Anastase O'Brien was the daughter of Torlagh O'Brien. Depending on sources cited, she was born between 1578 and 1608, in County Carlow, Ireland. She married Daniel Nowlan, son of John Nowlan, of County Carlow. Two children have been identified.
Most sources place her birth in Co. Carlow, but her father was established in Co. Tipperary, and later moved to Co. Carlow, so Tipperary stands as a possible place of birth. It has been suggested that Daniel Nowlan was married twice, and that Anastase was the second wife. If so, that would explain the gap between the births of Patrick and Edmund.
Children of Daniel Nowland and wife Anastase O'Brien:
Links to additional material:
1578 |
Co. Carlow, Ireland
1600 |
Ulster, Carlow, Ireland
1630 |
Age 52
Tullow, Co. Carlow, Ireland
???? |