No evidence for the parents of Alice (Heath) Burwell Peck. She was born ca. 1612 and Agnes Cheney Heath, her purported mother, was dead in 1593!! I have detached her from Agnes Cheny and husband William Heath. They already have an Alice, born 20 years earlier than this Alice.
ALICE HEATH BURWELL and her husband John Burwell apparently came with the Eaton-Davenport-Prudden party to Boston in 1637. They were planters in Milford with Rev. Peter Prudden. After John's death in 1649, she married JOSEPH PECK, on 12 Sep 1650 in Milford.
Alice Heath Burwell - Peck
Birth: 1612 Hertfordshire, England Death: Dec. 19, 1666 Milford New Haven County Connecticut, USA
~MY ANCESTOR~ ALICE HEATH BURWELL and her husband John Burwell apparently came with the Eaton-Davenport-Prudden party to Boston in 1637. They were planters in Milford with Rev. Peter Prudden. After John's death in 1649, she married JOSEPH PECK, on 12 Sep 1650 in Milford. Their son, LIEUT. JOSEPH PECK, was my ancestor. The picture to the right shows the inscription on the Founders Bridge on the Wepawaug River in Milford.
Parents: unknown
Children of Alice Heath and Joseph Peck:
Burial: Milford Cemetery Milford New Haven County Connecticut, USA Plot: BURIED IN REV. PETER PRUDDEN'S GARDEN -- No tombstone remains.
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~MY ANCESTOR~ ALICE HEATH BURWELL and her husband John Burwell apparently came with the Eaton-Davenport-Prudden party to Boston in 1637. They were planters in Milford with Rev. Peter Prudden. After John's death in 1649, she married [http://WWW.findagrave.Com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=Peck&GScid=10... JOSEPH PECK</a>, on 12 Sep 1650 in Milford. Their son, [http://WWW.findagrave.Com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=Peck&GScid=103469&GRid=8651598& LIEUT. JOSEPH PECK</a>, was my ancestor. The picture to the right shows the inscription on the Founders Bridge on the Wepawaug River in Milford.
1615 |
Probably Minsden, Hertfordshire, England
1635 |
Milford, New Haven County, Connecticut, British Colonial America
1636 |
Milford, New Haven Co., CT[1636, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, Eng.]
1638 |
Roxbury. MA
1640 |
October 11, 1640
Milford, New Haven Colony
1644 |
May 10, 1644
New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, British Colonies of North America
1646 |
February 22, 1646
Milford, New Haven County, Connecticut, British Colonial America
1647 |
December 29, 1647
Milford, New Haven County, Connecticut, British Colonial America