Historical records matching Alix de Thouars
Immediate Family
fiancé's son
fiancé's daughter
fiancé's son
About Alix de Thouars
ALIX Dss of Brittany, Ctss of Richmond
- ALIX de Thouars ([1200]-21 Oct 1221, bur 24 Nov 1225 Villeneuve-les-Nantes, Abbaye de Notre-Dame). The Genealogia Comitum Richemundiæ names "Adelicia" as the daughter of "Constantia filia Conani" and her third husband "Guidoni de Thoarcio",
- Alix married "domno Petro Mauclerc"[320]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "unam filiam Mabiliam" as the child of "Constantiam comitis Conani filia" and her [third] husband "Guido frater vicecomitem de Tuart"[321]. A Chronicon Comitum Pictaviæ et Aquitaniæ Ducum names "Alipsam et Catherinam" as the two daughters of "Wido…comes de Thoarcio" and "Constantiam Gaufridi Ducis Britanniæ relictam", stating that Alix married Petro Comiti Drocarum [322]. She succeeded her half-brother in 1203 as ALIX Dss of Brittany, Ctss of Richmond. The marriage contract between "G. de Thoarco comes Britannie...A filia mea quam habeo de comitissa Britannie Constancia" and "Alanus filius comitis...Henricus filius predicti Alani primogenitus" is dated 1209[323]. Her first betrothal is confirmed by the charter dated 1209 under which "Alanus comes, Henrici comitis filius" granted letters of assurance to "domino Andreæ de Vitreio", with the consent of "Henrico filio meo et Alici uxori eius"[324]. The Chronique de Guillaume de Nangis records that daughter of Guy de Thouars and Constance de Bretagne married "Pierre Mauclerc, fils de Robert comte de Dreux"[325].
- The Chronicon Britannicum records the death "XII Kal Nov" in 1221 of "Aalis Ducissa Britanniæ"[326]. Betrothed (contract Paris 7 Dec 1209, broken) to HENRI d'Avaugour, son of ALAIN de Bretagne Comte de Penthièvre & his second wife Adélaïde --- ([1205]-6 Oct 1281, bur Dinan). He succeeded his father in 1212 as Comte de Penthièvre. m ([Mar 1213/Oct 1214]) as his first wife, PIERRE de Dreux, son of ROBERT II Comte de Dreux et de Braine & his second wife Yolande de Coucy ([1187]-at sea off Damietta end-May 1250, bur Braine, église abbatiale de Saint-Ived). He swore allegiance at Paris 27 Jan 1213 to Philippe II "Auguste" King of France as PIERRE I "Mauclerc" Duke of Brittany. Comte de Penthièvre by annexation 1214. Created Earl of Richmond by Henry III King of England 16 Jan 1218/19 (confiscated Nov 1224, restored Oct 1229, confiscated again Jan 1235). He surrendered the Duchy of Brittany to his son in 1237, after which he called himself PIERRE de Braine. He accompanied King Louis IX on crusade in 1249 and was captured at Faraskur 6 Apr 1250, after being wounded at the battle of Mansourah. He died at sea on his way back to western Europe. - DUKES of BRITTANY 1213-1514 (DREUX-CAPET).
- Married: firstly ([Mar 1213/Oct 1214]) ALIX de Thouars Dss of Brittany, daughter of GUY de Thouars & his second wife Constance Dss of Brittany ([1200]-21 Oct 1221, bur 24 Nov 1225 Villeneuve-les-Nantes, Abbaye de Notre-Dame). The Genealogia Comitum Richemundiæ names "Adelicia" as the daughter of "Constantia filia Conani" and her third husband "Guidoni de Thoarcio", stating that she married "domno Petro Mauclerc"[346]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "unam filiam Mabiliam" as the child of "Constantiam comitis Conani filia" and her [third] husband "Guido frater vicecomitem de Tuart"[347]. The Chronique de Guillaume de Nangis records that daughter of Guy de Thouars and Constance de Bretagne married "Pierre Mauclerc, fils de Robert comte de Dreux"[348]. A Chronicon Comitum Pictaviæ et Aquitaniæ Ducum names "Alipsam et Catherinam" as the two daughters of "Wido…comes de Thoarcio" and "Constantiam Gaufridi Ducis Britanniæ relictam", stating that Alix married "Petro Comiti Drocarum"[349]. The Chronicon Britannicum records the death "XII Kal Nov" in 1221 of "Aalis Ducissa Britanniæ"[350]. Betrothed (before 21 Jul 1229) to [MARIE] de Lusignan, daughter of HUGUES I King of Cyprus & his wife Alix of Jerusalem Ctss of Jaffa ([before 1215]-[1251/53]). A Papal prohibition on the marriage between "comes Britannie" and "filiam reginam Cypri", by reason of 4o consanguinity, is dated at Pérouse 21 Jul 1229[351]. It is not known which daughter was betrothed to the Duke of Brittany, but it is a reasonable assumption that it was Marie who was the older of the queen’s two daughters.
