Immediate Family
About Arne Lagi “The Short” Giske
Arne Arnesson Lagi “The Short”, Giske
Could Arne Arnesson Lagi “The Short”, Giske be the same person as Arne Arnesson Giske, shown here as his father?
- Son of Arne Arnesson Giske and Gjertrud Erlingsdatter på Sola
- Through his mother Geirtrud, married to Torberg's brother Arne, he became the ancestor of the Bjarkøy family (see also Arnmødling family). Erling's male descendants, his son Aslak and his descendants, lived as powerful chieftains on Sola for over 100 years after his death.
- Married: NN Sæbjørnsdatter
- Tora Arnesdatter Låge; MAGNUS Olavsson, illegitimate son of OLAV III "Kyrre/the Gentle" King of Norway & his mistress --- (-killed in battle Ulster 24 May 1103). Morkinskinna names “Magnus nicknamed…berfœttr and…Styrjaldar (Battle-Age) Magnus” as son of King Olav and his concubine “Thóra, the daughter of Árni lági”[364]. Snorre names Magnus as son of King Olav and Thora, commenting that he was brought up at the king's court. - https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORWAY.htm
- Jon Arnesen Smørbalte Nordic Family Book from 1876 says about Jon: 2) The Bjarkö family. Arne Arnesson was like that the brothers Torberg a faithful supporter of Olof it Saints, even though he was married to a daughter to Erling Skjalgsson. When Olof returned to Norway, A. joined him and became severely wounded in the battle of Stiklastad. His son Jon married one daughter of Tore Hund and heritage thereby pedigree Bjarkö. Jon's son was the one from Magnus Barfots last Ireland train (1103) known Vidkunn Jonsson, whose son Erling under the peoples the war belonged to Magnus Erlingsson's party. Her son Vidkunn Erlingsson stayed at the age of 18 (1183) killed by Sverre's supporters. With him educated the family, and Bjarkö went through his sister Ragnas marriage to the lawyer in Hålogaland Bjarne Mardsson. From them descended "it younger Bjarkö family, who later also inherited Giske.
History of Giske municipality, Møre og Romsda
GISKE is located in Giske municipality, Møre og Romsdal. The location is on the west side of the island of Giske.
This was among the oldest manor houses in Norway. And here the mighty Giske family, also called the Arnung or Arnmødlig family, had its origin. From the 9th century until 1582, an unbroken family line can be followed. The origins of the genus are spanned with legends. The pedigree, Finnvid Funnen, according to Arnungatal, must have been found in an eagle's ear wrapped in silk. Some of the descendants had joints like -arine and -arn in the names, which simply means eagle. The first of this family that a vet lived on Giske was Torberg Arnesson, brother of Kalv Arnesson on Egge and Finn Arnesson on Austrått. (Snorre names "Thorberg, Fin, Kalv and Arne" as the sons of Arne) They were descendants in the sixth paragraph after Finnvid.
Torberg was married to Astrid, daughter of the powerful brain Erling Skjalgsson at Sola. According to the saga, Torberg was to be both brave and faithful, but not as resourceful and active as his brother Kalv. It had to be someone else who could make the decision and give the order, only then could it be traded. Especially an episode shows this clearly. Astrid was in birth. It was a hard birth, and regular midwifery did not stretch. In her great distress, Astrid would have the help of a priest, but there was no one nearby. In the harbor close by was an Icelandic chieftain, Stein Skaftesson, with his ship. He had a young Icelandic priest as a passenger. People from the chieftain came down and wanted the priest to help the giving woman. The priest was unfamiliar with this and prayed away, but nevertheless willingly told Stein if he helped to help. So it was, they went up and helped. The child, a girl, was released, and the priest baptized her. Stein also gave the child a gold ring. Astrid promised that if Stein ever came in need and danger he would come to her, she would help him. Stein then went to Nidaros to meet King Olav. The king was not always the easiest to sweeten, Stein is reckless, and it came to hostility between them. After that, Stein was held back in Nidaros against his will. But one night he escaped from the bargain just on foot. Eventually he came to Orkdalen. There he killed the king's husband, who refused him lodging. He then took a horse that belonged to the old man, and then traveled on to Møre. To get a ride and lodge, Stein decided to go to the king's representative. One night he came to Giske, and as last visit was not Torberg at home. Astrid welcomed him, and now he demanded that she keep her promise. Stein then told about the enmity with the king, the murder, the horse theft, and the false statements about traveling in the king's errand. King Olav also wanted him to pay for this. Astrid was not afraid of her, she held onto what she had promised. She asked Stein to stay with her, and she took care of him as a dear guest.
