772 settled in Township 59.[4] Before 1782, he moved his family to Rustico.
Alexis was mentioned for the last time in a document in the 1798 census at Rustico.[7]
Alexis died after 1798, likely in Rustico.[4]
Research Notes
A thorough account of Alexis Doiron & his family was written & published by Georges Arsenault. A pdf file of the original 1996 English-language publication in Island Magazine-- with graphic illustrations -- is available at this website: [3].
The text, without illustrations, is also posted in html format on the website of Lucie LeBlanc Consentino at http://www.acadian-home.org/George-saga-alexis-doiron.html
Arsenault's article includes a very helpful list of his sources, plus a bit of genealogy.
Note that one source -- Robichaux's material from the Belle-Île Declarations (pp. 266-267) -- claims that Alexis Doiron had an additional wife, Hélène Blanchard, in the 1750s between Marguerite Thibodeau and Madeleine-Josèphe Bourg . That source identifies Hélène Blanchard as the mother of only two children, the 4th and 5th offspring of Alexis: Marie-Blanche and Joseph-Marie, both of whom died during the crossing to France, in the Expulsion, between late November 1758 and late January 1759. All other sources seem to exclude her.
↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Declarations de Belle-Ile-en-Mer, Acadian-Home.org Alexis Doiron. Brother Jerôme Lepré, S.C., accessed November 2020
↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 White, Stephen A. Patrice Gallant, and Hector-J Hébert, Dictionnaire généalogique des familles acadiennes (Moncton, N.-B.: Centre d'études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, 1999) p. 525
Alexis married 1st (Belle-Ile-en-Mer Declaration) at L'Assomption of Pisiguit on 12 Sep 1743 to Marguerite Thibodeau, daughter of Alexandre & Françoise Benoit. He married 2nd at St-Paul, Isle St. Jean on 20 Jul 1758 (sic, for 1753) to Madeleine-Josephe Bourg, daughter of François & Marguerite Hébert. He was on the 1759 list of arrivals at St-Malo, age 36 years; on 1762 census at St-Énogat, age 39 years. He was at Belle-Ile-en-Mer in 1765, age 43 years.
↑ 3.0 3.1 Karen Theriot Reader Page for Alexis Doiron at Geneanet
↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Arsenault, Georges. 1996. "The Saga of Alexis Doiron." The Island Magazine, No. 39 (Spring/Summer):12-18. Also posted online at [1] and at [2].
↑ Report Concerning Canadian Archives for the Year 1905, Volume II (Ottawa: Printed by S.E.Dawson, 1905), 1752 La Roque Census, p. 115/Image 260. The original census, in French, can be found at Census Original Version “Recensement de l'Isle Royal et de Isle Saint-Jean ” Images 430-431
Alexis Douaron, widower, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 29 years, he has been in the country two years. He has three sons:-
Gregoire, aged 8 years.
Joseph, aged 6 years.
Theodore, aged 3 years.
Margueritte Barriaud, his mother, native of l'Acadie, aged 58 years. And the following live stock: two oxen, one horse, and two pigs. The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case. It was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. He has made no clearing.
↑ Ship at St-Malo Roll of the " Five english ships " (YARMOUTH, PATIENCE, MATHIAS, RESTORATION, JOHN SAMUEL), disembarked at Saint-Malo on january 23, 1759. Accessed November 2020
DOUERAND Alexis, 36 ans
BOURG Madeleine Josèphe, 22 ans, femme
DOUERAND Alexis Grégoire, 14 ans, fils
DOUERAND Josaphat, 13 ans, fils
DOUERAND Théodore, 10 ans, fils + à l'hôpital le 6 mars 1759
DOUERAND François Xavier,4 mois, fils, + le 15 avril 1759
DOUERAND Marie Blanche, 5 ans, fille, + en mer
DOUERAND Joseph Marie, 3 ans, fils, + en mer
↑ Campbell, Duncan. History of Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown, PEI: Bremner Brothers, 1875. Facsimile Reprint published by Heritage Books, Inc, Bowie, Maryland, 1990. Page 208.
Alex Dourong, 5 persons in the household
See also:
Généalogie des familles Acadiennes de l'IIe-du-Prince-Édouard c. 1764 - c.1900, Volume III (C-F), pages1502-1503, by Jean Bernard (PEI Acadian Genealogist): Published by the author at Baie de Malpèque.
LeBlanc, Stanley. Thanks to Stanley for leading us to the Robichaux work (see below). As of July 2013, he has a very useful website at http://www.thecajuns.com/ [4]. - J.E. deRoche
Robichaux, Albert J., Jr. 1981. The Acadian Exiles in Saint-Malo 1758-1785. 3 vols. Eunice, LA: Hebert Publications. See vol. 1, Family Genealogies A-G, pp. 265-276, esp. 266-268.
"Alexis Doiron (1723-?)", 1755 Histoire et les histoires, Centre d'études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, accessed at http://cfml.ci.umoncton.ca/1755-html/index27d9-2.html?id=010805000&...
J. Henri Blanchard, Rustico, une paroisse Acadienne de l'Ile du Prince-Edouard, Francis-C. Blanchard, circa 1938. Republished 1979. http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=CanadaGenIndex_ga&h=2...
Edmund West, comp. Family Data Collection - Births Publication: Name: Ancestry.com Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2001
See notes on The Saga of Alexis Doiron
1723 |
June 29, 1723
Pisiquid, Acadie, Colony of Nova Scotia, NS, Canada
1744 |
April 14, 1744
Pisiguit, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada
1746 |
1749 |
1752 |
Pointe--laJeunesse, Ile-Royale, Acadia
1754 |
1760 |
August 13, 1760
PE, Canada
1762 |
Near Saint Malo, France