Immediate Family
About Ardebasto
Disputed as son of Atanagildo or Flavia Juliana
Artavasdes Balthes de los Visigodos
- Ardabasto. According to Salazar y Castro, he was the son of a supposed son of Hermenegildo the Visigoth who married a relative (Flavia Juliana) of Emperor Mauricius. The connection is speculative.
- He left Constantinople in the chaos surrounding the succession of Emperor Heraklius, probably to escape blinding, castration, exile, or execution, the typical fates of losers in Byzantine politics.
- According to the 9th century Chronicle of Alfonso III, "Ardabastus came from Greece after being expelled from his country by the emperor … arrived in Spain" and was "received … magnificently" by King Chindasvinto who gave him his niece in marriage. His fight to Spain might indicate a connection with the family of Heraklius' second wife (and probably niece through her mother) Martina who were the losers in the succession struggle. ArdabastoMi # 32 bisabuelito, su historia es muy triste, ya me imagino todo lo que abra pasado. Amalia Maria Rafaela Urioste Prudencio de Murillo G.
- His given name seems to have been a Spanish form of Artavazd, which suggests an Armenian ancestry. The name Artavazd was used frequently in the Mamikonian family of Armenia. Settipani suggests he was descended from a Mamikonian father and a mother who was the daughter of Emperor Mauricus' sister and Comes Excubitorum Philippicus.
ARDABASTO, son of --- . The Chronicle of Alfonso III records that "Ardabastus came from Greece after being expelled from his country by the emperor…arrived in Spain" and was "received…magnificently" by King Chindasvinto who gave him his niece in marriage[356]. His parentage is unknown, although this passage suggests that he must have been a person of importance in Byzantium. Salazar y Castro, in his genealogical table of the Visigothic kings, shows "Atanagildo" as the son of Hermenegildo, as well as his marriage to "Flavia Juliana hija de Pedro Augusto, hermano del Emperador Mauricio", and their sons "Paulo" and "Ardavasto", as well as the latter´s marriage to "prima, hija o hermana del Rey Cindasuindo"[357] (see above). The primary sources on which these statements are based are not specified. The table includes numerous errors and the information should therefore be viewed with caution. The name "Ardabasto" suggests a connection with Armenia, "Artavazd" being one of the names used frequently in the Mamikonian family of Armenia, holders of the hereditary position "sparapet" [supreme general] between the 5th and 8th centuries[358]. There could also be a connection with Artabasdos (-before 772), strategos of the theme of Armenia, who in 717 married Anna, daughter of Emperor Leon III "the Isaurian". married ([642] ) -- of the Visigoths, niece of CHINDASVINTO King of the Visigoths, daughter of ---. The Chronicle of Alfonso III records the marriage of "Ardabastus…from Greece" and the niece of King Chindasvinto[359]. The marriage must have taken place very early in the reign of King Chindasvinto given the tight possible birth date range of the couple´s granddaughter Cixilo.
Ardabasto and his wife had [two] children:
- 1. ERVIGIO ([643]-Toledo 15 Nov 687). The Chronicle of Alfonso III names "Ervig" as the son of "Ardabastus…from Greece" & his wife[360]. His birth date is estimated from his parents´ assumed marriage date range, working back from the tight birth date range assigned to his daughter Cixilo. He was brought up at the court of King Recesvinto, where he used the title "comes"[361]. After deposing King Wamba in 680, he was elected to succeed as ERVIGIO King of the Visigoths. The Chronica Regum Visigotthorum records that “Ervigius” succeeded “Id Oct 719” and was anointed “XII Kal Nov”[362]. The Continuator of Isidor's Historia Gothorum, Wandalorum, Sueborum records the accession of "Ervigius" and his reign of 7 years[363]. In light of the dubious circumstances of his accession, he married his daughter to his most powerful opponent whom he nominated as his successor, by-passing his own sons[364]. The sons of King Ervigio must have been minors at the time if the chronology of events shown above is correct. In 681, he revised and enlarged the Liber iudiciorum compiled by his predecessor King Recesvinto[365]. The Chronicle of Alfonso III records that Ervigio "died a natural death in Toledo" having ruled six years and four months[366]. The Chronica Regum Visigotthorum records that “Ervigius” reigned for seven years and 25 days, and died “XVII Kal Dec”[367]. married ([662]%29 LIUBIGOTONA, daughter of ---. Her marriage is confirmed by the charter dated to [680/86] which records that "socer noster Ervigius princeps…domina mea Leuvitona regina" granted "filiam suam" as wife of "Egicæ regis"[368]. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[369] she was Liubigotona the Visigoth, daughter of Suíntila King of the Visigoths, but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. If this parentage is correct, she would have been considerably older than her husband, given the death of her supposed father in 633. Salazar y Castro, in his genealogical table of the Visigothic kings, shows "Liubigtobona nieta de Recaredo" as the wife of King Ervigio and mother of his children[370]. The primary source on which this statement is based are not specified. The table includes numerous errors and the information should therefore be viewed with caution. Her husband's successor forced his predecessor's widow to retire to a nunnery[371].
