Alwyn "The Younger" de Levenax, 2nd Earl of Lennox

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Alwyn ll de Levenax (1165 - 1217)

Birthplace: Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Death: circa 1217 (43-60)
Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Immediate Family:

Son of Alwyn, 1st Earl of Lennox and N.N.
Husband of Eva de Menteith, Countess of Menteith
Father of Mauldouen of Lennox, 3rd Earl of Lennox; Eva de Levenax, Countess of Killsyth; Dùghall of Lennox; Donnchadh Of Lennox; Gilchrist de Lennox, 1st Baron of Arrochar and 3 others
Brother of Eth of Lennox, 1st Chief of Galbraith and N.N.

Occupation: 2nd Earl of Lennox
Managed by: Shirley Marie Caulk
Last Updated:

About Alwyn "The Younger" de Levenax, 2nd Earl of Lennox

EARLS of LENNOX [1210]-1385

1. MURDOCH . m ---, daughter of ALWYN & his wife ---. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by a Celtic poem which is addressed to "O Leamhan Alun oge, the son of Muireadhach…descendant of "Lughaidh of Liathmhuine" and "the Mormaer of Leamhan…son of Ailin’s daughter"[138]. Murdoch & his wife had one child:

a) ALWYN (-before 1199). A Celtic poem is addressed to "O Leamhan Alun oge, the son of Muireadhach…descendant of "Lughaidh of Liathmhuine" and "the Mormaer of Leamhan…son of Ailin’s daughter"[139]. Earl of Lennox. He is named in his son’s charter (see below). m ---. The name of Alwyn’s wife is not known. Alwyn & his wife had [three] children:

i) ALWYN (-1225 or before). He succeeded his father as Earl of Lennox. "Alewin comes de Levenax filii et heres Alewini comitis de Leuenax" donated "ecclesiam de Kamsi" to the church of Glasgow by undated charter witnessed by "Maldoueni filio et herede nostro…Dunegall filio nostro, Gillescop Galbrad nepote nostro…Malc filio Gillescop…"[140]. "Alwinus comes de Leuenax" donated "ecclesie de Kilpatrick…" to Paisley monastery by undated charter, witnessed by "Maldoveno, Malcolmo filiis meis, Maldoveno decano de Levenax, Rodarco nepote meo…"[145].
m [EVE of Menteith, daughter of GILCHRIST Earl of Menteith & his wife ---]. Balfour Paul’s Scots Peerage states that "Gilchrist is said to have had a daughter Eva, married to Alwin second Earl of Lennox" but cites no corresponding primary source[146]. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified.
Earl Alwyn & his wife had eleven children (the sources quoted below are inconsistent regarding the order of birth of the brothers):

1. MALDOUEN (-after 12 Mar 1251). "Alwinus comes de Leuenax" donated "ecclesie de Kilpatrick…" to Paisley monastery by undated charter, witnessed by "Maldoveno, Malcolmo filiis meis, Maldoveno decano de Levenax, Rodarco nepote meo…"[147]. He succeeded his father as Earl of Lennox.

- see below.

