Anna Maria Yager

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Anna Maria Yager (Sieber) (1684 - 1734)

Also Known As: "Mary"
Birthplace: Falkenstein Duchy of Newberg, Palatinate, Germany
Death: 1734 (49-50)
Germanna, Spotsylvania, Virginia, USA
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Christian Sieber and Maria Dorothea Sieber
Wife of Nicholas Yager
Mother of Maria Barbara Yager; Adam Yager; Maria Gertraud Jäger; Anna Maria Jäger and Anna Margaretha Jäger

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Anna Maria Yager


Anna Maria Yager (Sieber) was born in about 1680 in Germany. Her parents were Christian Sieber and Maria Dorothea Sieber (Konckel).

Anna married Nicholas Yager on May 11, 1706 in Marienthal, Pfalz (now Germany). Together they had the following children:

  1. Adam Yager;
  2. Maria Barbara Yager;
  3. Anna Maria "Mary" Yager;
  4. Anna Margaretha Yager (Jager);
  5. Nicholas Yager.

She died in 1734 in Germanna, Spotsylvania, Virginia, USA.

Anna Maria Sieber 1

  • Birth: ABT 1680 in Germany 2
  • Death: BET 1718 AND 1734 in Virginia 3
  • Father: Christian Sieber b: ABT 1651


  1. Nicholas Yager b: ABT 1678 in possibly Oberzell, Hessen, Germany Married: 11 MAY 1706 in Marienthal, Pfalz, Germany 4


  1. Maria Barbara Jäger b: 19 MAY 1707 in Falkenstein, Pfalz, Germany
  2. Adam Yager b: 30 SEP 1708 in Falkenstein, Pfalz, Germany
  3. Maria Gertraud Jäger b: 18 MAR 1710/11 in Falkenstein, Pfalz, Germany
  4. Anna Maria Jäger b: 15 NOV 1714 in Falkenstein, Pfalz, Germany
  5. Anna Margaretha Jäger b: 14 APR 1716 in Falkenstein, Pfalz, Germany


  1. Before Germanna #10: The Ancestry of the Yager, Stolts, Crees and Beyerbach Families. Author: Gary J. Zimmerman and Johni Cerny. Publication: Bountiful, UT: American Genealogical Lending Library, 1990 Text: "daughter of Christian Sieber of Falckenstein. Estimated date: "Died between after the arrival in Virginia, most likey after Nicholas proved their importation 2 May 1727 (Spotsylvania County, Virginia Order Book 1724-1730, 142) and before Nicholas remarried."
  2. Marienthal Parish Record Publication: FHL Film #475062 Page: unfortunately the pages were not numbered
  3. Anna Maria Sieber Germany, Marriages, 1558-1929 Marriage: May 11 1706 - Marienthal (ba. Rockenhousen), Bayern, Germany Husband: Nicolaus Jaeger Father: Christian Sieber
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Anna Maria Yager's Timeline

Falkenstein Duchy of Newberg, Palatinate, Germany
May 19, 1707
Falkenstein, Pfalz, Germany
September 29, 1707
Rockenhausen, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
March 18, 1711
Falkenstein, Pfalz, Germany
November 15, 1714
Falkenstein, Pfalz, Germany
April 14, 1716
Falkenstein, Pfalz, Germany
Age 50
Germanna, Spotsylvania, Virginia, USA