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About Alice Hawes
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- 'Edmond Hawes of Yarmouth, Massachusetts: An Emigrant to America in 1635, His ... (1914)
- http://www.archive.org/details/edmondhawesyarm00hawegoog
- http://www.archive.org/stream/edmondhawesyarm00hawegoog#page/n64/mo...
- f In Dugdale's 2nd edition (index) under Dabridge-Court, it is stated that William Hawes of Langdon Hall (ob. 1610) m. Ursula, d. of ____ Coles, and had 'Alice, who m. Henry Bromley. It will appear from the text that this is entirely erroneous. The Visitation of Warwickshire (Harl. Soc. Pubs., vol. 12, p. 61) states, no doubt correctly, that Henry Bromley married Alice, daughter of ____ Hawes', and that his ancestor married the daughter and heiress of William Hawes, who was perhaps the William of 1327 (supra, p. 10). Henry Bromley's daughter Margaret, it is stated in the Visitation, married John Greswold of Solihull, who according to Pemberton (p. 42) flourished about 1480.
- http://www.archive.org/stream/edmondhawesyarm00hawegoog#page/n96/mo...
- 5 JOHN Greswold, of Solihull, married Margaret(f) daughter and heiress of 'Henry Bromley, of Longdon Hall. Her mother was Alice, daughter and heiress of ____ Hawes' and one of her ancestors married the daughter and heiress of Wil-
- http://www.archive.org/stream/edmondhawesyarm00hawegoog#page/n97/mo...
- liam Hawes. In June, 1456, styled John Greswold, Esq., he is witness to a deed in Solihull.(g) Nov. 25, 1481, described as John Greswold, of Solihull, the elder, Esq., he conveyed a croft in that parish to Robert Greswold of the same place.(h) In 1493 the entry of John Greswold and Margeria, his wife, and for the soul of Margeria, is made in the list of members in the Guild of Knowle.(i) These may be the John and Margaret we are writing about here. He had the following children and perhaps others:
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Alice Hawes's Timeline
1393 |
Longdon Hall, Warwickshire, England (United Kingdom)
???? |
Longdon Hall, Warwickshire, England (United Kingdom)
???? |
England (United Kingdom)