2. MURDOCH (-after 1216). The Annals of Ulster record that "Trad Ua Mailfhabhail, chief of the Cenel-Ferghusa" was killed in 1216 by "Muiredach son of the Great Steward of Lemhain" [another version reading "Muredach son of the Mormair of Lennox"[148]. Earl Maldouen names his brothers "Murdach, Dugald, Aulay and Duncan" in a charter dated to Aug 1217 or before[149].
3. DUGALD . Earl Maldouen names his brothers "Murdach, Dugald, Aulay and Duncan" in a charter dated to Aug 1217 or before[150]. "Alewin comes de Levenax filii et heres Alewini comitis de Leuenax" donated "ecclesiam de Kamsi" to the church of Glasgow by undated charter witnessed by "Maldoueni filio et herede nostro…Dunegall filio nostro, Gillescop Galbrad nepote nostro…Malc filio Gillescop…"[151]. "Dusgallus frater domini comitis de Levenax" donated "terram…Sedes Patricii" to Paisley monastery by undated charter, witnessed by "domino Maldoveno comite de Levenax, Amelec fratre ipsius…"[152]. "Maldovenus comes de Levenax" confirmed a donation to Paisley monastery by undated charter, witnessed by "Dusgallo, Duncano, Hamelino, Malcolmo, Gillecristo fratribus meis…"[153]. Rector of the church of Kilpatrick. An undated charter records the settlement of a dispute with the monastery of Paisley about property sold by "Dusgalli quondam rectoris ecclesie de Kylpatrick…Alwyni patris sui"[154]. A charter dated 24 Apr 1271 names "Maria sponsa Johannis de Wardroba et Elena sponsa Bernardi de Erth ac Forveleth sponsa Norrini de Monorgund, filie quondam Finlai de Camsi" as heirs of "quondam Dusgalli fratris Maldoveni comitis de Levenax"[155]. According to the editor of the Lennox Cartularium, "Finlai de Camsi" was the son-in-law of Dugald’s brother Malcolm, but he cites no primary source on which the statement is based[156].
4. MALCOLM . "Alwinus comes de Leuenax" donated "ecclesie de Kilpatrick…" to Paisley monastery by undated charter, witnessed by "Maldoveno, Malcolmo filiis meis, Maldoveno decano de Levenax, Rodarco nepote meo…"[157]. "Maldovenus comes de Levenax" donated "terram de Drumthocher et…de Drumthecglunan" to Paisley monastery, for the soul of "Elizabeth sponse mee", by undated charter, witnessed by "Macolmo filio meo, Amelec, Macolmo, Duncano fratribus meis…"[158]. "Maldovenus comes de Levenax" confirmed a donation to Paisley monastery by undated charter, witnessed by "Dusgallo, Duncano, Hamelino, Malcolmo, Gillecristo fratribus meis…"[159]. "Maldoney comes de Levenax" granted "terram de Colquhoune" to "Umfrido de Kilpatrick" by undated charter witnessed by "Malcolmo filio meo, Gilaspec Galbraith, Hamelyno Malcolmo Duncano fratribus meis…" by undated charter[160].
5. AMELEC [Hamelin] (-after 1250). Earl Maldouen names his brothers "Murdach, Dugald, Aulay and Duncan" in a charter dated to Aug 1217 or before[161]. "Maldovenus comes de Levenax" donated "terram de Drumthocher et…de Drumthecglunan" to Paisley monastery, for the soul of "Elizabeth sponse mee", by undated charter, witnessed by "Macolmo filio meo, Amelec, Macolmo, Duncano fratribus meis…"[162]. "Dusgallus frater domini comitis de Levenax" donated "terram…Sedes Patricii" to Paisley monastery by undated charter, witnessed by "domino Maldoveno comite de Levenax, Amelec fratre ipsius…"[163]. "Maldovenus comes de Levenax" donated "terre de Levenax" to Paisley monastery by undated charter, witnessed by "…Amelech, Gilcrist, Duncano fratribus meis…"[164]. "Amelec frater Maldoveni comitis de Levenax" donated "ecclesiam de Rosneth" to Paisley monastery by undated charter, witnessed by "…Archebaldo de Dusglas…"[165]. "Maldoneus comes de Levenax" granted "terram…Lufs" to "Gilmore filio Maldonei" by undated charter witnessed by "Auleth, Duncano et Henrico fratribus meis…Henrico filio comitis de Meneteth…"[166]. "…Dominis Auleth, Duncano, Henrico, Gilchrist fratribus meis…" witnessed the undated charter under which "Maldovenus comes de Levenax" granted land "in Levenax…Buthernockis et…Kyncaith" to "Wilielmo filio Arthuri filii Galbrait"[167]. "Maldovenus comes de Levenax" confirmed a donation to Paisley monastery by undated charter, witnessed by "Dusgallo, Duncano, Hamelino, Malcolmo, Gillecristo fratribus meis…"[168]. "Maldoney comes de Levenax" granted "terram de Colquhoune" to "Umfrido de Kilpatrick" by undated charter witnessed by "Malcolmo filio meo, Gilaspec Galbraith, Hamelyno Malcolmo Duncano fratribus meis…" by undated charter[169]. "Domino Hamelon fratre nostro, Hamelon filio suo…" witnessed the undated charter under which "Mald comes de Levenax" confirmed "Christiane unam terram in Gleanfreone…Kealbride" to "Dovenaldo filio Macynel"[170]. m ---. The name of Amelec’s wife is not known. Amelec & his wife had two children:

a) AMELEC [Hamelin] . "Domino Hamelon fratre nostro, Hamelon filio suo…" witnessed the undated charter under which "Mald comes de Levenax" confirmed "Christiane unam terram in Gleanfreone…Kealbride" to "Dovenaldo filio Macynel"[171].
b) DUNCAN . "…Domino Duncano filio Auleth…" witnessed the undated charter under which "Malcolmus comes de Levenax" confirmed property to "domino Patricio de Grame"[172].

