(1) Zabriskie, George Olin, "The Jan Cornelisen Van Hoorn/Van Horne Family," The American Genealogist, Vol. 46, No. 1 (January 1970), pp. 47, 51-54:
The record of marriage in the Dutch Reformed Church of New Amsterdam, under banns dated 4 Oct. 1659, is printed as follows: "Cornelis Janszen Van Hoorn, en Anne Marie Janszen Van Tamerica." This indicates that Cornelis was born in Hoorn and that the "Van Hoorn" was not used in the sense of a surname inherited from his father; also that Anne Marie Jans was born in America, but probably not in New Netherland. Abram Van Horne in 1888, Williams in 1912 and Marvin in 1929, all identify Anne Marie Jans as a daughter or half-sister of the famous Anneke Jans Bogardus, probably "guided" by the thoughts concerning the Trinity Churchyard claim by the heirs of Anneke Jans Bogardus.
There is no evidence that substantiates a relationship of any sort between Anne Marie Jans and Anneke Jans Bogardus. In fact, one appears to be of French or French-speaking Swiss descent, and the other Swedish. From the miscellaneous records of the City of New Amsterdam, as published in The Holland Society Yearbook of 1900, page 172:
30 April 1654. Fransoys Paschot, born at Lausanne, in Switzerland, widower of Annatje Jans, deceased makes his will and appoints Oloff Stevensz. and Abraham Clock guardians of his wife's daughter by a former marriage, Anna Maria Jans, born in Brazil, on the island of Itamarca, now about 14 years old. Said girl is at present living at the house of Paulus Van der Beeck. Said girl is to be his heir.
Subsequent entries show that a codicil was added to this will on 25 July 1654, providing a legacy for Paulus Vander Beeck (a physician who had previously lived in Brazil). Paschot died on 8 Aug. 1654.
These entries provide the parentage and approximate date of birth of Anne Marie Jans[zer]. She was the daughter of Jan _____ and Annatje Jans, born about 1640 on the island of Itamarca, Brazil. She joined the Dutch Reformed Church in New Amsterdam on 1 April 1663 (Record 9:76) and was still a member in 1686. She served as executor of her husband's estate and, as such, bought and sold property. In the census of the Dock Ward of the City of New York of about 1703, she is shown as Widdow Vanhorne. In her household were one male and three female adults and one female negro (Doc. Hist. of N.Y. 1:622). Next door lived her daughter Vroutje, and in the same general area her daughters Aefje and Jannetje, and sons John and Garret. The date of her death is not known.
Cornelis Jansen Van Hoorn, eldest son of Jan Cornelisen Van Hoorn by his wife Hillegond Joris, was born about 1636 or 1637 in Hoorn, Noordt Holland.
His will is given in New York Wills 1:213:
In the name of God, Amen. Know all men by these Presents that on the 11th day of October, 1689, I, Cornelis Jansen Van Hoorn, inhabitant in this city of New York, have of my free will made this my last will and testament, without any persuasion of others. I leave to my eldest son John 50 shillings, made in consideration of the Prerogatives of the first born. I leave to my wife Anna Maria Van Hoorn, all my estate during her life, she remaining unmarried, to bring up and maintain the under aged children, and after her decease, to be divided among my children, and they to be instructed in an art or trade by which they may live.
He made his wife executor. The witnesses were Thomas Burroughs and Albert Bosch (a next-door neighbor). The will was probated 15 Feb. 1692/3 "at Fort William Henry," in New York City.
The children of Cornelis Jansen Van Hoorn and Anne Marie Jans at times used the patronymic "Cornelisen" with and without the place name "Van Hoorn/Van Horne." They were born in New York and baptized at the Dutch Reformed Church.
In New Amsterdam: Lived on Lang's Strant (along the strand) with her husband Cornelius
(source: Rev. Selyns list of parishioners, Dutch Reformed Church) list of 1686
Grietje Cozyns was also known as Margrietie Cozyns. She was also known as widow Margaret Cozine. She was also known as Margaret Cozyns. She was also known as Grietje Cosyns. Grietje Cozyns was born on 2 May 1641 at Manhattan Island, New York. She was the daughter of Cozyn Gerritsen and Vroutje Gerrits. Grietje Cozyns was baptized on 5 May 1641 at Harlem, North Holland, Netherlands. She married Herman Theunissen Van Zell on 19 April 1654; 1st marriage Grietje. Grietje Cozyns married Jan Pieterse Haring, son of Pieter Janse Haring and Grietje (Unknown), on 8 May 1662 at Dutch Reformed Church, Bowery, New York; 2nd Marriage Grietje. Married by Domine Hericus Selyns. Their marriage was the first in the church on the farm called "Stuyvesant's Bowery. Grietje Cozyns married Daniel De Clark on 4 March 1685 at Dutch Reformed Church, New York City, New York County, New York. Grietje Cozyns married Daniel De Clark on 8 April 1685; 3rd marriage Grietje. Grietje Cozyns died in 1733 at Orange County, New York; or 1724.
Child of Grietje Cozyns and Herman Theunissen Van Zell
Vroutje Theuniszen b. 24 Feb 1658
Children of Grietje Cozyns and Jan Pieterse Haring
Vroutje Haring b. 3 May 1663, d. 1743
Pieter Jansen Haring+ b. 13 Aug 1664, d. a 1726
Capt. Cozine Jansen Haring+ b. 3 Mar 1669, d. 1743
Cornelius Janse Harring+ b. 4 Mar 1672, d. 28 Jun 1775
Brechtje Haring+ b. 4 Jul 1675, d. 12 Jan 1709
Marytie Haring+ b. 27 Sep 1679
Abraham Haring+ b. 24 Nov 1681, d. 18 Mar 1772
@R900575768@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=110934878&pi...
1641 |
May 2, 1641
Ilha de Itamaracá, Itamaracá, State of Pernambuco, Brazil
1660 |
Albany, Albany, New York, United States
1661 |
December 30, 1661
New Amsterdam, New York, United States
1663 |
January 17, 1663
New Amsterdam, New Netherland
1664 |
February 10, 1664
Flatlands, Long Island, Province of New York
1666 |
July 25, 1666
New York, New York, Colonial America
1667 |
Sprundel, Rucphen, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
1671 |
December 17, 1671
New York, American British Colony
1673 |
October 31, 1673
New York, New York