Ervigio & his wife had [three or more] children:
- a) CIXILO ([663/65]-). The Chronicle of Alfonso III records the marriage of "the nobleman Egica, nephew of Wamba" and "Ervig…his daughter Cixilo"[372]. Her birth date range is estimated from (1) the estimated birth and marriage dates of her father, based on the arrival of her grandfather in Spain during the reign of King Chindasvinto, and (2) the birth of her son Witiza before her repudiation. Given this tight birth date range, it is likely that Cixilo was her father's eldest child. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the charter dated to [680/86] which records that "socer noster Ervigius princeps…domina mea Leuvitona regina" granted "filiam suam" as wife of "Egicæ regis"[373]. The Chronicle of Alfonso III records her repudiation "when [King Ervigio] ascended the throne"[374]. married ([681/86], repudiated [688]%29 EGICA, nephew of WAMBA ex-King of the Visigoths, son of --- (-[701/02]). He was elected to succeed his father-in-law in 687 as EGICA King of the Visigoths.
- b) sons. The primary source which confirms their parentage has not yet been identified, although Falcón records that King Ervigio by-passed his own sons when nominating his son-in-law Egica as his successor[375].
- c) [VERMUDO . Salazar y Castro, in his genealogical table of the Visigothic kings, shows "Veremundo Duque de Cantabria" and "Pedro Duque de Cantabria" as the sons of King Ervigio[376]. The primary sources on which these statements are based are not specified. The table includes numerous errors and the information should therefore be viewed with caution.
- d) [PEDRO . Salazar y Castro, in his genealogical table of the Visigothic kings, shows "Veremundo Duque de Cantabria" and "Pedro Duque de Cantabria" as the sons of King Ervigio[377]. The primary sources on which these statements are based are not specified. The table includes numerous errors and the information should therefore be viewed with caution. The Chronicle of Alfonso III describes his son, Alfonso I King of Asturias, as "of the royal line" without specifying his ancestry[378]. The Historia Silense names "Petrus ex Recaredi…Gotorum principis progenie"[379], although Pedro's descent from King Recaredo I cannot be established. It is assumed that this alleged family relationship with the Visigoths is another example of an invention by later genealogists wishing to fill the information gaps left by the primary sources. Duque de Cantabria[380].]
- https://regionbalutia.wordpress.com/tag/reino-de-ardabasto/
- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visigothic_Kingdom
- https://soc.genealogy.medieval.narkive.com/yBIHd4OU/cleopatra-to-ze...
- https://revistadehistoria.es/wamba-godo-no-queria-ser-rey/
- Fire over Calpe: The Last of the Goths and the Muslim Invasion of Spain, By James M. Anderson - https://books.google.com/books?id=BKMrCgAAQBAJ&pg=PT120&lpg=PT120&d...
- HISTORIA DE LOS MOZARABES, By Francisco Javier Simonet - https://books.google.com/books?id=iWmur055piwC&pg=RA1-PA246&lpg=RA1...
- Historia de los Mozárabes de España deducida de los mejores y más auténticos, By Francisco Javier Simonet - https://books.google.com/books?id=5_s1AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA246&lpg=PA246&d...
- La España bizantina, By Francisco J. Presedo Velo - https://books.google.com/books?id=b0B2AiV-p6EC&pg=PA85&lpg=PA85&dq=...
Ardebasto's Timeline
611 |
643 |
687 |
Age 76