Anna Regina Meyendorff von Uexküll

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Anna Regina Meyendorff von Uexküll's Geni Profile

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Anna Regina Meyendorff von Uexküll (von Fuchs)

Birthplace: Rega
Death: March 14, 1815 (65)
Strömbergshof, Nitau, Livland, Latvia
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Johann Matthias von Fuchs and Dorothea Elisabeth von Fuchs
Wife of Hans ( Johann) Wilhelm Frhr. Meyendorff von Uexküll, Baron
Mother of Dorothea Elisabeth Frhr. Meyendorff von Uexküll; Maria Hedwig Frhr. Meyendorff von Uexküll; Johann Friedrich Frhr. Meyendorff von Uexküll; Johann Wilhelm Frhr. Meyendorff von Uexküll; Margarethe Frhr. Meyendorff von Uexküll and 1 other

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Anna Regina Meyendorff von Uexküll

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