Matching family tree profiles for Amy West (Delano)
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Immediate Family
About Amy West (Delano)
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF STONINGTON, County of New London, Connecticut, from its first settlement in 1649 to 1900, by Richard Anson Wheeler, New London, CT, 1900, p. 627, 629
- 'The New England historical and genealogical register (1874)
- http://archive.org/details/newenglandhisto25unkngoog
- http://archive.org/stream/newenglandhisto25unkngoog#page/n294/mode/1up
- Nathaniel W. was descended from Francis West of Salisbury, Eng., who was invited to America by a Mr. Thomas of Marshfield, and m. Margery Reeves. They settled in Duxbury, and had 5 children, viz : Samuel, Thomas, Peter, Mary, and Ruth. Mr. W. died about 1694, aged 86. Samuel m. Tryphosa Partridge, and had 7 children, — Francis, (to be again mentioned ;) Samuel, a poet, b. in 1673, and who lived to be over 90 ; Pelatiah, Ebenezer, John, Abigail, and Bathsheba. Francis m. Mercy Mina, and was one of the early settlers of Tolland, and the first deacon of that church, died. May 12, 1731, aged 62. His children were Samuel, m. Nov. 4, 1724, to Sarah Delano, and Nov. 26, 1754, to Abigail Lathrop, died Feb. 3, 1779 ; Joseph, m. May 19, 1725, died Jan. 27, 1764, aged 62 ; Amasa, m. A. Hatch in 1730 ; Zebulon, of whom we must again speak ; 'Christopher, who m. Amy Delano, Oct. 25, 1732, and was one of the early settlers of Lee, Mass' ; Pelatiah, ditto ; and Mercy. Mr. W. removed to T. in 1720, from Stonington.
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@R-1098648747@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=63281893&pid...
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Amy West (Delano)'s Timeline
1713 |
August 11, 1713
Dartmouth, Bristol County, Province of Massachusetts, (Present USA)
1733 |
August 26, 1733
Tolland, Hartford (now Tolland) County, Connecticut Colony
1735 |
October 30, 1735
Tolland, Tolland, Connecticut, USA
October 30, 1735
Hartford (now Tolland) County, Connecticut Colony
1737 |
December 30, 1737
Hartford (now Tolland) County, Connecticut Colony
1740 |
April 27, 1740
Hartford (now Tolland) County, Connecticut Colony
1743 |
January 9, 1743
Hartford (now Tolland) County, Connecticut Colony
1745 |
August 5, 1745
Coventry, Hartford County, Connecticut Colony
Tolland, Tolland, Connecticut