Source - Projects MedLands Dukes of BRITTANY - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/BRITTANY.htm#_Toc216697263
Duke Pierre I & his first wife ALIX de Thouars Dss of Brittany had three children
- 1. JEAN de Bretagne ([1217/18]-Château de l'Isle, Férel, Morbihan 8 Oct 1286, bur Prières, église abbatiale de Notre Dame). The Chronicon Ruyensis Cœnobii records the birth in 1217 of "Johannes filius Petri Comitis et Aelidis Comitissæ Britanniæ"[359]. The Chronicon Britannicum records the birth in 1218 of "Johannes, filius Petri Ducis Britanniæ"[360]. He succeeded on the abdication of his father in 1237 as JEAN I "le Roux" Duke of Brittany.
- 2. YOLANDE de Bretagne (in Brittany end 1218-château de Bouteville 10 Oct 1272, bur Villeneuve-les-Nantes, église abbatiale de Notre Dame). A letter of King Henry III dated 19 Oct 1226 confirms his betrothal to "Jolentam filiam Petri ducis Brittanniæ et comitis Richemundiæ"[361]. The Chronicon Turonense records the betrothal of "Rex Franciæ Joannem fratrem suum, puerum octennem" and "filiæ Petri Comitis Britanniæ", and the grant of the county of Anjou to him[362]. The marriage contract between “P. dux Britannie, comes Richemondie…Yolendi filie mee” and “Ludovicus, rex Francorum…Johannem fratrem suum” is dated 27 Mar [1226/27][363]. The Annals of Dunstable record the betrothal of “filiam comitis Britanniæ” and “rex Franciæ…fratri suo minori”, who received the county of Anjou, in 1227[364]. Her betrothal to Thibaut IV Comte de Champagne is confirmed by a letter from King Louis IX to Comte Thibaut, dated 1229, which states that the king had “entendu que vous avez convenancé et promis à prendre à femme la fille du Comte Pierre de Bretaigne” and forbade him from proceeding, adding “la raison pourquoi vous savez bien” (without providing any further explanation)[365]. The 1229 date (cited by Lobineau) is presumably incorrect, assuming that the date of death of Comte Thibaut´s second wife is correctly reported as 11 Jul 1231 as shown above. This suggested redating is confirmed by a letter from Pope Gregory IX to the archbishop of Bourges dated 24 Apr 1232 stating that “Campaniæ et Britanniæ comites” intended to arrange a marriage alliance prohibited by the degrees of consanguinity and forbidding the arrangement[366]. Dame de la Fère-en-Tardenois, de Chailly et de Longjumeau. Ctss de Penthièvre 1236, as her dowry. The Chronicon Britannicum records in 1236 that "Penthevria excepto Jugonio" was granted to “Hugoni filio comitis de Marchia” with “filia Petri comitis totius Britanniæ”[367]. Ctss de Porhoët, by grant of her brother. "Hugo Lebrun, filius comitis Marchie primogenitus, et dominus Lambalie et Hyolandis uxor sua" noted the end of the excommunication of "Guidonem de Argenteio dominum de Plancoit" in a charter dated 1246[368]. "Hugo Brunus comes Engolisme et domina Hiolendis uxor eius heres et domina Penthevrie" confirmed the donation to Lamballe made by “domini P. quondam ducis Britannie genitoris predicte Hiolendis uxoris nostre...domine Ælidis ducisse Britannie et comitisse Richem. genitricis predicte Hiolendis” by charter dated Jul 1247[369]. Regent of La Marche and Angoulême 1250-1256. Betrothed (before 19 Oct 1226) to HENRY III King of England, son of JOHN King of England & his second wife Isabelle Ctss d'Angoulême (Winchester Castle 1 Oct 1207-Palace of Westminster 16 Nov 1272, bur Westminster Abbey). Betrothed (Mar 1227) to JEAN de France Comte d'Anjou et du Maine, son of LOUIS VIII King of France & his wife Infanta doña Blanca de Castilla (Sep 1219-1232, bur Notre-Dame de Poissy). [370]Betrothed ([1231], terminated) to THIBAUT IV Comte de Champagne, son of THIBAUT III Comte de Champagne & his wife Infanta doña Blanca de Navarra (Pamplona 3 May 1201-Pamplona 8 Jul 1253, bur Pamplona). m (Jan 1236) HUGUES [XII] de Lusignan, son of HUGUES [XI] de Lusignan Comte de la Marche et d'Angoulême & his wife Isabelle Ctss d'Angoulême ([1221]-Damietta Apr 1250, bur Abbaye de la Couronne, Charente). He succeeded his father in 1250 as Seigneur de Lusignan, Comte de la Marche et d'Angoulême.
