Anna Maria Persdotter

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Anna Maria Persdotter (1580 - d.)

Birthplace: Sweden
Immediate Family:

Wife of Olof Larsson Barck
Mother of Nils Olofsson Barck

Managed by: Jukka R Blomqvist
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Anna Maria Persdotter

Claimed mother born 1616 Claimed son born 1620, that would make the grandmother 4 years old at that time of her grandsons birth.

All documented children to Peder Jönsson Kempe-Fahnehielm and Brita Göransdr Armsköld (married 1640-12-04) have been born 1642 and thereafter.

Whoever was Nils Olofsson Barck's mother was not from this couple.

Peder Jonsson 'the older' Kempe (Per Jonsson i Näs) has been proposed by some. He was the grandfather of Peder Jönsson Kempe -> Fahnehielm. Per Jonsson (Kempe) was a knight (ryttare) at Östgöta ryttare 1552–1559, which indicates he must likely have been born before 1532.

Nils Olofsson Barck was born ca. 1620 in Sweden and died 1683 in Hvittis (Huittinen) Finland. That would indicate that his mother, Anna Persdotter Kempe, must have been born no later than 1604 and likely not earlier than 1580. Her father would then have been likely born after 1515, which makes Per Jonsson (Kempe) i Näs a possible candidate as a father. His son served as a knight (ryttare) for 20 years in Östgöta ryttare before 1627. His son, Peder Jönsson Kempe, was born 1596 which places Jon Perssons birth ca. 1575, which matches quite well with the assumed sister's birth between 1580-1604.

If Anna Maria was the Kempe, then her father likely has been the older Kempe Peder Jonsson i Näs. Toisaalta Annan Kempe-sukulaisuus perustuu oletukseen, mikä on mainittu hänen poikansa profiilin yleistiedoissa. Mikä on lähde, mikä osoittaisi hänen olevan Peder Kempen tytär. Fahnehjelm- suvun lähteet eivät mainitse Peterille Anna-tytärtä!

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Anna Maria Persdotter's Timeline

April 24, 1620
Uppsala län, Sweden