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Alfred Molle (1910 - 1998)

Birthplace: Tartu, Tartumaa, Estonia
Death: May 08, 1998 (88)
ON, Canada
Immediate Family:

Son of Karl Molle and Anna Molle
Husband of Natalie Molle
Father of Private User; Private User and Mart Molle
Brother of Linda Molle and Helmut Molle

Occupation: arstiteadlane; teadlane; radioloog
Managed by: Mart Molle
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Alfred Molle

Arst/ Physician

Alfred Molle (12. jaanuar 1910 Tartu – 8. mai 1998 Ontario, Kanada) oli eesti arst.


Surmakuulutused - Meie Elu (Toronto, Kanada), 1998, 20. mai, nr. 20, lk. 8.

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Alfred Molle's Timeline

January 12, 1910
Tartu, Tartumaa, Estonia
May 8, 1998
Age 88
ON, Canada