6. DUNCAN (-after 1250). Earl Maldouen names his brothers "Murdach, Dugald, Aulay and Duncan" in a charter dated to Aug 1217 or before[173]. "Maldovenus comes de Levenax" donated "terram de Drumthocher et…de Drumthecglunan" to Paisley monastery, for the soul of "Elizabeth sponse mee", by undated charter, witnessed by "Macolmo filio meo, Amelec, Macolmo, Duncano fratribus meis…"[174]. "Maldovenus comes de Levenax" donated "terre de Levenax" to Paisley monastery by undated charter, witnessed by "…Amelech, Gilcrist, Duncano fratribus meis…"[175]. "Maldoneus comes de Levenax" granted "terram…Lufs" to "Gilmore filio Maldonei" by undated charter witnessed by "Auleth, Duncano et Henrico fratribus meis…Henrico filio comitis de Meneteth…"[176]. "Maldoney comes de Levenax" granted "terram de Colquhoune" to "Umfrido de Kilpatrick" by undated charter witnessed by "Malcolmo filio meo, Gilaspec Galbraith, Hamelyno Malcolmo Duncano fratribus meis…" by undated charter[177]. "…Dominis Auleth, Duncano, Henrico, Gilchrist fratribus meis…" witnessed the undated charter under which "Maldovenus comes de Levenax" granted land "in Levenax…Buthernockis et…Kyncaith" to "Wilielmo filio Arthuri filii Galbrait"[178]. "…Dunecano filio comitis Dunecani, Willo filio comitis Patricii marito meo…Dunecano filio comit Alwino de Aberbutennauth…" witnessed the undated charter under which "Cristina filia Walteri Corbet" donated serfs to St Andrew’s priory, with the consent of "Willi filii comitis Patricii mariti mei et Aliiz de Valoniis matris mee"[179].
7. GILCHRIST (-after 1250). "Maldovenus comes de Levenax" donated "terre de Levenax" to Paisley monastery by undated charter, witnessed by "…Amelech, Gilcrist, Duncano fratribus meis…"[180]. "Maldovenus comes de Levenax" confirmed a donation to Paisley monastery by undated charter, witnessed by "Dusgallo, Duncano, Hamelino, Malcolmo, Gillecristo fratribus meis…"[181]. "…Dominis Auleth, Duncano, Henrico, Gilchrist fratribus meis…" witnessed the undated charter under which "Maldovenus comes de Levenax" granted land "in Levenax…Buthernockis et…Kyncaith" to "Wilielmo filio Arthuri filii Galbrait"[182]. According to the editor of the Lennox Cartularium, Gilchrist was "ancestor of a race that settled in the northern district of the Lennox and, assuming the patronymic surname of Macfarlan, continued until last century to head a clain of marauding notoriety", but he cites no primary source on which the statement is based[183].
8. HENRY . "Maldoneus comes de Levenax" granted "terram…Lufs" to "Gilmore filio Maldonei" by undated charter witnessed by "Auleth, Duncano et Henrico fratribus meis…Henrico filio comitis de Meneteth…"[184]. "…Dominis Auleth, Duncano, Henrico, Gilchrist fratribus meis…" witnessed the undated charter under which "Maldovenus comes de Levenax" granted land "in Levenax…Buthernockis et…Kyncaith" to "Wilielmo filio Arthuri filii Galbrait"[185].
9. CORC . "Dño Amhleu fratre nostro, Duncan et Henr et Corc fratribus nostris…" witnessed the undated charter under which "Maldouen com de Leuenax" confirmed land of "decanum de Lus"[186].
10. FERCHAR . Earl Maldouen names his brothers "Aulay, Duncan, Gilchrist, Ferchar" in a charter dated 1217 which records the grant of "the lands of Glaskel and Glaswel" to their sister "Eva…in free marriage with Malcolm son of Duncan thane of Callendar"[187].
11. EVA . Earl Maldouen names his brothers "Aulay, Duncan, Gilchrist, Ferchar" in a charter dated 1217 which records the grant of "the lands of Glaskel and Glaswel" to their sister "Eva…in free marriage with Malcolm son of Duncan thane of Callendar"[188]. m (1217) MALCOLM, son of DUNCAN of Callendar & his wife ---.

