http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/GEN-MEDIEVAL/2002-10/... (excerpt)
Alice de Driby's only known surviving child by Ralph Basset was her daughter Elizabeth, b. 1372. He died 17 July 1378. Alice married (3) Sir Anketin de Mallory by 28 May 1379 (within a year, without license).
He eldest son by this marriage, Thomas Mallory, was born the following year in 1380/1, and other children followed.
Re: Papworth St. Agnes Mallory continuation - Sir Anketil II (ca. 1340 - 1393)
Posted by: Hikaru Kitabayashi (ID *****6860) Date: July 20, 2009 at 23:34:17
In Reply to: Re: Papworth St. Agnes Mallory continuation - Sir Anketil II (ca. 1340 - 1393) by Robert Awalt of 2872
After uploading my article, I found further information. I am not as certain as I previously was about the ancestry of the Sir Anketil Mallory married to Alice de Driby. There was definitely a Anketil Mallory of Sudborough in Northampton a generation older who can be proven to be different from Anketil Mallory of Kirkby Mallory who was a priest. I formerly assumed that the Anketil Mallory of Sudborough was the father of the husband of Alice de Driby. I do not now think this to have been likely, but do think they were closely related. Alice de Driby's second son died in possession of property at Sudborough. As Alice de Driby's first son had a child and, through this child, many descendants who did not inherit any property at all at Sudborough, it is clear that Alice de Driby's husband also did not inherit property at Sudborough but that the property had been purchased. It would also indicate that, if there were a blood relationship, it would have been as a representative of a still not defined junior line. The Sudborough Mallorys, themselves, may have either been of Kirkby Mallory or of Walton on the Wold, but both these families seem to share the same male line ancestry and can definitely be shown to be related in the female line through a common Segrave ancestress. I still favor the Kirkby Mallory line as a point of origin for Alice de Driby's husband and would someday like to be in a position to examine manuscripts now in the possession of the Huntingdon Library in California which, if more closely examined than hitherto, might help clarify things a bit. As for Beatrice I came across a seventeenth century translation of the original will of her mother Alice de Driby which was written in French and no longer survives which mentions Beatrice, her husband and her son, John Bagot. It should be noted in this context that preliminary research I made in England of the Bagot genealogy for these generations would indicate that there are still very considerable gaps in our knowledge. Moreover, it soon became clear that published accounts of Bagot genealogy have gotten things seriously mixed up for the early 15th century. I hope your research will serve to straighten things out. Alice de Driby's lineage, as can be presently reconstructed, consists of her father, John, his father, Thomas, Alice's mother, Amie, and Amie's father, Piers Gaveston, Earl of Cornwall. Amie's mother is unidentifiable, but may have been connected with the well-connected Tatshall family whom the Driby family married into. Amie, herself, would have been illegitimate, but should be evaluated highly as an ancestress because she made a success out of her life, in spite of the disadvantage implicit in her being illegitimate, and because it was all accomplished on her own merits, her father having been killed in her childhood with her never having been in a position to inherit anything from him. Amie's daughter, Alice de Driby, cut an even impressive figure as a Baroness and Alice's children and grandchildren moved in royal circles, playing an active role in the history of the times in which they lived.
1. Book "Piers Gaveston, Earl of Cornwall 1307-1312: Politics and Patronage in the Reighn of Edward II," by J. S. Hamilton, Wayne State University, 1988.
Anketil II Mallory m. Alice de Driby as her 3rd husband
1340 |
Wakefield St. John, West Riding of Yorkshire, England
1372 |
August 1, 1372
Bytham Castle, Sapocote, Leicestershire, England
1379 |
Kirkby Mallory, Leicestershire, England
1380 |
Bradley, County Durham, England
1386 |
Shawbury, Shropshire, England
1412 |
October 12, 1412
Age 72
Stamford, Lincolnshire, England
???? |
Kirkby Mallory, Leicestershire, England