Immediate Family
About Amedee I de Savoie, "la Queue" comte de Maurienne et de Chablais
1. AMEDEE ([995/1000] or after-after 18 Dec 1051). Lanter Bishop of Langres granted property "in comitatu Genevensi et pago Albonensi in villa…Casei", except for that part held by "Ermengardis regina", to "nostro amico Humberto comiti et duobus heredibus filiis eius…unus…Amedeus et alter Burchardus episcopus" for life, by charter dated 8 Apr 1022[38]. "Amedeus filius Uberti comitis et Adaelgida uxor mea" donated "ecclesia S. Mauricii…in pago…Maltacena" to the priory of Bourget by charter dated 22 Oct 1030, signed by "Uberti comitis, Anciliæ uxoris eius, Amedei comitis, Adilæ uxoris eius…Rodulphi regis, reginæ Ermengardis, Odonis, Antelmi"[39]. "Domnum Humbertum comitem et filium eius Amadeum" are named as present in the charter dated 1037 which records the foundation of the priory of Bugey[40]. "Amedeus comes et uxor mea Adela" donated "hereditate nostra in comitatu Bellicensi in villa Carnitus" to Cluny by undated charter[41]. "Hubertus comes" donated property to the canons of Saint-Jean and Saint-Urse by charter dated 1040, signed and consented to by "Oddo, Amedeus comes, Aymo Sedunensis episcopus, Brochardus filius Huberti comitis, Petrus marchio filius Odonis marchionis et commitissæ"[42]. "Amedeus comes et uxor mea Adela" donated property "in comitatu Belicensi in villa Larnitus" to Cluny by charter dated 1036[43]. "Domni Amedei comitis…" subscribed the charter of his presumed nephew dated [1046][44]. He succeeded his father in [1047/51] as AMEDEE I "la Queue" Comte de Maurienne et de Chablais. His nickname was acquired after he refused to enter the presence of Emperor Heinrich III at Verona after his retinue ("queue") was refused entry[45]. "Amedeus comes Belicensium" donated property "mansum Cavanerii" to the church of Belley by charter dated to [1031/60][46].
m ( [1030] ) ADELAIS, daughter of ---. "Amedeus filius Uberti comitis et Adaelgida uxor mea" donated "ecclesia S. Mauricii…in pago…Maltacena" to the priory of Bourget by charter dated 22 Oct 1030, signed by "Uberti comitis, Anciliæ uxoris eius, Amedei comitis, Adilæ uxoris eius…Rodulphi regis, reginæ Ermengardis, Odonis, Antelmi"[47]. "Amedeus comes et uxor mea Adela" donated "hereditate nostra in comitatu Bellicensi in villa Carnitus" to Cluny by undated charter[48].
Comte Amedée I & his wife had [two] children:
*a) HUMBERT (-before 1051). His parentage is confirmed by the undated charter under which "Comes Amedeus et Adela uxor eius" donated property to the monastery of Saint-Maurice, for the repose of "Uberti filii"[49].
- b) [AYMON (-[1050]). "Aymo Bellicensis episcopus" refers to property "ecclesiæ S. Ioannis Baptistæ" held by "pater noster Amedeus", by undated charter[50]. Carutti suggests that Aymon Bishop of Belley was the son of Amedée Comte [de Belley], recorded in the last quarter of the 10th century (see the document BURGUNDY KINGDOM NOBILITY)[51]. Bishop of Belley [1032]. A manuscript note attached to an undated charter, under which "Amedeus…comes et fratres mei, unacum genitrice nostra Gisla" donated property to the church of Belley "per nostros advocatos…comitem Aimonem Genevensem et Widonem de Mirabello", for the soul of "patris nostri Humberti comitis", states that "Hic Amadeus comes erat Belicensis pater Aimonis episcopi…"[52]. This note is incorrect as the donor under this charter was Amedée III Comte de Maurienne who lived about a century after Comte Amedée I. It is not known whether this is the only authority for asserting that Aymon Bishop of Belley was the son of Amedée I. If that is the case, the "proof" is shaky at best.]
Amedee I de Savoie, "la Queue" comte de Maurienne et de Chablais's Timeline
995 |
1035 |
Faucigny, Haute-Savoie, Rhône-Alpes, France
1051 |
Age 56
???? | |||
???? | |||
???? |
Bishop of Sion