ii) ETH (-after 1193). "…Dunec, Malcolmo filio eio, com. Gilleb, Eth filio com. de Leueñ…" witnessed the undated charter, dated to 1193, under which "Dunecanus filius Gillebti filii Fergi" donated "totam terram de Moybothelbeg…[et] de Bethoc" to Melrose abbey[141].

iii) [--- .] m ---. [Two] children:

(a) GILLESCOP Galbraith . "Alewin comes de Levenax filii et heres Alewini comitis de Leuenax" donated "ecclesiam de Kamsi" to the church of Glasgow by undated charter witnessed by "Maldoueni filio et herede nostro…Dunegall filio nostro, Gillescop Galbrad nepote nostro…Malc filio Gillescop…"[142]. It is not known whether the witness "Malc filio Gillescop" was the son of Gillescop Galbraith.
(b) [RODARC . "Alwinus comes de Leuenax" donated "ecclesie de Kilpatrick…" to Paisley monastery by undated charter, witnessed by "Maldoveno, Malcolmo filiis meis, Maldoveno decano de Levenax, Rodarco nepote meo…"[143]. It is not known whether Rodarc was the brother of Gillescop.]

Notes ◦1 - Second Earl of Lennox - being a minor at the time of his father's death, was too young to takeover the earldom, so William the Lion gave it to his brother David, Earl of Huntingdon, but the young Earl recovered possession around 1199 AD.

Donated lands to Church of Kilpatrick, the Church of Camsie, Walter-Bishop of Glasgow, lands of Luss to Malduin, Dean of Lennox. Died about 1224.

2 - Gregor b. c1190 married a daughter of Lindsay of Buck null the Earl of Lennox.

Not sure if this is another name for Alwyn or an error of the source as this Gregor's son is claimed to have married a dau. of Gichrist, Alwin's seventh son.

3 - From the territory of Levenach which originally belonged to Celtic Chiefs, the first being Alwin MacMuredach, MacMaldouen, Mormaer of Levenach. This Alwin had several sons, the 5th son was Aulay de Faslane whose descendant, Allan de Faslane became the Bailie of Lennox. Gilchrist, the 7th son of Alwin, founded the clan MacFarlane.

[ ]

4 - At Balloch, was the seat of Alwin, first earl of Lennox. It is probable that he was of Celtic descent, but the records are silent as to his part in history; that he was earl at all is only proved from the charters of his son, another Alwin, and he died some time before 1217. The second Alwin was father of ten sons, one of whom founded the clan Macfarlane, famous in the annals of the district, while another was ancestor of Walter of Faslane, who married the heiress of the 6th earl of Lennox.

[ ]

5 - Mormaer Ailâin II of Lennox, also known as Alywn, 2nd Earl of Lennox, was the son of Mormaer Ailâin I , and ruled Lennox from somewhere in the beginning of the 13th century until his death in 1217 .

Unlike many other Scottish Mormaers, he played little role in the wider society of the Scottish kingdom. Lennox at the time was a frontier region between the Scottish Gaelic lands of central Scotland and the Norse Gaelic lands of Argyll, and the Mormaerdom seems to have lacked the status accorded to the other Mormaerdoms. Either because of this lack of status, or because of the lack of interest in national affairs, Ailin's attendance was not recorded at the coronation of King Alexander II , at Scone in 1215 .
Ailin was dead in 1217 .
[ ] [8]

Sources 1.[S473] History of Clan Macfarlane Vol I pub.1922, James Macfarlane, (published 1922 by David J. Clarke of Glasgow).

2.[S474] Colquoun_Cunningham.ged, Jamie Vans.

3.[S475] The Complete Peerage vol.VII.

4.[S18] Betty and Dick Field's Family History, Richard Field.

5.[S476], (Website defunct as at 18 Mar 2008).

6.[S112] Lakey - Genealogy, Gilbert Marlow Lakey, (

7.[S269] Pedigrees of the Scottish Clans, John D McLaughlin, (, Genealogy of the Mormaers of Lennox (Reliability: 3).

8.[S129] Gregor - Rob Roy tree, (, 2 - (Reliability: 3).

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Alwyn "The Younger" de Levenax, 2nd Earl of Lennox's Timeline

Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Inchmurrin Isle, Loch Lomond, Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Faslane Castle, Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Faslane Castle, Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Faslane Castle, Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Age 52
Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Faslane Castle, Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Faslane Castle, Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Faslane Castle, Dunbartonshire, Scotland