Matching family tree profiles for Anna Groothenning van Bengale, SM/PROG
Immediate Family
About Anna Groothenning van Bengale, SM/PROG
Anna Groothenning van Bengale was a South African Slave from Bengal, India circa 1700 at de Caep de Goede Hoop, owned by Hans Kasper Geringer mtDNA Haplogroup M
There is conflicting information regarding the father of all Anna's children. Some source say that Geringer fathered one of her children, others that the father of the two early children was Darius van Bengale.
- See First Fifty Years Project http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g3/p3183.htm
- and Ball Family Records: https://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/gous/I135.html
- and see Margaret Cairns, 'GERINGER AND BOK - A GENEALOGICAL JIG-SAW', attached.
Anna Groothenning van Bengale
Church Registers - Cape Town Congregation, Cape Archives, originals in the Nederlands Gereformeerde Kerk Argief, Stellenbosch, VC 603, 604, 605, 621 - baptisms and marriages 1695+
marriages, page 1, 1713 (VC 621) 5 Februarij Christiaan Bok, van Wolffenbuttel, jongman, met Anna Groothenning, van Bengaalen,
(Richard Ball Web Pages)
Born circa 1670 Estimated.
Died after 1719
Will - Fox, Johan Jurgen and Clara Bok - 1732, dated 18th October 1732, and filed 21 May 1735, Cape Archives, CJ 2605, 41 and MOOC 7/1/5, 9 de testatrice geen vader ofte moeder in't leven hebbende ...
Estate Accounts - Gerringer, Hans Casper, Christiaan Bok and Anna Grootheijning, final date 24 September 1721, Cape Archives, MOOC 13/1/1, 115 in September Thomas Ijsman was paid 540 gulden from this estate 'against his inheritance'. Since 'his inheritance' was that of his wife, Maria, daughter of Anna Groothenning, she must have died before this date.
(Richard Ball Web Pages)
Birth place Bengal, India
Baptism 1 January 1713 at Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town)
Church Registers - Cape Town Congregation, Cape Archives, originals in the Nederlands Gereformeerde Kerk Argief, Stellenbosch, VC 603, 604, 605, 621 - baptisms and marriages 1695+ baptisms, page 1, 1713 primo Januarii Anna Groothenni[] een vrij vrouw aldaar na voorgaande belijdenis
(Richard Ball Web Pages)
Marriage Christiaan Bok on 5 February 1713 at Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town)
Before 1702 Anna Groothenning van Bengale and Christiaan Bok were in a defacto relationship. As a slave belonging to Bok's partner, Kaspar Geringer, Anna would likely have had no choice whether she wished to engage in any kind of relationship at all with either Bok or Geringer. Her second child Maria, is thought to be fathered by Geringer and not Bok. However, in time the relationship may have blossomed into something more, for she had several more children with Bok and they were ultimately married.
Death She died after 1719
Description* Margaret Cairns describes Anna as probably lightskinned and even beautiful, as were many of the girls imported from [Bengal] - the region is currently divided into the Indian state West Bengal and Bangladesh. She adds that these women formed a striking contrast to those more swarthy beauties from Moçambique, Madagascar and Guinée. It is however worth noting that modern day Bengalis are hardly lightskinned and their antecedants of three to four centuries ago are unlikely to have been greatly different. Even so, it is true, as Cairns further states, that the early Cape settlers overwhelmingly married former Asian slaves. (The First Fifty Years) Note* The article by Margaret Cairns is essential reading for any descandant of Anna Groothenning - see documents attached to this profile.
The name of Anna Groothenning van Bengale was written in the record as Anna van Bengale
She was a slave from Bengal, India circa 1700 at the Cape, owned by Hans Kaspar Geringer.
Slave Emancipation On 27 August 1709 at the Cape, Anna Groothenning van Bengale, Johanna Bok van der Caep, Michiel Bok van der Caep, Catharina Bok and Maria Groothenning was emancipated by Hans Kaspar Geringer, the manumission was made in terms of a will drawn up by Geringer.
Children Father Christiaan Bok
b1 Michiel Bok born 1702 b2 Catharina Bok born 1705 b3 Johanna Bok born 1708 b4 Christiaan Bok born 1714 b5 Clara Bok born 1716
Father Geringer Child Maria Groothenning b. 1703
Richard Ball - Anna Groothenning also had a daughter, Maria, surnamed Bok in the Inventory of Hans Casper Gerringer, 10 Feb 1719 (MOOC8/3,95) where she is given an age of 16 but she is not included among the heirs of Christiaan Bok in the inventory dated 26 August 1716 (MOOC8/3,36). She is listed without a surname in the estate accounts dated the 24th September1721 (MOOC 13/1/1, 115) where she is recorded as being the wife of Thomas Ijsman.
Margaret Cairns in her Familia article on this family assumes that she was the daughter of Hans Casper Gerringer but she provides no evidence for this assumption other than the fact that Anna, a slave, belonged to him.
Father Jacob Marik b. c 1670 Child Jacob Marik
Webpage Ball Family Records (www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk) "citing NGK Cape Town marriage registers."
Antjie van de Kaap Anna Groothenning was 'n slavin uit Bengale in Indië en die eiendom van Geringer. Hy het in 1703 by haar 'n dogter, Maria, gehad. Anna Groothenning het daarna 'n verhouding met Christiaan Bok aangegaan en vier kinders is daaruit gebore. In 1709 het Geringer Anna en haar kinders bevry. Hulle is almal op Nuwejaarsdag 1713 as Protestante gedoop in Kaapstad, en op 5 Februarie van daardie jaar het Christiaan Bok met haar getrou.
Anna is later gedoop en van haar slavinskap verlos en in die gemeenskap opgeneem. 1672
Anna Groothenning van Bengale, SM/PROG's Timeline
1672 |
West Bengal, India
1702 |
March 19, 1702
Cape, South Africa
1703 |
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1705 |
December 27, 1705
Swellendam, Cape, South Africa
1708 |
October 21, 1708
Cape Town, Cape, South Africa
1713 |
January 1, 1713
Age 41
DRC, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1714 |
Cape Town, Cape Colony, South Africa
1716 |
Rondebosch, Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
1718 |