- 3. ARTHUR de Bretagne ([1220]-shortly after 1223). Lobineau records the birth in 1220 of “un second fils...Artur” but cites no primary source on which he bases this date[371]. The Chronicon Turonense records the betrothal in 1223 of "Arturo puero, filio Comitis Britanniæ" and "Amorricus de Credone, senescallus Andegaviæ, filiam unicam"[372]. Betrothed to JEANNE de Craon, daughter of AMAURY [I] Seigneur de Craon & his wife Jeanne des Roches. The Chronicon Turonense records the betrothal in 1223 of "Arturo puero, filio Comitis Britanniæ" and "Amorricus de Credone, senescallus Andegaviæ, filiam unicam"[373].
Source - Projects MedLands, Dukes of BRITTANY - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/BRITTANY.htm#PierreIdied1250MAlixDs...
History from Wikipedia
Alix was born on or shortly before 5 September 1201. She was the daughter of Constance, Duchess of Brittany and Guy of Thouars. Constance died after giving birth to Alix and her twin sister Catherine. Alix's older half-brother was Arthur I, Duke of Brittany and her half-sister was Eleanor, Fair Maid of Brittany, the children of Constance and Geoffrey Plantagenet. Upon the death of Richard I of England, a power struggle commenced between her brother Arthur and King John of England. At the Battle of Mirebeau in 1202, Arthur and Eleanor were captured. Eleanor was imprisoned at Corfe Castle and her brother Arthur was murdered.
The Breton Barons recognized Alix as Duchess of Brittany after the death of her brother Arthur, instead her older sister, perhaps fearing John Lackland's claims to rule Brittany in representation of the imprisoned Eleanor's rights. Her father Guy became regent for Alix until 1206, when King Philip II of France made himself the regent of the Duchy in Alix’s name.
In 1213, the King arranged her marriage to his cousin Peter of Dreux, who became the regent. Alix died in childbirth, without having exercised much control over her own inheritance. She was succeeded in the Duchy by her son John I, but Peter remained the de facto ruler of Brittany until 1237.
Alix & Peter of Dreux had two surviving children
- John I, Duke of Brittany (1217-1286). Married 1236 Blanche of Navarre, whom he had issue.
- Yolande de Dreux, Countess of Penthièvre and of Porhoet (1218-10 October1272). Married January 1236 Hugh XI of Lusignan, Count of La Marche and Angouleme, by whom she had issue.
Yolande de Dreux & Hugh XI of Lusignan, Count of La Marche and Angouleme Children
- a - Arthur of Brittany (1220-1224)
- Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700 by Frederick Lewis Weis, Lines: 96-28, 135-29, 271-28
- The Complete Peerage
- Projects MedLands Dukes of BRITTANY - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/BRITTANY.htm#_Toc216697263
- Monographie de l'ancienne abbaye royale Saint-Yved de Braine, avec la ... By Stanislas Prioux - https://books.google.com/books?id=tLVQAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA55&lpg=PA55&dq=...
- Peter I DUKE OR COUNT OF BRITTANY WRITTEN BY: The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica - https://www.britannica.com/biography/Peter-I-duke-or-count-of-Brittany
Alix de Thouars
BIRTH 5 Sep 1201
DEATH 21 Oct 1221 (aged 20)
Abbaye Notre-Dame de Villeneuve
Les Sorinieres, Departement de la Loire-Atlantique, Pays de la Loire, France
MEMORIAL ID 62575711
Family Members
Guy de Thouars
Constance Penthièvre Plantagenet
Pierre de Dreux
Catherine de Thouars
Half Siblings
Eleanor Plantagenet
Arthur Plantagenet
Jean de Bretagne
Yolande de Bretagne
Alix de Thouars's Timeline
1200 |
September 5, 1200
Thouars, Deux Sevres, Anjou Poitou Charentes, France
1217 |
Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France
1218 |
Dreux, Eure-et-Loir, Centre, France
1220 |
Brittany, France
1221 |
October 21, 1221
Age 21
Convent Cordeliers, Nantes, France
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