Meanwhile, Torberg had heard how Astrid had settled at Giske. As a lover, his duties were clear, he was obliged to imprison the killer Stein. Then he would be taken to the king to get his sentence. Torberg then went home to Giske and told Astrid what he was going to do. But then he got an answer from her, either Stein would have been tempted at Giske, or she came to travel his way and take with him the farm boy, Eystein Orre. Torberg yielded to his wife's strong will, and now proved brave because others had made the decision for him. He then went to his brother Finn and demanded his help, but was mocked for the skirt regime that prevailed on Giske. Then he took his way to his youngest brother Arne, but he was also not keen on daring life and goods to help an outlaws alien. Then he sent bids to Calv for help. And as usual, he was the counselor and saw yes right away. Meanwhile, Astrid had sent her father to Sola, and her brothers Sigurd and Tore were sent north to Giske with ships and armed crew. It was now up to Finn and Arne that Calv here had looked right. Only by an unbreakable cohesion and fearless progress could a salvage of the descendant of the untrained astrid have led it up. With six ships and 540 men, they now entered Nidarholmen. In the shop, things were arranged with the king. The force out on the islet was an argument that was not to come by, and Olav gave in to the main thing that Stein had to get danger in peace. It was then decorated with the king's defeat. The Arnung brothers, except Calv, swore obedience and allegiance to the King for posterity.
Then it took a few years, and Olav Haraldsson had to carry out a rather humiliating escape from Norway. With this escape, the brothers Torberg, Finn and Arne followed. For a year and a half, Torberg was escaping from Gardarike. In 1030 he returned to Norway with Olav, and fought at the king's side at Stiklestad. After this, Torberg was not much talked about, and around 1050 he must have been dead. The next who took over Giske was probably Eystein Torbergsson Orre.
(Torberg belonged to the island of Giske in Sunnmøre. He belonged to a family called the Arnmead Natives. The Arnhem Natives belonged to what has been called the "Coastal Aristocracy", great chiefs who were tied to each other by marriage o
Lendermann. Kilde: nermo.org
- http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torberg_Arneson
- https://nbl.snl.no/Torberg_Arnesson
- http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giske%C3%A6tten
- http://oddso.nvg.org/nsh/vn-giske.html
- https://lokalhistoriewiki.no/wiki/Giskeætta
- http://lindevang-lolland.dk/index-filer/Page6444.htm
- https://genvagar.nu/show.asp?PersonId=590145
- https://www.stamboomnederland.nl/etalage/Hans_J_Vos_Vos_Oldambt_107...
- Fagrskinna: A Catalogue of the Kings of Norway, edited by Alison Finlay, page 241 - https://books.google.com/books?id=SmJ8v1ENhg4C&pg=PA241&lpg=PA241&d...
- Markhus-2000, Markhus, Bjørn, (Norway: 2000).
- Klev-Spangareid-1999, Klev, Ådne Fardal, (Edgar Høgfeldt As, Kristiansand 1999), p 272.
- Han er ikke far til Tora Ragnvaldsdotter som ble mor til Magnus Berrføtt.
- According to the website Lenke, the following sources are used for Guttorm and her daughter Helena. C.M. Munthe: Norwegian Bad Marks, NST Bind 1 (1928), page 345. Mogens Bugge: Our Ancestors, No. 1197. Bent and Vidar Billing Hansen: Ancient Rosensverdslekt, page 44. Odd Fladstad: Jöran Willumsdatter Søegaard .. and their ancestors 51st
- http://flux.phys.uit.no/cgi-bin/slekt.cgi?fil=2010&LSalle#n29
- Forfædre til: Side 263 af 1507 - http://jlu.dk/userfiles/dokumenter/Forfædre%20til%20Jørgen%20Lund%20(200119).pdf
- Snorre Sturlasson: Olav the saint's saga, paragraphs 22, 110, 138, 231, 242; Harald Hardrådes saga, section 33. Cappelen's Norwegian History, Volume 2 and 3. C.M. Munthe: Norwegian badges, NST Volume I (1928), page 341. Mogens Bugge: Our ancestors, no. 797. Bent and Vidar Billing Hansen: Ancestors of the Rosary, page 17, 93.
- Morkinskinna: The Earliest Icelandic Chronicle of the Norwegian Kings (1030 - https://books.google.com/books?id=lrdcDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA543&lpg=PA543&d...
- Snorre, Saga of Olaf Haraldson Part VII, 190.
- Aarbok Romerike Historielag 1956 - https://books.google.com/books?id=43HN7vNWddgC&pg=PA44&lpg=PA44&dq=...
Arne Lagi “The Short” Giske's Timeline
1035 |
Giske Møre og Romsdal, Norway
1055 |
Gudøy or Blindheim, Sunnmøre, Norway
1070 |
Huk, Norway
???? |
Blindheim, Sunnmøre, Norway